Chapter Fourteen: New training,New gadgets

We pan over to Maddix who just woke up and headed outside and saw everyone training. "Why the hell did no one wake me up!" Maddix said as he tried to get coffee but he remembered he ate all the coffee beans. "Great, now I have to ask Xero for coffee but it won't be the same," Maddix said as he walked over to Xero. "Hey Xero, why did no one wake me up?" Maddix asked as he heard a lot of grunting from all the groups around camp. "I decided that you don't need any training, well at least from here. You have a lot more experience then anyone here, except me but you definitely killed a lot more than me. So I'm thinking of making you an assistant teacher for a bit here, " Xero said as she made a cup of coffee appear in Maddixs' hand. "Thanks, so what am I supposed to teach?" Maddix asks as he takes a sip of the coffee and it is very good. I guess it has to be when all she had to do was think of good coffee to make it. "I want you to help them resist blood lust and see what you can do to train them for their quirks" Xero said as she made tea for herself and drank it. Xero didn't know much about bloodlust to teach it but she thought if someone who killed hundreds, maybe thousands can teach them how to resist it. "I can teach a trick to resist a little bloodlust but I can not teach them to resist enough bloodlust for them to turn the tides. Bloodlust is something that people earn through killing so none of the students can make enough bloodlust to scare a mouse. But I can try" Maddix says as he drank the rest of his coffee and Xero called everyone here. Xero explained that Maddix was going to help train them. "Why should a coward who ran through the forest without killing any monsters teach us who did!" Bakago screamed. "It's very simple to fight, it's also a quick way to die. They said to get to camp in 5 hours which for me taking a light stroll I would have been there in 15 minutes but I wanted to see you guys fight for a bit. My moto is alway get done as fast as possible so I learned to listen for loopholes in what other people say. They did not say fight monsters, they just said get to camp. Anyway the point is you are way too quick to lose your temper Bakago" Maddix said. "So what will you teach us?" Izuku asked while taking a small notebook from god knows where. "I will be teaching you guys and girls a trick to resist bloodlust from a villain who killed forty people." Maddix responded. "What exactly is bloodlust?" Momo asks. "Bloodlust is kinda complicated to explain but it is basically a spiritual pressure earned through killing intentionally. And it has to be humans they killed because it weighs a lot more than an animal or monster's death. The more people they kill the stronger the bloodlust." Maddix explained. "So how many have you killed?" Bakago asks. "Much more than I should have. In America there are more people who want to go against the law and use their quirks for greed. More people become murderers or kidnapers. Since I was one who had the power to help I did but there were quite a few of them that I had to kill. Anyway the trick to overcoming bloodlust from someone who killed 40 people intentionally as their bloodlust is really weak. The trick is to think of something very happy. Like a loved one or a happy moment. This distracts the brain from having the parts of it that control fear being triggered. Now I will do it all to you but not at full power, as I said only comparable to someone who killed 40 people." Maddix said as he used it. All the students Maddix was looking at fell to their knees. Some of them tried to get up but failed while others tried to stabilize themselves. Maddix saw Tsu stand up while looking directly at him. This impressed Maddix as if you stare directly into someone who has blood lust the pressure is increased. Momo did the same but was looking at Xero. "So love is the easiest way to overcome bloodlust" Maddix said as he himself learned something new. Maddix canceled his bloodlust and everyone took in heavy breaths as they can now breath normally. Maddix walked off as they needed time to recover. Spiritual pressure is no joke. Tsu walked up to him and asked Maddix "Did you really kill people back in America?". "Yes, I have killed a lot of people but I also tried to save more than the people I kill. The line between good and bad is very often blurred. I won't force you to stay with me if you don't want to. You have every right to be as happy as anyone in here. Just some of us chose different paths." Maddix said as Tsu hugged him. "I never said I will leave you, you are my boyfriend now and I fell for you. When I did, I told myself that I would accept your past and help lead you to a brighter future. A future with me and with a lot of friends. You must have done what you did with reason or Xero wouldn't be your foster father or mother. Trust me Maddix that I will never leave you" Tsu said, hugging Maddix tighter. Maddix thought to himself he was lucky to have Tsu as his girlfriend. He also thought why she was breaking his bones as he heard cracks coming from him. This did not mean that it was easy to break a few bones from Maddix as he was quite physically strong without help from his quirk but Tsu is getting stronger, enough to break Maddixs' bones while his powers are deactivated. As to why his powers were deactivated, it was mostly because he was hung over by coffee. When Tsu let him go Maddix reactivated his quirk and started to mend his bones back together. Tsu left to go back to her training as Xero teleports behind Maddix and hits him in the head with rolled up paper. "Ow, what is with you and hitting me with paper!" Maddix said as he covered his head. "It's just funny to see how you react. Anyway I got you packages but one of them seemed to be materials for something, mind if you tell me what you are planning to make?" Xero asked as she was drinking more tea. "It's a mask that prevents anything other than air from going into my lungs, I thought of it when fighting Midnight as I can shut off other senses but I need to breathe to live," Maddix said as Xero gave him the package. "Why don't you just move the air particles with your quirk?" Xero asked because with Maddixs' quirk it seems he can do anything in the realm of reality. "It is much harder to do that than moving light particles because it