
Now that Lord Sebastian had obtained what he had come here for, there was no need to stay here anymore.

He stepped out of the secret compartment, restored the study room to its original look, and then sat down on the seat behind the desk.

A thoughtful look appeared on his face. He had prepared himself for battle. The only thing he needed was the location of the four ingredients that he needed to create the powder that would kill the parasite which had been sucking his core dry for years.

For that reason, he needed to contact an information broker, more specifically, a girl he talked to very little.

His hand entered his chest pocket and came out with a key. He inserted it in the third drawer and unlocked it. He pulled it out. Several documents were in it, and beneath them was a burner, which could connect to the dark web.

He took it out, pressed his forefinger on the fingerprint scanner on the back of it, and unlocked it, causing multiple holographic screens to pop up in front of him.

He brought one close to him, tapped away at it, and in a couple of seconds, he accessed the dark web and entered a private chat room that he shared with a user named Formless.

White Gentleman: "Are you busy?"

Lord Sebastian forwarded a simple message to formless, who he knew as a trustworthy information broker.

On a planet far away from Earth, a woman who had reached the age of twenty only a few days ago received a message from her secret crush, and she instantly stopped whatever she was doing.

Formless: "No, I am not busy."

In truth, she was extremely busy. The documents piled up in front of her were evidence of how much work she still had to do today. Still, she stopped to attend to Lord Sebastian, who she only knew as the White Gentleman.

"At least say hello or ask how I am doing." She added in the very next second.

Since she replied so fast, Lord Sebastian became sure that she wasn't busy. It meant that he wasn't hurting her career and that he could make her do his bidding.

White Gentleman: "We are not that close."

He didn't know her very well. For him, she was merely a stranger that he had helped years ago. And because of a twist of fate and her persistence of staying connected to him, they had established a weird online friendship.

Lord Sebastian met Formless when he went out with his parents to a snowy landscape to learn skating and practice a spiritual technique that a person can only learn in a cold environment. At night, when he was sliding down the snowy path, he saw an evil spirit hunting down a fourteen-year-old girl. As he was a mystic and could save her life, he acted instantly.

She was in a life-threatening situation, and he didn't have time to think twice. He jumped between them and attacked the evil spirit, killing it and saving her life.

At that time, as he had covered himself from head to toe with clothes and a mask, she didn't even know who he was. Moreover, After dragging her away from the jaws of death and towards a safe lodging, he had only given her his online username before going away.

She couldn't find out who he was, but she managed to befriend him online, and that was more than enough for her.

Formless, who was sitting in a room with many stuffed toys, rolled her pretty eyes in anger and dissatisfaction.

Formless: "Why name yourself a gentleman when all you do is break my heart?! The name heartless suits you better."

White Gentleman: "I'm here to do business."

Formless: "What do you want?"

White Gentleman: "I was hoping you could tell me where I can find these four items."

Lord Sebastian forwarded the name of the four items that he needed to create the spiritual insect killing powder to her.

Formless: "What about the payment?"

White Gentleman: "How much do you value yourself?"

Why was he asking that?

She didn't know!

But she didn't mind telling him.

Formless: "A lot, a single inch of myself is worth a thousand gold!"

She valued herself a lot, but she was willing to do any of his biddings and waste her time on him. She was the type of person who made hundreds of gold coins every second, but for the sake of talking with him, she put her work to the back of her mind without a second thought.

White Gentleman: "Four years ago, I saved you from the flesh-eating evil spirit, remember?"

How could she forget? If it weren't for him, a young mystic who had a fox mask on his face, she would not be alive today, and it was also the day she became his biggest fan and started stalking him online. She didn't know who he was, but she knew his online username and that he was a male. It had been four years, but she still was his biggest fan.

Formless: "I do, and I am still thankful for everything you did for me that day."

White Gentleman: "The price of saving your life that day, consider it as my payment today."

She held that memory pretty close to her heart, and she didn't want it to become a part of a mere transaction, so she felt hurt by his words.

Formless: "You're a mystic, and being one is the same as gaining the highest paying jobs in the empire, so why are you so stingy?"

White Gentleman: "Circumstances."

Formless: "Peh!"

She didn't believe him.

How could she know that he was no longer a mystic, that someone close to him had messed up his life, making him lose everything?

White Gentleman: "So?"

Formless: "Give me ten minutes."

She was willing to do everything for him, but it was just that she hadn't told him that.

She couldn't bring herself to tell him that she had fallen for him the very day he saved her life.

Formless couldn't tell him that she had been thinking about him every single night since that day as she not only felt that it would be too embarrassing to reveal to him that the crush she had always taken about was none other than him but also feared that she would lose his friendship if she tried to make any kind of progression in their online friendship.

She wasn't ready to face either of those just to make him understand she had a massive crush on him, so she kept mum and silently did all his work.

White Gentleman: "Ok."

Ten minutes later.

Formless: "Here you go."

She gave him every bit of information she had about them.

White Gentleman: "Thank you very much."

Formless: "If you really mean it, then stop hitting me up only for business."

White Gentleman: "I will consider your proposal."

Before she could say anything, his name turned black on the screen.

[White Gentleman has gone offline!]

"Dumb rascal." Lilia crossed her legs and cursed him as a stupid man who lacked the ability to understand the heart of a woman.