Kingdom's Power

The meeting gave a different feeling. Voran who previously didn't speak often began to show a difference in fact he spoke more often and said something more valuable than before. This change made Veus and Fasuk happy. They need a king who is not only good at fighting, but also a king who is able to control everything in his hands. Neither of them made things difficult for Voran either. As the meeting drew to a close, the two of them gave a hint where they wanted to have a private talk with Voran which was what happened at this time where Voran, Veus, and Fasuk were in a closed room.

"Forgive our selfishness, Your Majesty. We couldn't discuss this important matter in the previous meeting because there were some matters related to the royal nobles. So, we can only ask for this. The matter that we want to say is quite sensitive and should not be heard by others," said Fasuk in a serious tone and he also showed a very serious face different from a moment ago.

Veus who was beside him also had a similar facial expression. The sight piqued Voran's interest as the two Royal Pillars wore worried and serious faces. From this, he could sense something was about to shake the kingdom. He himself slightly thought that what they were about to say was similar to what he had in mind. Royal nobles are leeches that will continue to suck until their victims are dry.

"Just say it, I'm curious about what you guys have to say. In fact, you have even bothered to do this. Of course I'd be curious and interested, so just tell me what's going on?" Asked Voran seriously, he was looking forward to it. At the same time he was also thinking about what kind of action he should take after finding out about it. Does he have to be cruel? Let them go and forgive them and give them a chance? To let them go and not let them come back? He thought about it carefully.

Voran didn't hesitate to say that he couldn't make up his mind like those who had done so many times. During his life, he had already passed several great opportunities because of his fear of a decision. Indeed this time he wouldn't go through with it, but such an action was definitely not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. He calmed his chaotic mind. Even though his mind has settled on one decision. His mind still couldn't show the same side as his mind. Therefore, he had become a little restless since a while ago.

Luckily, neither of them saw that. Fasuk and Veus stated what had happened to the kingdom since Voran had been unconscious. One of the kingdoms directly adjacent to the Kingdom of Salauster has committed an act of harassment against his kingdom. They invaded one of the territories and tried to snatch it. Luckily, Veus was able to control and restrain their movements until they were unable to get out of his territory and were forced to defend and withdraw from the battlefield.

As soon as Voran heard of the incident, he immediately asked for a map that described the state of his territory. The six regions that he owned did become a border according to the cardinal directions of which two became the capital area, and four border areas. Those who harassed his kingdom were from the north, and his strength was neither too weak nor strong. So it will be hard to deal with it. Voran gripped the map tightly and he also clutched a scroll of documents about each of the kingdoms that bordered his own.

"Marshal Veus and Minister Fasuk. After this meeting is over, you two stay here. There are a few things I need to discuss privately with you guys. The rest, can go and do activities as usual." Voran slightly frowned after reading the strengths of each kingdom which was still less comprehensive. He felt the need to establish an intelligence agency to monitor and filter all information both inside the kingdom and outside the kingdom.

Veus discussed the matter regarding the Arannor Kingdom harassing the kingdom's northern border. He explained the situation on the battlefield where every enemy soldier had cultivation at stages 0-7 which was under his realm's strength. However, they had some experts that made the situation worse. Far from it, every expert working for them had their own backing that somehow contributed to the chaos on the battlefield and allowed them to escape destruction.

"The Arannor Kingdom, a small kingdom with four territories covering an area of 10,000 km. Their army number was no more than 50,000 soldiers. Most of the soldiers were at stages 0-7 and mastered almost similar skills. They had the advantage in infantry and were quite well armed. Besides that they have a General who is famous for his commanding ability or individual strength and also they have the support of some unusual factions." Veus explained the power possessed by the Arannor Kingdom which borders the Salauster Kingdom on the north side.

