Talent Recrutment

Three days after that lengthy meeting, many residents had gathered in Higgster City. They all gathered in the royal square. There Voran and the higher-ups had been waiting for their arrival and waiting for what kind of talents would emerge in his kingdom. Voran was quite intrigued and felt that there were a lot of people who had talent but didn't have the stage. He felt the need to give them a stage and make them serve him. Voran sat in a magnificent chair looking out over the vast courtyard.

On his left and right, there were Fasuk and Veus. They were both interested and surprised at the number of people who came to this event. They did not expect to see hundreds of people gather and participate in a talent search event. Indeed, Voran does not provide a special requirement for those who want to take part in this event. As long as one had talent, they could keep up with it. Judging from the history in his place, Voran did not set his sights on noble families, but on commoners.

"Your Majesty, are you really going to pull them out? This action will inevitably bring considerable consequences, Your Majesty. Nobles would definitely not accept those who weren't from the same faction. I don't want to see the split, Your Majesty," said Fasuk as he understood the event that Voran was planning to host. Although personally he wasn't too opposed to it, Fasuk weighed it in a different light so he raised his objections and inquired.

Voran nodded and didn't change his calm expression, he stared at the courtyard and watched the participants struggle. He said, "Should they be angry? Did they think this kingdom was theirs?This is my kingdom and only I can make the rules. Who are they? Only scum and rodents eat away at the power of the kingdom and weaken the kingdom. They prefer to fill their pockets than fill the pockets of the kingdom. Fasuk… as a minister as well as a Pillar of the Kingdom, you should know about this!! My decision remains the same, those who are talented, whatever the background, I will use it!!"

Veus who was beside them also heard it. A brilliant smile appeared on his face and he continued to nod his head. He was also fed up with nobles acting like those who owned this kingdom. Even though there were only a few noble families living in the Salauster Kingdom, they had done all sorts of stupid things that resulted in a lot of losses. Veus also saw how they recruited private troops which made the kingdom's power decline.

Fasuk did not stop talking and continued to give his opinion objectively. However, Voran was more interested in the contest that was currently taking place. There were several people who caught his attention including one of the men who had a pretty gloomy appearance with a listless face that was so annoying but also intimidating at the same time. His appearance was quite ordinary, and he seemed to blend in with the crowd. The features on his face are characteristic, but he is able to hide them which makes his attractive.

Apart from that man, Voran also set his eyes on a man who wields a sword as his main weapon. It wasn't his fighting skills that caught his attention, but the madness in his tenacity that made him attractive. A gift as well as a curse pinned on the man caught his attention. Voran felt that this kind of man could be cultivated and made into a bodyguard. For a whole day he and all pairs of royal eyes were on this event.

At the end of the event, most of the participants were recruited. No matter what talent they have, as long as it is unusual or stands out from the rest, they are recruited. In front of Voran were several participants who were qualified to meet him. There were seven of them, although the clothes they wore were quite simple, their demeanor was not as simple as the clothes. Voran looked at them calmly, Veus looked at one of them seriously, and Fasuk felt that there was something to cultivate and extract from one of the participants there.

"Greetings from us to Your Majesty," they said in unison. They bent their knees and bowed their heads while showing respect towards Voran.

"Rise up, my royal talents. I've seen your performance, tell me yourself." Voran didn't change his expression when he asked them to reveal their identities. He needed to clearly know who they were before sending them to a suitable place.

A man with a large and dashing stature, wearing black clothes and carrying a halberd. He put the halberd on the floor while introducing himself. His eyes are so fierce and bushy eyebrows make him even more intimidating, especially with a pretty rough and masculine face. He's getting more and more scary to look at. This man raised his head as he introduced himself.

"My name is Werder Sian, Your Majesty. I come from one of the border areas. My goal in participating in this event is to become a military retainer and help the kingdom eliminate the invaders and criminals who are here. As long as Your Majesty gives me troops and allows me to rampage, I will give Your Majesty victory." Sian said it confidently, even though he seemed arrogant. He had the ability to tell, because he was the victor in the contest of strength.

After that, the middle-aged man who had a bushy beard explained his identity. He is Sveri, with his ability to make weapons, and other machines. He became one of the outstanding talents. His abilities became one of the best and needed in the kingdom. He had a mighty body befitting his work as a craftsman.

Then, another middle-aged man also appeared. He had a thin body and looked half groomed. At first glance he had the smell of herbs and medicine, but it was quite faint. This middle-aged man always smiled and covered the deep wrinkles on his face, he also wore a dark robe that covered his whole body. He was an Alchemist who joined this event and was named Uter.

A woman with sly eyes, enchanting smile, and extremely voluptuous bearing raised her head. Her hair is quite long, but it doesn't interfere with her movement. This woman gave off an alluring charm, like a rose. She is one of the participants who surprised many because she is not only intelligent, but also has the ability to use a knife and her strength is not small. Her name is Eloise, a very exciting but deadly charm.

Next, the young man who is always struggling with books. His appearance was quite simple, but his eyes radiated a high degree of curiosity. His hair was also long and he still held a piece of paper in his hand, a face shriveled from lack of exposure to the sun showing he had always been confined to a closed place. This youth was also the one who had caught Fasuk's attention, he was known as Rudolph.

The remaining two were men who had entered Voran's eyes from the start. A sword-wielding cultivator, Gris Hainz, and the gloomy-faced youth Harte Braun. The two of them were also in the same place as the five. Voran was really pleased with his findings, moreover, several men with fighting abilities didn't escape Veus' eyes either. He was sure that they would all be drawn into the military. In addition, some who did have the capability and intelligence were also drawn into the government.

After that day, Voran immediately brought Hainz and Braun to meet with the two Pillars of the Kingdom. Voran had already thought of a suitable role for the two of them, and he needed to discuss some matters regarding the current structure of the royal government which was still chaotic and dominated by incompetent noble families. He wanted to reform it, so he needed the support of both of them. As for outside matters, Voran didn't think much of it because he had put everything on the board.