Chapter 49 - Good Sign

Lauren was standing in front of the mirror in their home in Korea. It has been a week now ever since they got home from Paris and she was so stoked about it. She couldn't forget that night, it was memorable for her, they didn't just do it for one night but thrice already.

Jihye was a horndog and Lauren was teasing her about it. Her wife was just pouting at her and telling her she couldn't just get enough of her because she looks so sexy. Lauren was blushing and telling her that she was born sexy snd hot which Jihye was agreeing and telling that it was all hers. She was just waiting for something...something that she has been wanting.

The bedroom door opened revealing her mother. Lauren turned around to see her mother smiling at her. The CEO was wearing a business outfit the Chanel one and heels. This is the day that she will go back to work well not officially gonna start to work but her parents already wanted her to meet her employees and finally have a tour of her office. Her employees were also waiting for her and this is the time.

"You look so good, Sweetie," Leslie said while Lauren smiled and thanked her "Are you nervous?" She asked while fixing her daughter's collar.

"Yes, but should I be? I'm not gonna start working right?" She asked while fidgeting with her fingers and biting her lips. Leslie chuckled and shook her head since she knew this attitude to her daughter she was nervous and worried that she might do something bad or wrong. She remembers everything when she was still a child whenever she needs to perform in her school she will be fidgeting with her fingers and biting her lip. She's her daughter.

"You're not gonna work instantly but you will just meet your employees and check all the models and the girl group that we debuted. They are looking of meeting you and seeing you again. They wanted to visit you in the hospital but their manager stopped them since paparazzi might follow them since you know your life is private when you get into an accident" Lauren nodded and looked down

"You don't have to worry, everything will be okay," Leslie said caressing her daughter's cheek

"You will be there right?" She asked lowly

"Your father and I will be there and your brother. Jihye will be your escort" Her eyes lit up and smiled. Every time Jihye's name was mentioned she couldn't help but smile and blush because memories kept flooding back in her mind. The night that they spent together is unforgettable "Why is my baby blushing?" Leslie asked teasingly

"Momm" Lauren whined and cover her face using her hands and Leslie chuckled knowing she has an unforgettable night with her wife

"Did you have a good time with her?" The mother asked teasingly again and this time Lauren hugged her mother tightly not wanting to see her blushing face "Oh, I guess you did"

"Moooom, please stop" she whined causing Leslie to laugh and hug her daughter tightly kissing the top of her head "I'm so happy for you darling, you don't even know" Lauren smiled

"Thank you, I'm happy. Thank you for giving me this life"

"You deserve it" the door opened revealing Jihye wearing a formal suit. Lauren pulled out the hug and she smiled when she saw the love of her life standing in the doorway waiting for her.

"Are you both ready?" She asked

Lauren looked at her mother and she nodded, smiling. The CEO walked close to Jihye and the dancer instantly offered her hands to escort her outside the house. The CEO smiled and took her hand's wife walked out from the room and straight to the car where her Dad and brother were there and the bodyguards opened the car door for her.

The ride was silent, Jihye's hand was in her wife's thigh rubbing it using her thumb telling her everything will be okay. Lauren looked at her wife and she smiled while Jihye kissed the top of her head the CEO leaned her head on her wife's shoulder leaning in more to her so she could feel more comfortable.

They finally arrived at the company, Jihye was the one who opened the car door for her and Lauren thank her as she also clung to her. The employees didn't know that their boss was finally here. Leslie and Dowon wanted to surprise them.

There are four bodyguards behind them, they were also looking on a lookout whenever something happens. Once they entered the company all eyes were on them. The receptionist's mouth was hung open and the people were blinking multiple times id they are seeing what was real.

Jihye and Leslie were trying to suppress their laugh but fail, the receptionist instantly went to them and bowed multiple times apologizing that she didn't instantly come to escort them but Leslie told her that it was okay.

"Lauren, I wanted you to meet Maria. She's the receptionist of the company and she's also your escort sometimes whenever you have an important meeting with someone" Leslie explained

"Welcome Back, Mrs. Jeung. It was finally nice to see you" She shuttered while Lauren shook her head. She found her employee so cute that she was already fidgeting her fingers.

"Thank you, Ms. Maria. But... You're a miss right?" Lauren asked shyly as Maria nodded

"Yes," she said smiling, Lauren node and Jihye were smiling at her "How about I gave you all a tour?"

"Please do, Maria. We have to talk to the male trainees to calm their nerves when they saw their boss in an hour" Maria nodded and Leslie turned to her daughter "We will be back alright? Jihye would be with you" she kissed her daughter on the cheek

"Sure, enjoy" she mumbled while she looked at her family left. Maria told them that they will start the tour already and she was happy that she was finally back.

The employees were so shocked seeing her, finally, after two years, their boss is back. They were giving her light hugs and Lauren was loving hugs so she hugged them back. Lauren felt like she was loved by everyone and she knew she found the perfect employees and they were so sweet.

Jihye was also telling her some side stories and the little family that they met when they celebrated their anniversary was surprised to see them. They instantly gave a hug to Lauren and she looked at her wife worriedly probably asking who they are.

Jihye told her the story causing Lauren to look at them sadly but once her wife mentioned that they helped them Lauren's eyes lit up. She didn't know she was that "kind" enough to help them.

They continued the tour and after an hour they ended up meeting the girl group that they debuted, They were mesmerized by their real boss. She was so pretty and Jihye was joking around them saying that they should not look at her wife with hearty eyes. Lauren chuckled knowing how possessive her wife is.

The girls told her about their experience and her parents were just observing her. Probably, proud since even though she has amnesia they still saw the businesswoman and boss Lauren. She was asking the girls if the staff are treating them right if they had some problems with their schedules or the choreographers were hard on them.

Jihye was smiling at her, her wife didn't change at all. She's still the caring bean she is. The girl was honest, there were problems with the choreographer saying that he was too tough so she looked at her wife telling her that she should do something about it.

Jihye can't say no. She's whipped and she knows her wife doesn't want that treatment. Lauren promised that they will do something about it and she will probably visit their promotion. The girls were so happy and they also took a picture with her.

The tour was done and she promised all her employees that she will come back. They went straight home since Lauren was exhausted. Ever since the accident she got tired easily and all she wants to do was lay and relax all day and Jihye doesn't mind at all.

Lauren ended up falling asleep on the couch and Jihye changed her clothes. It was three in the afternoon, after two hours Jayden will be home and the school bus will drop him off. Jihye was wearing an oversized shirt and sweats.

She was reading some papers and sitting across from her wife who was deep asleep. She wanted to be cuddled up with her but she needs to fix some reports and sign some papers. She was reading silently when she heard some commotion in her wife's office. It was like someone was typing. She didn't mind it at first but the typing got louder.

She sigh and stood up kissing her wife's forehead and slowly walking to her office. She sigh and opened the door revealing Ben standing and typing on the keyboard. Her breath hitched and she was nervous. If this was another warning she doesn't know what to do.

If this was another warning she's praying to God that it was not about his wife anymore because she doesn't know what will she do. She can't take it and doesn't want to see her wife hurting and in a state of unconsciousness. It's hurting especially her son begging for her to wake up. She went close to Ben standing in front of him and she saw him smiling while typing looking at the picture of her daughter.


Ben looked up and he smiled.

Is this a good sign?