Blood Symbol!

In this world, vampire royals and nobles could share their powers with humans by blessing them with a blood symbol. Such people were known as the blessed or the blood child. The blood symbol is a medium through which humans could utilize the power of vampires. It had different grades. Grade-5 was the lowest and grade-1 the highest. Blessed with the lowest grade magic symbol only had access to a single ability of their vampires. Lord Sebastian had a Grade-1 blood symbol on his chest, meaning he could access five different abilities of Vladimir Tempest.

When he looked at his grade-1 blood symbols, a tremendous amount of information surged into his mind. He found out that he could only use one of the five abilities. The first ability, crimson eyes, was the only one he could activate, and even for that, he needed to offer it spiritual energy or blood. The things he provides to it will naturally belong to Vladimir Tempest.

The main point was that the crimson eyes allowed him to see through things, hypnotize any being with consciousness, allowed him to see clearly at night and in dark places, and also allowed him to see spiritual energy!

It was an excellent ability, and he knew he would find it hard to resist the temptation of using it.

"Peasant, now do you believe me?" Vladimir Tempest asked.

"I believe that you're a vampire royal." Lord Sebastian asked, "Though, what's your purpose behind everything you have done to me?"

He didn't know why this creature had blessed him, and many other things related to the present situation bothered him too

"I will be honest with you; I lack my body and only exist as a soul. My current pitiful state is the result of trusting a person too much. My person betrayed me, and I fell prey to a grand conspiracy orchestrated by him. My enemies managed to subdue me and wanted to enslave me so that I would do their bidding. However, before they could dominate my consciousness, I left behind my body and escaped with my soul. I entered the void book, which no one could trace or track. As for my original body, I am sure it's still there as my flesh is immortal. One can separate my body into pieces but not destroy it. I am sure that my flesh is still out there, and I want you to find it for me. If you do that, I will leave your lowly flesh, and you will have your freedom back."

Lord Sebastian didn't act offended and merely asked, "What is in it for me?"

"For the time being, I will help you get rid of the parasite in your body, which is the same as saving your life and getting you back on the path of power.

"So, what do you say, deal or no deal?"

Vladimir Tempest was confident that Lord Sebastian would agree to join hands with him, and three reasons backed his confidence.

The first was that Lord Sebastian only had three months to live. After that, the parasite will take control of his body. To save himself, he had to agree.

The second was that Lord Sebastian was hungry for power as he wanted to get back at many people who had mistreated him. So, he will not let go of any chance to become powerful.

The last was that Lord Sebastian needed to find and get to the bastard who put this parasite in his body. For that reason, he needed power, and since he was giving it to him, he would agree to his proposal.

"Deal." Like Vladimir Tempest thought, Lord Sebastian agreed to shake hands with him.

"Let's talk business, your royal highness. How do I get rid of it?" Lord Sebastian seemed impatient. It was obvious as day that he wanted to free himself of the parasite as fast as possible. No one would sit still knowing that there was an entity in their body that was wasting them and killing them.

"There aren't many ways to kill a Spiritual insect, and nearly all of them require the assistance of a mystic, which I believe you don't have and can not get, so we can only use the last method." Vladimir Tempest said.

Lord Sebastian's eyes narrowed. "What is it?"

"Spiritual insect killing powder; it's an item that will set you free from the cause of your miserable life. But to make that, you will need a few things."

Lord Sebastian stood up from his seat, went up to the overturned table, squatted, picked up a pen and paper, and said, "Tell me about them."

"You will need the following items; Fairy's Tears, a Centaur's purest blood, the Saliva of an evil-eyed cyclopes, and the life-reaping berry. How you get them and from where is up to, peasant."

Lord Sebastian jotted down the name of the four items on the paper.

Vladimir Tempest had fulfilled his side of the deal. Now, the rest was up to Lord Sebastian.

How to get them was up to him. He could either purchase information about where to get them from the information broker or go to a high-end store and try his luck there. The latter was more costly than the former. Such things always require a lot of money.

He was the unfavored youth of the Craig Household with very little to his name.

Many to nearly all, including his servant, uncles, and grandfather, believed that he was a poor lad, rich only in terms of commoner's currency.

The thing was that was only on the surface.

For three years, he had been putting up an act of a helpless and powerless mortal to hide what little of supernaturalism he could from others.

Lord Sebastian walked up to the bookshelf and started pulling out books. He pulled out one with an entirely blue cover, two with white and black surfaces, four with reddish-brown, and eight with violet. The moment he did so, a screeching sound echoed, and the entire bookshelf caved in, revealing an electric door. It didn't have a handle and only had a keypad.

Lord Sebastian tapped away at the keypad, entering four digits.

"3099." It was his birthday.

[The password is correct.]

[Welcome, Lord Sebastian.]

The iron door opened up, revealing a dark, sinister passageway.

"A secret compartment? Peasant, what are you hiding in it?" asked Vladimir Tempest, interest and a bit of admiration vivid in his voice.

Lord Sebastian revealed a sly smile and his eyes curved to reveal devilish sparks in them before he said, "I hid everything I reported as missing on the household treasury register here, including a weapon of great might."

After his parents died and he magically fell from grace, many blood relatives came to pick this up and pick that up. He could do nothing but let them take it because even the official, bureaucrats, and officers were in cahoots with them. He could turn to no one to safeguard his inheritance, not even his grandfather.

So, he took it upon himself to safeguard what was left.

He hid the best of his inheritance in the smallest and the most secret place that no one knew of except him and his parents.

Even a rat has few holes, so it wasn't surprising that Lord Sebastian, who suddenly fell from grace and got much of his inheritance stolen from him by his uncles, would do nothing to protect his actual wealth.

Lord Sebastian shrugged off the feeling of melancholia and stepped ahead.

After entering the passageway and taking many turns, Lord Sebastian arrived in a small room with a rectangular stand in the middle.

It had a few things on top of it. The most eye-catching one was a glove as black as charcoal. It had four intricate designs on it. Around it were Sapphire crystals, twinkling ever so brightly under the dim light of the small room.

"I never thought I would face the need to use you so soon, Evil Hand." Lord Sebastian said while looking at the black glove.