Stay With Me

I stepped out of the taxi with my long blue-colored dress—a dress given to all bridesmaids. I wore the same sparkled-maroon high heels that Jo gifted me since I don't have other fancy shoes other than this. Jo ran gracefully towards me and kissed my cheeks, "I thought you're going to be late again."

"Not this time." I smiled.

"You look beautiful, Sapphire." One of the guests whom I forgot the name of complimented me.

"Thank you," I flashed a smile.

"The dress suits your name. Sapphire." Jo smiled with pure sparkles on her eyes.

"Alright everyone, the bride is here!" the event organizer announced. We all went to the position. The music started playing as the flower girls started walking and threw rose petals on the floor.

It's a garden wedding—really nicer than what I expected it to be. There's a lake on the other side if you're not too lazy to walk towards it. The trees have lanterns hanging on them and they also just started blooming flowers. The grasses are well taken care of as it shows a very green pigment and shiny surface. The guests are seated on a white painted metal chair and a red long carpet is placed in the aisle.

Slowly, we all started to walk on it directing us to our places. Luckily, I got used to my heels—I practiced the whole night last night because I can't sleep. I have to admit, I'm still scared that Henry might come here and I am especially afraid that Aaron is not around. I promised him that I'll go to the HQ right after the event is finished and skip the reception.

I finally reached my place in one of the seats and stood up there until the bride made her grand entrance. People gasped at how beautiful the bride was as she started walking down the aisle. Even though her long veil is covering her face I know that she's beautiful; I only saw her once and that was some months ago. She drags her voluminous gown while Jo helps her be in position by fixing her veil. Everyone seems to be in awe at the moment complemented by the beautiful melody from the background.

The groom, Alex, tried to stop his tears from falling but I guess gravity failed him. His Best Man handed him a tissue to wipe his tears; it just doesn't seem to stop. I giggled at the moment. How magical this day is, isn't it. We all sat down as the couple said their vows to each other.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest announced.

Everyone clapped and the parents from both parties cried and Jo smiled while tears of joy ran down to her soft cheeks. She clapped for her brother's marriage.

"Can't you really stay?" Jo asked me one more time. Everyone is already preparing for the reception. I was planning to leave without Jo noticing because I know she'll stop me but Jo got a good sense because she was already by the doors when I got there.

"Unfortunately, I can't. I have to practice the song too."

"Bummer, Sapphire. You really looked beautiful today. Really, beautiful. Different from the rest. What a waste if you don't stay. Plus, I think some guys want to talk to you too," she winked. I heard them talk earlier. They all seem nice but I'm not interested. I'm never interested.

"I really can't."

"Please. This is my brother's wedding. He's the one who taught us piano. He also became your guardian in your excuse accidents, remember? Come on." Her persuasion made me guilty. She's right. Alex is like a brother who I never had. They both acted as my big brother and little sister while I'm here. What else could I thank them with but by attending their special occasions, right?

"Fine, but I won't stay too long."

She made a little clap. "Yey."

I followed Jo heading to the reception. I texted Aaron that I won't be able to go back immediately to the HQ and explained why. Jo placed her head on my shoulder and hugged my arm.

"I won't be seeing him in our home anymore. He's got his own family now," she said glumly.

"It doesn't mean you can't visit, right?" I asked.

"The girl's family wants her to be near them. They've given them the chance to be married here so this time it's our side to make amends."

"Where are they staying?"


"Oh. That's far."

"Right?" I could see her eyes sparkle from the tears that were about to come. But she wiped them all before it even fell. "I can't ruin my make-up. Still a long night to go," She forced a laugh.

We reached the venue without any trouble. It was all fun. The couple cut the cake and drank wine while the guests participated in the games the host prepared.

"Alright, next, the throwing of the bouquet!" the host happily announced. Everyone cheered.

Jo pulled me with her, "What?" I tried to pull myself back to the seat.

"Come on, it's time for either of us to get married."

"We're only twenty-one. It's a long day to come!" I said.

"No. We need to be married before twenty-five. That's our deal, remember?"

"Childish deal where we still live in our imaginations."

"Come on, at least do this for me. You're sure that you're going to get married after college but what about me?"

