Alaric managed to clamber his way up the steep incline that led to the mouth of the cave, returning to the forest fog. Even though the weather was wet and dark with morning dew, it felt much better than inside the cave, which had been humid and gross.

And yet, Alaric did not pay attention to the refreshing air. The smell of rotten flesh still invaded his senses, even though he was out of the cave now. But Alaric didn't notice. His eyes were fixed on the forest's edge, watching for that thing that had been there before, whatever it was. He felt it was much more of a threat than the wendigos had been.

He had no choice. He had to move forward. He had to make it back before mid day. He could already see the sun rising on the horizon. How strange, he thought, that they gave him so much time. Was there a real reason?

As it was, it wasn't taking Alaric very long. It would only take a total of an hour at most over all. Maybe less. So then why so much time? Were they expecting that he get lost in the woods?

Well. He wouldn't, that much he knew, and as he approached the forest path, he reminded himself; do not heed the voices.

"Are you sure we have time to wait?" Lyra asked. "Maybe we should just go retrieve him.. the Mortadire soldiers will no doubt be here soon."

Grifford turned from the dragon-kin statue in the temple, smiling. "Do not worry. We are well prepared, dear. Mortadire will be cut down. I estimate we will be able to eliminate at least half of their forces with what I have in store for them."

Brigham chuckled. "This valley serves as more than just a home. There is a reason we chose this place as our home."

Lyra glanced at Brigham. "What do you mean?"

"Anyone who enters our valley, will soon come to know it as the valley of death." Brigham said. "You'll see. Just wait."

The galloping of horses and the sound of crashing no feet of marching soldiers came like a rolling storm across the land, announcing the beginning of a new war. They only had a short while longer until their forces would overtake the Sarua Clan territory. Soon, the land would be soaked in blood.

Tanon had his eyes locked forward. He was unwilling to peer away from his path. He had to stay true to his goal. He would unite all Clans under one flag. He did not care how much bloodshed was needed to bring that about. He'd prefer they surrender peacefully.. but, as his troops came upon the mountain leading up to Sarua, he knew, they would not just bow down to him.

They would fight. And in turn, they would die.

"Prepare yourselves!!" Tanon roared, "we come upon the Sarua territory, soon we shall pass their borders!! Be ready to fight to the death! Be ready to kill! Be ready to die for your Clan's name!! All hail Mortadire!!!"

A thundering cheer resounded amongst the soldiers, and their pace increased, rushing faster now. They raged up the mountain, straight for Sarua's borders.

The lantern bobbed and weaved in the fog as Alaric moved through the dreary forest. The first light of dawn could be seen, barely lighting the path through the thick canopy of leaves above. Alaric kept a hand on his katana.

For a long time, it felt like ages, he just walked in peaceful, quiet solitude. He remembered when he had claimed the katana for himself, how it had felt to plunge his blade into his own brother's heart. How it felt to take a sentient life for the first time in the whole of his existence.

It was an intoxicating, strange sensation. Something he longed to feel again.. why was that feeling so addicting? Was that wrong? Now that he thought of it, it did seem quite illicit for him to have enjoyed the feeling of killing his own brother.

In all reality, his brother had been truly innocent, even if he was selfish and ill mannered. He didn't kill their father, he was simply seeking revenge for a loss. He was searching for a reason, a reason for the death of his father and idol. In the end, their father was the only person Esrian had ever looked up to in all his life.

A sudden gust of cold air brushed past Alaric from behind, the cool breeze quickly killing the flame within his lamp. Things became dark instantaneously, Alaric could see nothing through the dark mist. The only light came from the canopy above, but it was only in minuscule amounts and only succeeded in making it even harder to see. The light really did nothing more than make the most even harder to see through.

Alaric lowered the lantern, making no move to relight it. There'd be no point, the firelight would only make the fog appear denser, the mist reflecting the light of the flickering flame dancing upon the wick.

And so, he just let the lantern fall limply at his side, before letting it tumble to the ground where it shattered.

When the sound of shattering glass ended, then came the voices. It was as thought the forest itself was speaking, whispering into his ear like the voice of the devil, urging him to sin, to step off his path.

Alaric closed his eyes, listening in stillness.

"Come.. boy.. step off the path, come and sin…" the voices called. All around him the flicker of red eyes came through the dark, misty wood.

"Yessss… come and sin with us.. the gateway of sinfulness is one of the truest freedom.." they continued, "step off the path, weary boy, and rest your head, come and be free, come and sin.."

"Enough." Alaric spoke. The voices silenced. "The path I tread is already one, as I follow the way of my own sinful creed."

For a moment, the voices of the creatures were silent. But then one of them came forward from beneath the brush. A shiver ran down Alaric's spine as the creature's outline came through the fog, and then he could make out its features.

The creature had a thin, lanky body, much like the wendigos, though not quite as thin. It had tattered black cloth wrapped about its body, while silver spikes jutted up from its limbs and back, protruding through its skin. It's hands were long and thin, the talons dropping low past its knees. It's head was that of an elk skull and it's antlers were large, winding and pointed, lines of cloth and strange items hanging from the ivory.

Deep red eyes illuminated the skull through the hollow eye sockets. The creature held out its hand to Alaric, it's talons pointing up at him.

"A sinner you say..?" The creature asked.

"I have already taken life." Alaric responded, his hand on the hilt of his katana, and his other on the wakizashi. He stepped back from the creature.

The creature stared blankly at Alaric for a long, torturous moment. It seemed almost as though it was able to see through his flesh and into his heart, able to see every aspect of him. It was peering through him, observing his soul.

"A sinner." The creature spoke again. It's eyes did a sort of flicker, and then it turned, walking away back into the forest. As soon as it's figure disappeared behind the fog and the shadows of the trees, all the flickers of red that peered at him dispersed, disappearing. And then… silence. The whispers were gone, the creatures had disappeared. He was alone, not even the gentle whistle of a breeze was there to accompany him.

Alaric was confused.. what had that been about? Why had it come to him, why had it done anything it did? Why'd it and it's brethren let Alaric go?

The light from the canopy above was growing brighter. Alaric decided to move, but, as he did, his foot struck something upon the ground. At first he figured it must've been a glass shard from the shattered lamp, but when he looked over, it was not. It was something else.

It appeared to him that the creature seemed to have left something behind.. Alaric leaned down and picked it up. It was some sort of claw. It had a silver sheen and strange markings, that were not of human origin, were etched into its surface. The item seemed to hum in the palm of his hand, as if it were a living thing. But he knew it wasn't. He looked up and stared into the dark, mysterious wood. The forest was a never ending void that just stretched on and on..

What was this strange object that the creature had left for Alaric? What was its purpose? And why him?

Alaric tucked the item into his pocket, giving one last glance into the forest where the creature had disappeared. He then turned back down the path, making his way back to the Sarua village.