Chapter Six: Part Eight; Shoto & Ida V.s Aizawa

We shift over to Shoto and Iida walking down a street in between a park and some office buildings on their assigned battleground. They saw what seemed to be some tennis courts surrounded by some baseball fields and decided that this would be the best place to set a trap for a plan. They make their way to the tennis court and Shoto begins melting a hole into one side of the fence. Once Shoto was done Iida kicked it down so neither of them would get burned. Iida then pulled up the court nets with the help of shoto and spread tom over the top of the court making a capture net. They then went over to the baseball fields and took off the fencing for the dugouts and put them on the sides of the tennis court fence. Once they had finished putting the extra fence on the sides Shoto went inside to be sure no light was able to get in and no one could see inside with Iidas help. Shoto then made ice spikes below the net just in case their opponent tries to escape. "Todoroki! I'm going to scout around! Can you finish the final touches?" exclaimed Iida. "Yeah!" replied Shoto as Iida ran off. Shoto then finishes the trap by making a specific hole he can jump through just in case of a chase. Iida then comes running back yelling, "It's Mr.Aizawa!". Shoto uses his ice and fire to quickly get to Iida. "I'll lure him into the trap. Just go back and try to keep him at bay while I make some obstacles." said Shoto. "Alright. Just be ready when I get back." said Iida. "Will do," replied Shoto. Iida then ran back into the direction he came and was met by Aizawa at a street corner where Shoto could slightly see where they were fighting. Once shoto had everything in place he told iida to full send it outta there. Iida heard Shoto and sped outta there and out of sight. Shoto then locked eyes with Aizawa and he stood there while waiting for him to arrive. Once Aizawa arrived, Shoto then turned around while dodging all the obstacles he  made and jumped through the safe hole in the trap. After he jumped through, he sealed the safe hole by pulling a rope. Aizawa then jumped in without thinking and got tangled in the net. He was about to cut it with his tanto blade but saw the ice spikes below and admitted defeat. Shoto then called Iida back and when he arrived Shoto asked him to kick the ice down. Once that was done Aizawa then cut himself out with his tanto blade and landed safely congratulating Shoto and Iida on their victory. The three of them walked back to the Viewing room and Shoto was met by Nezu holding up a black and purple slip of paper to him. Shoto took it and asked what it was for. "Well it's admission for the final match of course! And congratulations on your victory! Also over there is the refreshment area where all the others that are going to the final match are." explained Nezu. Shoto nods and walks over and into the room.