All the officials were pensive after hearing that. The enemy's strength wasn't that great, but they were capable of providing an unusual threat. They suspect that all of this is related to the mysterious faction that provides support for this kingdom. Voran listened carefully and looked at each of the kingdoms that were directly adjacent to his kingdom and thought if one of them gave support to the Arannor Kingdom to destroy his kingdom.

His mind was racing at the thought of it and anger flashed in his eyes as he stared at the information on the four kingdoms. However, he couldn't show it and had to keep it close. He kept his eyes on the meeting and listened to their opinion. Unfortunately, only Veus and Fasuk had the ability to give good and comprehensive advice, while the rest of the officials were not very competent. Seeing the incompetent ranks of royal courtiers made him feel like he had to replace all of them with the right people.

The meeting lasted half a day and discussed several matters related to the movement of the Arennor Kingdom. Voran got some thoughts from the meeting and he revealed them to the two pillars where they had their own meeting. After all the higher-ups left the Royal Hall, there were only three people in the place.

"You two must know how bad our situation is right now? Those who have a role in this kingdom are completely useless and I feel the need to make major changes. However, I can't do it directly because it would kill the kingdom in the blink of an eye. So, I need both of you to recommend the right people and have a clear understanding of the tasks they will be carrying out. One other thing that I think is urgently needed is to establish a comprehensive intelligence agency!!"

Veus just smiled, he didn't think it was a bad thing, and he felt it would help a lot to build an intelligence agency than the current one. Meanwhile, Fasuk felt uncomfortable with Voran's words that he wanted to fire all the higher-ups and replace them. Yes, he knew that most of them were useless. However, they still did everything they could to make the situation in the kingdom better.

"Fasuk, send a diplomat and try to establish good relations with the Elaydric Kingdom in the south. We must make them an ally that can provide assistance, at least to stop the attacks from the Sevaeni Kingdom in the West. Of the four kingdoms directly adjacent to us, the Seaveni Kingdom is the most powerful and dangerous. While the other three kingdoms are not too far away from us. If we want to grow then we have to take two of the three kingdoms and make one of them an ally, then finish off the Sevaeni Kingdom!!"

Fasuk and Veus were stunned into silence when they heard Voran's words. They were shocked and speechless. What Voran said was too kind and there was no way he would have that kind of ability, even in a meeting, he just kept quiet and did nothing but listen. They were pensive for a few seconds before coming back to reality and having an unusual smile.

"Very well, Your Majesty. Leave that to me, I have someone who is quite capable in this area. I will assign him and entrust the matter to him," replied Fasuk. He couldn't help but be happy with this change. Takes a different approach to some of the surrounding kingdoms. He could feel Voran's ambition. Indeed, his cultivation is still below. However, that was fine because a King would not always be on the battlefield, much less lead an entire army.

"Good. I trust you Bernan Fasuk as my father trusted you." Voran looked at him intently and said what he wanted to say from the start because he needed to do this to calm them both down who must have been surprised by the changes he was about to make and were working on. It might seem strange how someone who transmigrated world could instantly remodel everything in front of him, so he did it slowly and remodeled it from the vital and most important point first.

Voran reads too much literature on these kinds of events and he does what is in the literature. Of course, he did it with his own version. He thought of a few other things as he stared at Veus. The military wasn't an easy place to change, so he was careful in doing so. He needed to know everything in the military first before acting, especially those in the highest positions. One other thing, he needed to meet the last Royal Pillar that he had not yet met.

"Our military consists of three types of troops, infantry, archers, and cavalry with a total army of 75,000 soldiers and they are at stages 0-7. We also have several young generals or lieutenants who have the potential to become generals. His Majesty doesn't need to worry too much about this matter. If indeed Your Majesty wishes to reform it, I will assist Your Majesty." Veus explained the power that was in his hands and gave full support to the decision that Voran was about to make.

in that day, a shocking news spread throughout the Kingdom of Salauster where a talent search would be held. An event that has never existed before and brings its own enthusiasm for all the people. Those who had talent and heard of it rushed to the Salauster Royal Capital, Higgster City.