"You don't even get to marry even after catching that bouquet. You still have to wait for a boyfriend."

"It's a legend to whoever gets the bouquet immediately gets a boyfriend and then marries next." She smiled sheepishly, still pulling me to the center.

"That's a made up legend that you just made now."

She pulled me in the center and waited for other ladies to join. I just played along with the other bridesmaids and followed the host. We did it differently. They will throw small flowers and whoever doesn't get one leaves the center. Right now, I don't know if this is bad luck because a flower keeps falling over my hand since I'm really not into this or good luck because I catch a flower whenever they throw it knowing the possibility that I'm going to be married soon.

"Okay, we only have four beautiful and stunning ladies here," the host said while looking at me. I heard Alex cheering for my name from behind. "GO, Sapphire!"

"You should be rooting for me!" Jo exclaimed.

"You too, Jo!" Alex laughed.

"Alright, newlywed, Mrs. Precious Francine, it's time to throw the bouquet." The host guided the bride in front of the center stage. "In a count of three," the bride shouted. "One!"

Jo together with the other two ladies went in front of me.

"Two!" the bride continued.


I don't know what happened. But suddenly the three girls fell down on the floor as they tried to catch the bouquet. I saw Jo's eyes on me and slowly smiled.

I stopped breathing.

"Great catch, Sapphire!" she laughed. I don't know how this got into my hands when I just unwillingly put out my hands but I didn't exert any effort to catch it.

"Whooo!" The crowd cheered.

Jo fixed herself and hugged me, "You really are going to get married soon," she giggled. I didn't.

Jo continued to cheer for me. The host also cheered and shouted something about finding a partner for me but I wasn't listening to them anymore. Somehow, my attention went outside the window where I saw someone familiar watching us. No, watching me.

"Aaron?" I murmured.

"Hmmm? What?" Jo retreated from the hug and looked at me. "What did you say?"

"Ha?" I averted my eyes back to her, "Nothing. I said errr really…." I looked outside the window again but Aaron is no longer there. Maybe I'm now just imagining things.

I felt Jo's warm hands touch mine, "Don't forget to invite me. I'll definitely go even if it's in France."

I just smiled. The event ended right after the newlyweds said their speeches and bid goodbye.

"Do you want me to call you a taxi? I can't come because our family still needs to have dinner together. My mom forced it," she whispered the last part to me.

"It's okay," I laughed with her.

"Jo," her mother called.

"Well, see you on Monday," I bid her. "Goodbye, Mrs. Francine," I said to her mother. Jo waved goodbye and joined her mother inside the car and drove away.

"Are you done yet?" I heard a familiar voice beside me. I turned my head and saw Aaron standing right beside me. He's wearing the same clothing he wore when we first met. He was probably on a mission today.

Even though I was stunned by his sudden appearance in the area I can't help but just stare at him for a moment as the soft wind brushes at our faces. I want to answer his question but I just can't find a way to speak to him. Remembering that the bouquet is still in my hands, it reminded me that soon I will have to marry someone and it's not going to be the guy I want, the guy standing right beside me. It broke my heart into pieces, realizing that this is only temporary happiness that I get to have with him. He's just the type of guy who will come and go in my life. I felt cold liquid fall on my cheeks.

"Are you alright?" His warm thumb touched my skin as he wiped the tears off my face. His touch made my whole body shiver as if it's being familiar with his presence once more. Waking back at the moment, I pulled myself away from him and wiped my own tears.

"I'm sorry. I just got emotional for a moment. Alex has been a good brother to me," I reasoned.

He took a deep breath and placed his hands on his pocket. "You look…pretty…no…that's an understatement…you are really…Sapphirey tonight. It's beautiful." He nervously said.

I look at him wondering if his words are genuine. Or if he really tried to compliment me terribly.

"I mean it." He said.

"Did I just spill my thoughts?" Worried, I bit my lip. I'm really bad at this Artisan business.

"Don't do that. And no, I have never heard your thoughts since the dinner back at the HQ."

"Don't do what?" I asked.

"That thing with you—never mind…it's nothing." He looked away from me.

I sniffed.

"Let's go? I'm really tired now." He led the way towards the car.