has a lot more variables affecting it like wind. Also I wanted to work on my suit." Maddix replied. "Hm, you know you could've asked me for one of my thousands of masks. They keep out things like radiation, atom sized dust particles, debris, and pretty much anything that doesn't have to do with fresh air. So right now I have probably the best lung structure to exist. Wanna try one for a bit before deciding?" asked Xero as she took a sip of tea that appeared out of nowhere. " I want to make my own so I have a personal look and touch with it. Thanks for offering but you can make anything as long as you can imagine it right?" Maddix asks while getting an idea. "No problem, but before I answer your question. Do you want the blueprints for the mask I have? It took me a while to make. Plus you can still put your personal touch on it. And yes, to your question. I can create anything I can imagine. It's in the name." said Xero, now eating a bowl of chicken flavored ramen noodles. "I will take the blueprints though I don't really need them because I know how to make practically anything that can really be made if I have the materials. But I request a weapon with 4 forms. A sword form, a scythe form, a gun form, and a spear form. It must be able to conduct energy and store some within itself. I would also like it to be binded to my soul. And if you can, can you make its default form into a ring of your choice" Maddix requests of Xero. "While you were rambling on, I looked into the future and had it done before you finished. So look at your hand that you somehow didn't realize there was a ring of a wolf with a ruby in one eye and a sapphire in the other." replied Xero who had just finished her ramen. Maddix looked at his hand and saw a very cool ring. He thought of its spear form and it turned into a 3 meter long black spear. "By the way, I know you didn't ask for this but. I made it so the ruby and sapphire coils up to the point of each weapon so that it can release a thin laser of your energy. And by the way, don't worry about energy consumption. But anyway, save the scythe for last..i may have made it a surprise." said Xero. Maddix surged energy in the spear and saw lightning coiling around it. Maddix made a magnetic field around it and loaded it with a lot of potential energy. Maddix launched it through the forest and it destroyed a lot of trees and went straight through the mountain before it stopped. Maddix recalled it as it flew to his hand at ridiculous speed. Maddix channeled energy to the gems and they began absorbing the energy. It unleashed a laser that cut through the rock next to them very easily, like it was not there at all. Maddix then turned it to sword then gun mode. Both of those forms had a wolf style added to it and looked down right sick, Maddix then turned it into its scythe form to see what Xero was talking about. "Ok so, this may be difficult to do but also it may not be. The original purpose of those gems are to temporarily "separate" you and Reaper into doubles if I may. So the sapphire would be on your side so you'd have only sapphire on your scythe. The ruby would be Reaper's side, so he'd only have Ruby on his scythe. So only if you both agree to it, I'll make an indestructible barrier so nothing bad happens. Like I said. You two don't have to do this if you don't want to. And just so you know it'll cause a small headache that lasts for a few seconds the first time you do it but after that you two can separate from each other whenever you want." said Xero proudly of her secret invention. "Nice, though it would be a problem if someone got ahold of one of us but other than that it was awesome. Thanks." Maddix says as he gave Xero a quick hug and went to buy more coffee. "Hey, I'll go with you! I also wanted to say, because I knew you would say that. If one of you is in trouble all one of you has to do is reverse the polarity on your scythe and then the other person's gem on their scythe glows. So the person who's scythe is glowing can just press a button on the bottom of their scythe to make the captured person turn into "ghost energy" and retract into the not captured person's body. And when you first put the energy into the ring it basically puts an ID lock on it so that no one else can use it. And before you ask, "What if we don't have our scythe?", well it's basically not going to leave your hand unless someone cuts off your hand or if you decide to let it go. And if you do let it go it turns back into a ring on your finger. But as long as you are wearing that ring, you two can separate." said Xero as she jumped onto Maddix's shoulders. "Onward! To the gas station!" exclaimed Xero. Maddix just turned into a slightly smaller than a horse sized wolf and went off with Xero on his back. They were pretty far from the nearest gas station so by the time they had gotten back Xero was passed out from exhaustion. We know why, because she had too much sugar in her tea and it finally kicked in but wore off before they got back. "Fluffy doggy.." said Xero. "Momo! Come here and get Xero to bed. She is grabbing my fur!" Maddix said in his wolf form. How he does that is unknown to even him. Momo woke up from her sleep and heard Maddix out the window. She walked over to and out the door. "Ok, but you're going to have to come inside to drop her. She's a bit heavy and I'm worn out from training." said Momo while motioning Maddix to come inside. They got inside and when Momo was trying to push Xero off, Xero latched onto Maddix's fur like velcro on kids shoes. "If I change back now then Xero might rip my skin off and I am not in the mood to regenerate it. If I shock Xero then she will hit me. I don't know what to do at this point" Maddix said with a sigh. Momo then moved to the other side of the bed and got on next to where Maddix is standing and where Xero is hanging. She wraps her arms around Xero and pokes her ribs activating a nerve making Xero let go but flip over and land on Momo. Maddix changes back and looks at the scene before him. He sees Xero pinning Momo to the bed with dead weight and Momo just laying there accepting her fate. "Cute couple" Maddix says as he jumps out the window to get to his room. Maddix came back to the window and used a magnetic field to pull the handle, closed the door and went back to his room in the attic. Maddix started building his mask.