Lord Sebastian Past!

Lord Sebastian was extremely talented. He was born whole, meaning he came out of his mother's womb with a spiritual core in his body.

He was so popular that one vampire royal wanted to adopt him, bless him with a destiny-changing bite and make him his child! While another wished to groom him and marry him!

Of course, his parents declined!

No sane parent would give their newborn son to vampires!

Lord Sebastian started his training as a spiritualist at the tender age of four. By the time he was 11, he had successfully purified his spiritual core ten times, making his core so sturdy that it became possible for him to condense a mark on it and ascend to the ranks of a Mystic, which meant becoming a Grade-2 Mystic.

On his twelfth birthday, Lord Jonathan gifted him a flame-type flame potion. After consuming it, Lord Sebastian condensed a flame mark on his spiritual core and became a Mystic, the seventh youngest in history.

He became the youngest person in the entire city and the Craig Family to accomplish such a feat!

Even though he had all reasons to be arrogant and prideful, he treated everyone with kindness and joy. Sharing was caring, and he shared everything with her and his other cousin. Helping them out was also pretty casual for him. Everyone also liked him a lot.

However, Lord Jonathan and his wife died when he was twelve. Everyone revealed their true selves, took away most of his inheritance, and when his spiritual core started deteriorating all of a sudden, they distanced themselves from him.

Victoria saw all of that happening from the black line, and with fists clenched so tight that her nails pierced into her skin, she promised herself that she would do everything in her power to become strong, become someone important to the Craig household, then use her power and authority to help her lord in every way she could.

Resources she was willing to give him!

Opportunities; she would offer even a life-changing one to him without blinking an eye.

Standing up for him when he gets bullied by others, she just did that!

"Why should we listen to you? You're not even a Craig!" Jake shouted out.

"Enough! Show some dignity as a Craig!" Evan Craig looked at the group of youngsters ferociously.

Pin-drop silence!

The jeers and taunts raining down on Lord Sebastian came to a sudden stop.

Evan turned to inspector Daniel and said, "I am sorry to let you see such a disgraceful show."

"I don't mind. Jake and the others are at the age of being loud and arguing aggressively." Inspector Daniel laughed it off.

Meanwhile, Lord Sebastian looked at the girl he had raised himself with gentle eyes.

"Thank you." He was thankful that at least someone remembered how good he had been to them and stood up for his sake.

He didn't say those words out loud and only moved his lips.

However, Victoria, who was attentive to each of his actions, managed to read the movement of his lips.

Victoria's gray eyes widened; unbound happiness filled her heart.

'Gosh, is this a dream, or did my lord really thank me?!'

'Ah, I'm so happy that I won't regret it even if I die!'

'My lord is so handsome when he slightly moves his lips, ah! My eyes just got blessed with the most beautiful sight in the universe!'

Victoria replayed the moving of her lord's lips in her mind a thousand times, and her dark cheeks with many black lines on them blushed a little. But her skin was so dark that no one noticed she was blushing!

Inspector Daniel turned around and said a few words of encouragement to Lord Sebastian, saying how having no talent for being a spiritualist didn't mean the end of the world. He could always choose a different path to success.

Lord Sebastian thanked him, turned around, and walked away from the hall's center, stopping once he reached a corner.

Instead of leaving the main hall, he stood in the dark and reclined his tired back against the wall as he wanted to see who would get the cloud recommendation letter his father had so carefully prepared for him as a birthday gift.

It didn't take long for Daniel to gouge the potential of the younger generation of the Craig household. Most were fifth-grade spiritualists. Some had reached the fourth grade. Only Victoria Craig surprised inspector Daniel because she already had a mark on her spiritual core, meaning she had overstepped the first three grades of a spiritualist and entered the Grade-2, gaining the right to refer to herself as a Mystic!!

Every one of Sebastian's cousins was jealous of Victoria. It was hard for them to see that an ugly duck who no one would ever show interest in was better than them in the spiritual field.

Inspector Daniel, though, wanted to bring such a talented girl to the planet overseeing tower!

One shouldn't waste time when doing good things!

He hurriedly turned towards the group of older men that mainly composed of Sebastian's uncles and his fraternal grandfather and asked, "I will be giving the recommendation letter to Victoria Craig. Does anyone have any objections?!"

Some of them had objections. They didn't want the precious letter to end up in Victoria's hand. They felt that way because of many reasons.

The first was she was not a Craig, but an outsider, who Jonathan and his wife picked up from the streets. A street urchin of unknown origins, that was what Victoria was.

The second was that Victoria was too ugly. She had charcoal-like skin. Small eyes that made others feel would poison them if they looked at them for more than a couple of seconds. The only thing good about her was her figure, but her face was too disgusting. It had black lines on it. A tiny mouth, a big nose, and no eyebrows, her face didn't sit well with their taste.

The last was that they didn't want her to represent the Craig family. They wanted their sons and daughters, their flesh and blood, to do that!

Before anyone could voice out their objection, Lord Sebastian's grandfather, Evan Craig, moved his lips and uttered, "Sir Daniel, please do not hesitate to do the honor."

For Evan, the only thing that mattered was talent and how useful a person can be for his Craig Household.

Blood and looks didn't matter to him at all.

His grandsons and granddaughters weren't as good as his adoptive granddaughter, so he didn't mind giving up the huge opportunity of joining the planet overseeing tower to the latter.

The faces of Lord Sebastian's eldest and second uncles turned ashen, looking extremely ugly.

Evan was the city lord, so his words were final.

They couldn't do anything to change it!

"Spiritualist Victoria, I congratulate you for becoming the owner of the recommendations letter!" Inspector Daniel joyfully exclaimed as he handed the letter over to Victoria.

"Thank you, Inspector Daniel," Victoria said.

"Just call me Sir or by name, as we are both Mystics." Daniel's words were valid. She didn't need to be formal with him. What surprised her the most was that he had no reaction facing her ugliness. Usually, a person would evade looking at her face. However, he didn't bat an eye. It's because Spiritualist Daniel had seen much worse. "Take this letter to the planet overseeing tower, and you will immediately become a first-year student there."

"I understand, but may I ask a question?" She said, and her voice sounded so sweet to the listeners' ears that they almost mistook it for sugar.

"Go on," Daniel said with a kind-hearted smile.

"Can I hand it over to someone else?" She asked while showing Spiritualist Daniel the letter.

Although taken aback by her words so much that his eyebrow arched in shock, he still gave her an appropriate answer.

"It's up to you."

The recommendation letter belonged to her, and as it was her property, she could even sell it to make a profit!

"Then, I want to give it away to Lord Sebastian."