Chapter Eleven : Training camp,Boat project

The group went ahead and were on their way to training camp. Of course Xero made a private jet that has the bigger on the inside thing. We waited two hours before we got to the camp and met the Pussy Cats. While the group was waiting, Jeffery and Roger made their way to Ace's ship  "You ready, cause once we set sail there's no going back" Ace says with a serious look on his face. "If we weren't ready we wouldn't be here," Jeff says as he and Roger make their way onto the ship. After a few minutes the ship starts to move and Ace walks them around the ship, "So these will be your rooms. You can put your stuff in there and I suggest you change into more battle-ready clothes because your training starts as soon as you do" Ace says to the boys as they look at each other and fistbump. "I bet you 100 yen I can learn it faster than you" Roger says as he goes into his room to change. "Like hell you will" Jeff says as he goes into his room to change as well. In Roger's room, Roger tried to figure out what other FullBottles he can use to make a Best Match. He pulled out his Pandora Box to pick a Best Match. He came across the Phoenix bottle and the Robo bottle. He put the bottles in his Driver. "PHOENIX! ROBO! BEST MATCH!!" said the Build Driver. "Best Match? Let's Go!!" said Roger. He then said," I'm switching. I like how it's the best match, but I'll save it's power for later. I'ma have to go with RabbitTank Sparkling.'' Roger said as Jeff overheard this form the other room could only wonder what was happening in there. "I'm not going to question that, time to get started," Jeff said as he opened the travel bag Aizawa and Jirou packed for him. It was filled with      essentials,shampoos,bandages,and a picture of them,along with his sword and updated hero outfit. "Aww you guys," Jeff thought to himself as he got changed into his updated suit which came with a better sword sheath for his sword,a sleeker more stealthy capture scarf, Schizo medicine to suppress the joker courtesy of Xero, and Iron sole boots for extra damage when using kicks courtesy of Izuku, and a note in the pocket of the suit "You better come back in one piece. Love, Class 1-A" The note said as Jeff read this trying not to tear up. "I really came across some amazing friends didn't I," Jeff thinks to himself as he wipes the tears from his eyes. Just then, there was a knock at his door. "Who is it?" asked Jeff. "It's Roger. Are you alright in there?" asked Roger. "Yeah. Is it time?" asked Jeff. "You know it is. Let's go," said Roger. Cutting back to class 1-A  they made it to the site and as they all converged to where the pussy cats were they found out that they were on a ledge of a clift leading to the forest that the pussycats said will lead them to the camp. Maddix noticed something was off but before he could do anything the cliff side had already collapsed and they were falling. "How is this going to help us train in any way!" Mina yelled as Maddix,Xero, and Bakugou caught everyone before they hit the ground. "Well that wasn't fun" Izuku mumbled under his breath before looking up to see rock and clay figures up ahead "To make it to the camp you'll have to show that you actually will put in the work here, Were not here to babysit highschoolers,were here to train the next generations of heroes" The leader of the pussy cats said as everyone except Xero and Maddix prepared themselves to fight "I'm going to take a nap, See you inside" Xero said as she teleports inside of the camp. Seeing this Maddix Transformed into his tempest wolf form to blitz past all of the creatures and make it to the camp leaving a bright blue streak of light "Fine, More for me to explode into pieces" Bakugou says as his hand start crackling "You have a point there,we haven't had a fight where life or death was on the line for a while now so lets do it" Izuku says as he activates his full cowling at 15% "They're right and i've been dying to use this new power i got from the awakening drug" Jirou says as she runs head first into the battle. The rest of the class follows their lead as they all rush at the clay and rock monsters "Texas Smash" Izuku yells as he comes flying in kicking through five rock monsters but is stopped when a clay monster grabs his leg. "Chain Explosion," Bakugou yells as the clay monster that was holding onto Izuku and three others are blown away "Thanks for the assist Kachan" Izuku says as he drops back to the floor. Over near the front of the class Jirou is taking down Rock monsters left and right by using powerful sound blasts from her hand "This feels amazing,I have an idea" Jirou says as she takes a deep breath and uses a sonic screech from her mouth cracking and destroying all of the rock and clay monsters as well as scaring all the birds and causing the entire class to drop from the pain in their ears "oops,Sorry guys, i got carried away there" Jirou says. Over with Maddix in his tempest wolf form is eating all the crates of coffee beans when he hears a loud screech that hurts so bad it forces him back into his human form. "Ahh my ears,also why am i covered in coffee beans" Maddix says as Xero stops recording him "And send" Xero says as she sends the video to Tsu. "Really Xero, you had to do that!" Maddix said as he cleaned himself up. Maddix saw that there was still a container of coffee beans and he roasted them with lightning and ate them. "Not bad in my human form, just very bitter" Maddix says as he throws a few beans at Xero. We then cut back to Roger and Jeff as they are in the midst of a training session with Ace "Armament haki is forged through battles so while battling me you have to focus on putting a coat of armor on your arms, it's going to very difficult but once you achieve it you'll never forget the feeling" Ace says to Jeff as he is dodging attacks from Roger "And as for you, I want you to focus on dodging and predicting my next attack while focusing your spirit energy to your brain and eyes, you'll know when you activate it" Ace says to roger as he punches him in the stomach. The two boys jump back as they try out what he says "How do you even use your spirit energy" the boys ask, "When you focus on that specific part of the body try shifting all of your energy there without spending or moving a muscle,once you have that down then try it while fighting" ace says as he hands the boys water and towels "Focus on that part of the body you say" Jeff says as he sits down on the ground and closes his eyes, he then imagines his arms as he can feel the blood flowing through them. "I think i got it now,all i have to do is just mimic the flow of blood in my arms to my spirit energy" Jeff says excitedly, "That's one way to go about it,i learned it by using my flames and how they would ignite my arms when i'd use them and then i tried igniting it but with spirit energy and loh and behold my arm was like this" Ace says as he activates his haki. Ace then looks over at Roger as he's applying the same thing but to his eyes and brain. "Looks like you guys are starting to get the hang of this." Ace says as he goes up to the main deck to relax.