Chapter Thirteen: New Achievements, Old faces

We cut over to class 1-A as they are woken up by the Pussy Cats ``Rise and Shine,it's time to train,'' The Pussy Cats said as the students begrudgingly walked out of their rooms "Can you be a little quieter,not everyone is a morning person" Denki said as walked to go make himself some breakfast, "Stop right there,you guys will eat but first we need to take a roll call" Mandalay said as she begins to take attendance. Around 30 minutes later after she is done everyone lets out a sigh of relief as they thought she would never stop talking,everyone got breakfast and after that they all followed the Pussy Cats the their designated training area "Here is where you will be training not only your quirks but your physical body as well, You may have a quirk like All mights but if you have no actual strength to back it up then it's useless" Mandalay said as she told everyone what they would be doing for the time they are there "Todoroki,Bakugou, you will be over there in those barrels of boiling water" Mandalay said as she pointed to the yellow barrels "Uh,and you're sure we won't die in there" Bakugou says to mandalay as she confirms that they are perfectly safe. Bakugou and Todoroki then walk over there as another one of the pussy cats follow them "Ida I want you to do as many laps around the campsite until sundown" Mandalay said as Ida warmed up his leg engines as he began running around the campsite "Izuku, Tokoyami, Xero, Sato, Sero, Denki And Minoru you will be with Aizawa doing hand to hand combat training. Xero will be there in case Aizawa has too many students" Mandalay said as Aizawa led them to their spot. "And as for the ladies you will be with Pixie-Bob doing physical training and quirk training, i've noticed you are lacking in that area so until you show signs of improvement you are forbidden to use your quirks on this site," Mandalay said as she went to supervise the ladies that went with Pixie-Bob. We then cut back Jeff and Roger facing off against Ace. "You two seem more in sync today. It's almost as if you've fought together for years," Ace says as he dodges every attack they are throwing at him. "Well it's not like we've studied how the other fights,or seen each other fight before," Jeff says sarcastically. Ace then jumps back as he kicks Jeff in the stomach and goes to punch Roger in the face. "Huh, it's almost as if I can see what he's about to do" Roger thinks to himself for a brief moment. His eyes flash red as he dodges Ace's attack and tries to hit him with an attack of his own. Roger tries to punch him but his fist goes right through Ace as he forgot that he has a logia type quirk. "Great job Roger, for a split second there you activated observation haki," Ace says as Jeff goes over there to congratulate him. "Great job man, how did you do it?" Jeff asks as Roger shrugs his shoulders. "I'll tell you how. his brain and eyes subconsciously directed his spiritual energy to his eyes as a flight of fight reaction. Now that has happened, your body is going to remember that feeling. It's now your job to get it again and do it out of free will" Ace says as he helps Roger up.Later that day when Jeff and Roger were relaxing in their rooms they heard a loud crashing noise followed by a screech, they both ran out of their rooms to see what was going on "Great Just what we needed a literal sea monster" Ace says to himself as he gets slung across his ship, The monster then diverse its attention to roger who didn't have his buildriver on him due to training with ace "Oh crap baskets" Roger said as he gets picked up and dragged underwater by the monster. The monster satisfied goes underwater with roger "NO" Jeff yelled as he ran and jumped off of the ship to try and save his friend

, Using everything he had in him at the moment to try and swim to save him but it wasn't enough "I'm not fast enough, I could use my quirk but that take the monster with him" Jeff thinks to himself as he is desperate for a way "More,i need to be stronger,Faster,I need more, More,MORE" Jeffery thought to himself as he felt something in his legs. His legs began to harden and turn black as he begins to swim faster,fast enough to catch up with monster that grabbed Roger, As he got eye level with the monster he felt the same feeling he felt before in his arms as they hardened and turned black in front of his very eyes, Jeff then punched the monster in it's eye forcing it to let go of Roger. Jeff notices this grabbed Roger and uses his gravity to fly up back onto the ship. "Come on you heavy bastard" Jeffery says as he puts him on the deck. "He isn't breathing, you might want to do something about that" Ace says as Jeff uses his haki infused fists and slams it