Chapter Twelve: Upgrades and New Schedule

Ughhh," the class grumbled as they had to walk over an hour to get to the campsite where they met Aizawa,Xero,and Maddix as they were already in the site and done with all the room preparations that needed to be done for the students. After the students got there, they settled into their rooms and got cleaned up. When they came outside for dinner they saw a shelter with stone cut ovens and a long set of picnic tables with ingredients on them. They walked over to the tables of what they thought was served food but soon realized that it was just the ingredients. Mandalay then walked up to the group of students. "You will have to make your food!" said Mandalay as she pointed at the ovens and the ingredients. Xero motioned Maddix, Momo and Tsu over. When they got up to her they all asked what she called them over for. "I know that we're supposed to cook for ourselves but..I want to cook for you three," said Xero. The triage looked at Xero confused. "Why?" asked Maddix. "Well. since we'll be family and all. I am the only one who hasn't cooked yet. Not saying I haven't cooked at all…" replied Xero with a smile. "If you cook as good as you look then I'll definitely eat it." murmured Momo under her breath. Maddix heard it and looked at her and laughed a little. Over with Jirou, She heard her phone ringing and saw it was a call from Jeff, she quickly ran over to it as she hadn't heard from him the entire day "Hey how are you? I missed you so much. I have so much to tell you" Jirou said excitedly, "Woah, slow down there speed racer. I'm doing great, I just got through the first day of training and Roger and I are celebrating this by eating this giant piece of steak Ace's crew cooked up for us" Jeff said as he and Jirou began to talk for a while, "Hey, Jiro, you coming? Xero's making food over here" Hagakure said as Jirou poked her head out "I gotta go, Love you" Jirou said as she cut off the phone. "Jirou, huh?" asked Roger. "Yeah," said Jeff. "Speaking of which. I got something to tell you," said Roger. "I'm listening," said Jeff. "Before we left, I actually got Hagakure's number. I'll call her to tell her how I feel," said Roger. "Ok. Good Luck," said Jeff. Roger pulled out his phone and called Hagakure. "Mm. Hold on Jirou. Hello?" said Hagakure. "Hey. It's Roger," said Roger. "Hey. How are you doing?" asked Hagakure. "Good. Um, there is something I want to tell you," said Roger. "Ok," said Hagakure. "When I first saw you, I thought you were cute. I know we've been friends for a while, but I want to take this friendship to another level. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" asked Roger. "Yes, dummy, although I don't know why you're asking me again, " said Hagakure. "Sorry babe. I have short-term Memory loss after being hit in the head so many times in battle." said Roger. "It's alright, babe. Hey, have you talked to Jeff yet?" asked Hagakure. "Yeah. He's right here," said Roger. "Come on, Hagakure. Hurry up,' said Jirou. "Okay. I gotta go. Love you," said Hagakure. "Okay. Love you too," said Roger. "How'd it go?" asked Jeff. "Your boy got his first girl," said Roger. "Nice man but didn't you already ask her out?" asked Jeff. "I did. I have short-term Memory loss," said Roger. "Okay," said Jeff as they started eating. The next day Jeff and Roger were woken up by Ace knocking on their doors " Wakey Wakey, eggs,and haki training" Ace yelled as they both got and got changed as they were greeted with by the Ace leading them downstairs to the training bay "Today is the day you activate your haki" Ace says as Jeff looks at him likes he's stupid. "It's only the second day" Jeff says "The first week is to get you to activate it,the rest of the time is to master,and strengthen it" Ace says as prepares to fight the two boys.