
Alaric stared blankly, awestruck and dumbfounded at the sight before his eyes. The magnificent scales of the dragon shimmered, sending rays of gold light dancing across the surrounding rock. It had four curling horns of silver and gold, and it's eyes were rimmed with shimmering spikes. It's snout was borrow and elegant, stark white fur lined it's spine and it's silky wings were tucked at its side.

It's arms were tucked beneath its head, ivory scales digging into the rock, cutting into it as though it were no more than wet clay. It's eyes were amber, but, from its slit shaped pupil were thin strings of gold that were weaved around one another through the amber. It was like looking into a shining star, or staring into the sun during an eclipse, the pupil like the moon, blotting out the sun and leaving only its golden rays to light the sky.

"You must be the mortal Grifford spoke of not much time before now. I understand your soul is wrought with ire for your own family.." the dragon spoke. It's voice was like the roar of a lion, deep and powerful, vibrating Alaric's entire being.

"Tell me boy," the dragon continued, as Alaric was unable to respond, too dumbstruck to even breath. "Why do you harbor such hatred for the crest of your own blood?"

Alaric was still unable to answer. He was hardly even able to understand what the dragon was saying, he was too astonished for his mind to even work properly. His katana clanged to the ground as his fingers loosened about it.

The dragon blinked, then snorted a hot gust of wind at Alaric, shaking him from his shocked state.

"I.. how.. do you even exist..?" Alaric asked.

The dragon hummed. "I've almost forgotten, you are of the Mortadire crest. This you have no knowledge nor belief of the phantasmal things that reside in this world."

"What.. do you mean..?" Was the only thing Alaric could manage to say.

"The Mortadire Clan is one that wishes to erase the past, destroying that of all mythical origin. Thus the cause for the split in Clans, the origin of why you wage war upon one another." The dragon spoke. "There were once two brothers. One believed that the beings of the ether were to be worshiped and respected, whilst the other believed them to be vile demons to be erased from the weave of the world."

This is when Alaric's shock began to subside. He recognized this story, two brothers come to a disagreement, resulting in conflict between two factions of a single kingdom and bringing forth a split, forging two clans, Mortadire and Ettra, who would be locked in ever constant war. Over time, from these two Clans came the other two, created from similar circumstances.

The original reason behind the squander between the brothers was unknown. But this.. what the dragon spoke of.. was hard to accept.. but it made sense, to a degree.

"The first and eldest brother saw the mythical as divine, they were like gods in his eyes. To him, they hath struck down their mother only as punishment for her sins." The dragon spoke, it's voice send quakes through Alaric's frame.

"The second brother, the younger, believed they were demonic beings of senseless horror and chaos. He felt that they needed to be wiped from the land, else the world would never see a day without blood." The dragon continued. "How wrong he was, as bloodshed and hatred is born from human faulty."

"What are you..?" This was probably the most idiotic thing Alaric could have said in that moment.

"I, Alaric Mortadire, am a dragon. My name is unpronounceable to your kind, thus you may call me Graud." The dragon hummed.

"A dragon.." Alaric echoed, disbelief in his own words.

"It must be difficult for you to accept the truth before your eyes, the path laid out before is covered and laden with obstacles. You can only truly see once you open your mind." Graud said.

Alaric peered into the dragon's eyes. For a long time he just stared into them. They seemed like the infinite, expansive sky, never ending and seeming to swallow him completely. Only then did his heart lock itself away and his mind took the helm of his actions. His awestruck expression fell away and he became blank.

It did not matter whether what was before him was real or not, all that mattered was his goal and what he had to do to reach it. The only important thing was each step he took to ascend the mountain leading to his story's end.

"I need the token." Alaric spoke.

Graud made a throaty growl. "You have a caged heart. This may be a curse upon your soul, but it is what makes you the destined child."

"Destined child?" Alaric inquired.

"Indeed. You shall bring the world to a never before seen unity.. or you shall shatter it into oblivion. Your choices will result in the change of all things, whether that change is good or bad, is up to you." Graud explained. "In due time, you shall know the truth of my words."

The dragon's talons shifted, slowly being pushed outward and his palm turning up. Graud's talons unfolded like a blooming flower, his golden talons sending golden waves of light over the walls. There, within the palm of the dragon's claws, was the token. A copper coin with the Sarua insignia etched into its surface.

"You've passed the trial, boy. Most mortals when met with a dragon's eyes will crumble away, their minds shattering and resulting in their death from the shock. Your caged heart allowed you to survive our encounter." Graud spoke as Alaric took the token. "In respect of your spirit and strength, I shall allow you by the wendigos. You shall have safe passage through the caverns, but when you reach the forest be weary of the dangers around you. Else your string be cut short."

"Dragon." Alaric spoke, "why do you reside here in this dreary place? What holds you to this cave? What relation have you with Sarua?"

The dragon hummed pleasantly. "Long ago, the founder of Sarua took my egg away from Mortadire. Sarua, as you know, was originally part of the Mortadire Clan, but they wished to destroy me before I hatched. The founder of this Clan, Grifford's grandfather, saved me from that fate. Ever since, I've been raised by the residents of this Clan. In this time I've seen war come and go, and I've learned the true tales of the world. A dragon can see many things, past, future or present, you know."

"I see. But why do you stay here, in this cave. It is like a cage. I do not understand. With your power, you could rule the sky and bring Mortadire down in a single moon." Alaric said.

"I could ask you a much similar question. Why is it that you cage your own heart? Do you honestly think it is something that just happens? Like you don't control it? Allow me to assure you, the prison that holds your soul is only by your own doing." Graud responded. "Let us split our paths now, agreeing that we have our stories and secrets to hold. Each string of one's fate, after all, is only their own."

Alaric bowed his head. He decided it better not to prod the dragon that could easily sweep him from existence with a single motion.

"Are there anymore inquiries you have before we part ways?" Graud asked.

Alaric thought for a moment. What were any things he wished to know? Was there really anything? As he stared blankly at the blade upon the ground, it's smooth surface refracting the glow of the dragon's scales, something came to mind.

Alaric turned back to face Graud. "Who is my father's killer?"

A deep hum reverberated through the cave. Graud's narrow pupils shrank, becoming thinner as he stared back at Alaric. His talons dug into the earth, then loosened back up, almost like a cat stretching or flexing its claws.

"The answer to that question is a disturbing one, I only wish I could tell you the truth of the matter. But I cannot. That is something you must learn by your own will." The dragon spoke.

Alaric grit his teeth. He hunched over, grabbing his katana and sheathing it. He turned away, saying, "then I have nothing more to say."

"Let me say one thing, boy." Graud spoke as Alaric rose his lamp and began down the tunnel. "The killer is not the one you expected, but is the one you'd hoped."

Alaric came to a stop, faltering for a moment, but then continued down the path as if he'd never heard those words to begin with. He could hear the creatures, wendigos, crawling across the cave, clambering over each other as Alaric came closer.

But, then a roar, much greater than the roar of the large wendigo from before, ripped through the cave, causing the stone wall to crack and tremor, like an earthquake. The wendigos all suddenly stopped, then backed away. It was clear they wished to tear and consume Alaric's flesh, but they did not.

And so, a clear path now lay before Alaric's feet as the creatures parted in his wake, letting him through.