Choices I

"Then, I want to give it away to Lord Sebastian," Victoria said with an adamant look.

Simply Shocking!

Everyone received a shock of their life. Some thought that their ears were fooling them as they couldn't believe that she was willing to give her future to a waste.

Some people felt so shocked that their eyes widened like saucers and their jaws opened so much that they threatened to drop to touch the ground. Some blinked not once but thrice. Some rubbed their eyes and pinched their flesh, thinking they were in a ridiculous dream.

Inspector Daniel wasn't as responsive as the others, and looking at his surroundings, he believed that the Craig family seriously knew how to express emotions, far better than him!

"Did you just hear? She wants to hand over her glorious future to Lord Sebastian, who isn't even a spiritualist!"

"Is this some kind of joke, a prank to make a fool out of us?"

"I don't think Victoria is the type to joke."

"Yeah, I have never heard her saying things without actually meaning them."

"B-but giving it to Lord Sebastian, that will be a waste of the opportunity earned by Lord Jonathan."

'What is she doing?' Sebastian was the one most surprised by these shocking turns of events.

Was this the luck directed towards his way by the leaves of luck?

If so, he definitely didn't want this!

Why would he snatch something so precious away from his little pumpkin?

He would never do that!


The sound of something breaking echoed in the hall, and everyone turned towards that place.

Miles Craig was so angry that he slammed his right hand on the table, causing it to break into two and his hand to bleed.

"Victoria, take that back this instance! You can't joke about this matter so casually." Miles Craig said.

Victoria glanced at him and looked away but not before saying, "I'm not joking."

She never liked this uncle of her as he was always scheming against her Lord Sebastian and trying to undermine him.


Miles Craig couldn't do a thing to her as City Lord Evan Craig interfered in this matter.

"Sit down," Evan said to his eldest son, Miles.

"As you say, grandfather." Miles sat down on his seat with a belly full of anger.

"Grandfather, can I?" Victoria blinked her eyes at City Lord Evan.

A rare smile appeared on Evan's face when he looked at her.

"Do as you like." He said.

"Thank you, grandfather." She replied with a smile.

Victoria turned to look at the man standing all alone at the corner of the hall.

Although he was sickly, she still found him handsome, just like how he always has been in her heart.

Lord Sebastian looked back at her.

Her eyes conveyed her feelings to him.

He knew what she was thinking, but he wasn't going to destroy her future just to enter the cloud tower to search for a cure that had a high chance of not even being there.

He walked up to her, gently grabbed her by the shoulders, and said, "Little dumpling, I want you to shine in my stead. Don't waste your time here; take flight and enter the cloud tower. Go, realize your potential, show the people there how dazzling you are, and protect the people from the evil spirits."

Feeling his touch on her made Victoria emotional, and hearing his kind-hearted words made them overflow out of her heart.

"Lord, there might be a cure for your illness in the tower overseeing our planet." Victoria said with tears in her eyes, "Why don't you give it a try?"

Earth was one of the many worlds ruled by the human race and the vampire race. Earth and the other planets were getting invaded by the Spirit Realm. Intending to save their territory from getting stolen by the Evil Spirit, humans and vampires established Planet Overseeing Towers on all its planets, including Earth. The tower had the task of detecting anomalies and protecting the world from the invasion of the spirit realm.

The job of the tower's spiritualists, inquisitors, and inspectors was to look out for the presence of evil spirits, which harm and feast on humans. The moment the appearance of an evil spirit gets confirmed, they need to catch up to the evil spirits and hunt them down before they harm the citizens.

As the tower had many powerful spiritualists and was a place of endless knowledge and resources, it had managed to protect the people and provide a safe and peaceful life to them till this day!

There was occasional misfortune news, but there were not too many.

Victoria believed that there was a chance that Lord Sebastian might find a cure to his illness that left him broken there.

Lord Sebastian wiped her tears away because she looked beautiful with a smile, not tears on her face. "This opportunity is too big to waste on a mere possibility."

He wasn't going to change his decision, and she didn't want to force it on him either.

Victoria grabbed her Lord's warm hands and said, "I will do my best in the cloud tower, search for a cure, and come to meet you whenever I have free time."

"Don't bother yourself with those things; just focus on doing your best in the academy and learn how to deal with evil spirits, or else, I will scold you," Sebastian said while caressing her cheeks with his thumbs.

It was his birthday gift that he was giving her.

If she didn't put it to good use, he was bound to get angry and scold her!

"Hmm-mph, I will listen to your words," she nodded into his hands.

The two only had each other in their eyes.

The aroma of familial love overdosed the air.

Everyone around them ate dog food!