into Roger's chest making him cough out all the water in his lungs making him able to breathe again. "Holy crap,Wow,Thanks man,I owe you my life," Roger said as he sat up. "Hey why are your arms black?" Roger asks Jeffery "That's my skin Roger,we're both black" Jeffery says while facepalming. "Ah,what the,oh that's what you meant, I noticed that while i was going to get you,i felt desperate and scared that i wouldn't be able to to save you and my legs and arms felt weird and suddenly i was able to rescue you,i guess it was this" Jeffery says to Roger as he sits down "You activated it out of necessity, your body's flight or fight senses kicked in and diverted your spiritual energy to your arms and legs." Ace says to Jef as he begins to dry up all the water that got on the deck with his flames "Now that step one is out of the way, we can start the real training, also we have to stop at this island to get some equipment for my crew" Ace says to the boys as the go to the front of the ship to see a large island with a bunch of shops and stores,"And get you a new sword since the one you currently have is all chipped up and dull at this point." Ace said while walking and looking around. "Hey Jeff, Look at that," said Roger. "It's a sword store with different styles of swords, all with different blades" Roger said to Jeff as the two boys hopped off of the ship to walk toward the store. As the two boys get to the store, Jeff sees a sword that catches his eyes. "Hey sir, if you don't mind me asking what's that blade there right over in the back?" Jeff asks the store clerk. "That's the Nidai Kitetsu. It's not for sale, it's cursed, no good, every person that used this sword ended up dying at the hands of it" The store clerk said as he tried to explain this to Jeff.  "I'll take it. Plus i'll show this sword who's boss" Jeff exclaimed. "You're an idiot Jeff. He just said it's not for sale," said Roger as he's trying to pull Jeff away from the store clerk. "Fine if you want it so bad then here, throw it up in the air and see if it slices your arm off. Legend says that this sword has a will of its own and chooses who wields it" The store clerk said with a smug and worried look as he handed Jeff the unsheathed sword. Jeff grabbing the sword throws it up in the air and sticks his arm out. As the sword came back down, the sword went around his arm, not cutting it off, landing in the ground. "As i said before, I'll take it" Jeff said. "Okay. Take it. It's yours. No money," said the surprised clerk. "Also take this one too. it's a rare sword and i want you to have it since you're a worthy swordsman" Said the store clerk as he handed Jeff the Yubashiri and the sheath for the Nidai Kitetsu. "Also, I got to ask. How much is the yellow and purple sword out there?" asked Roger. "Try it first," said the clerk. Roger grabbed the sword and cut his hand. "Why?" asked Jeff. "To test it's sharpness. And I like it. I'll take it," said Roger. "Also free since you're with him," said the clerk.  "Ok. Thanks" Roger says to the store clerk as he and Jeff walk around the island to explore a bit. We cut to the league of villains as Shigaraki is greeted with two new faces "Shiggy,my boy,I got you two new recruits,don't be shy introduce yourself you two" A man in a plaid suit said as two people walked out "Yo,The name is Dabi" Dabi said as he then introduced his colleague. "And the short girl next to me is Himiko Toga," Dabi said as he pointed to the girl next to him. "Hey,I'm not that short" Toga said as she started arguing with Dabi "Your not even up to my shoulder,you are short" Dabi responded as they started arguing "These clowns are supposed to be my subordinates" Shigariki said out loud as he dismissed them "Coming from the walking zombie with a hand fetish" Dabi says to Shigaraki as he takes the hand off of his face "What did you call me you edgy bastard" Shigaraki said as he goes to grab and try to decay him Dabi noticing this Ignites his hand in blue flames as Toga pulls out a dagger and tries to stab Shigaraki when Kurogiri creates a portal between them so that nobody gets hurt "If your going to fight take it outside, I just got done cleaning so if you make a mess i'll teleport you to the edge of the earth got it?" Kurogiri said in a serious tone. "Anyways,I need you two to round up some more villains so we can take down those U.A brats. They are currently on a training camp with the Wild Wild Pussy Cats, it's a weird name, yes, I know, but if you can round up some villains, Kurogiri can teleport you there and back, and we're also going to take a hostage, Katsuki Bakugou. If you take him and kill a few heroes then you'll get my respect," Shigaraki said to the two as they nodded and went out to find more villains.