Truth & Lies!

It has been a week since Victoria had left for the planet overseeing tower a week ago. Lord Sebastian had spent these seven days doing what he usually does, and that was burying himself in the library and reading one book after another to search for a cure to his situation.

He had read over a hundred books in three years but hadn't found a cure.

However, he was not willing to give up.

Currently, he was reading a book on the workings of the spiritual core and the reasons it could get harmed or shatter into pieces, hoping to find something useful.

He had only turned the page when someone knocked on the door.

"Master, may I come inside?"

There were only two people in this big house, him and his servant.

Who could it be if not Isiah?

"You may enter." Lord Sebastian said loud enough to let the person behind the door hear his words.

"My lord, please excuse my intrusion."

The door opened, and in came Isiah.

He stepped up to the desk to stand before Lord Sebastian and lowered his eyes, causing his pong eyelashes to cast a shadow below his eyes.

Lord Sebastian felt that something was wrong. He placed his book on the table and turned to Isiah, who was standing next to the table like a puppet with no ability to move or talk.

"If you have something to say, then stop hesitating." He said to Isiah.

Isiah didn't want to say this, but he had no choice. "My Lord, the Craig household tournament is coming up soon. If you lose all your matches, City Master will use it as an excuse to deport you to a waste planet."

The tournament had many tasks that all of the young blood of the Craig had to complete. After that, they would participate in 1vs1 battles. The one with the most wins will get crowned the winner. He will get the most resources for the next five years. The one who performs the worst will get deported to a waste planet with little to no spiritual energy and resources. Lord Sebastian didn't have any spiritual energy. How could he fight against a spiritualist with his mortal body?! It was clear that he would perform the worst this year and get deported!

A frown appeared on Sebastian's sickly, pale face.

Things were moving faster than he thought.

The tournament usually happens at the end of the year, but now it was going to begin before that!

"I already expected that." He said to Isiah.

Lord Sebastian didn't think twice whether the talk about him getting deported was true or not.

He didn't need to as he knew that every family deported their troublemakers and wastrel to waste planets so that they could live the rest of their self-indulgent, luxurious, lustful, and salted fish life there without bringing any trouble to their household.

He did, however, ponder over how much of Isiah's words were true and how much was false.

Lord Sebastian was born innocent, but growing up in a house full of schemes and getting targeted by them, again and again, had made him wise.

If his suspicion was correct, it was not his grandfather who said those words.

Instead, it must be his Eldest Uncle Miles that was planning on deporting him.

If that was true, Lord Sebastian was sure this Uncle of his must have also directed his servant to put the blame on his grandfather so that he would dislike his fraternal grandfather more, which would eventually lead to the widening of the bridge between them.

'Uncles Miles sure is doing his best to cut me off from the family. Why is he going so far as to deal with me and throw me out of this house that he is using every one of his cards? What are his reasons? Uncle, just what are you planning?'

While Lord Sebastian was busy in his thoughts, Isiah took this chance to scan the surroundings and the book he was reading.

He was going to relay this information to Miles Craig!

Isiah felt that he was a dog that bites the hands that feed him, a sewer rat.

But what can he even do? His Lord had treated him well and not like a slave in the past. But the past was the past. Nowadays, his lord wasn't an important person in the Craig household. If he sticks to him and stays loyal, he would be offending many people who wanted Lord Sebastian gone.

A little servant like him would die if one of the lords decided to squash him!

He could do nothing but abandon him.

He had to keep on making money and raise his status in the Craig household, and that was only going to remain possible if he kept on betraying his lord and obediently serving Miles Craig.

Lord Sebastian stepped out of his thoughts, raised his head, and stared at Isiah. He squinted his eyes, and Isiah subconscious lowered his head in shame. The next moment the thing he heard was a question he had not prepared himself to answer.

"Though, how did you find that out?" Lord Sebastian asked.

"I-I coincidentally overheard them." Isiah stammered as he felt guilty, but in the end, he still lied with a smile.

"Good work. Go and get any piece of jewelry you like from the treasury."

Lord Sebastian's joyful words dispelled any suspicion in his servant's heart. Isiah was sure that he didn't suspect anything about him, that he didn't know he was getting betrayed.

"Thank you, my lord," Isiah said, happiness tainting the edges of his lips.

While looking at the lips of his servant that seemed slightly curved into the shape of a smile, Lord Sebastian promised that he would take away that smile and replace it with sorrow and sighs!

"Don't worry about it and go out get some rest." Lord Sebastian said, "Remember, do not disturb me until it is time for breakfast."

"Yes, my lord."

Isiah was so happy that he forgot to pay his respect to Lord Sebastian before leaving the study room and closing the door.

Lord Sebastian reclined against the chair as he crossed his legs.

'What an idiot.'

He thought that Isiah was stupid for a few reasons.

First off, his grandfather wasn't the type to say such words in public.

He liked to keep up the image of a noble enough though anyone with enough connections can trace their roots back to beggars on the street!

Secondly, Isiah was his servant, one of the lowest-ranked servants in the Craig Household.

There was no chance for him to come near his grandfather. The other servants wouldn't allow it! The family rules don't allow it either! So, how could he have picked up such a piece of important information?!

'If you're going to lie, at least use your brain, idiot.'

Lord Sebastian didn't have the habit of mulling over the same thing or things he couldn't do anything against for a long time, so after only a few minutes, he got back to reading the book he had put down a while ago.