War of Retaliation VI – Loss of Nobles

The spear of the 'Seven White Spears' swung and thrusted at Swaster Merran. The other nobles were not spared from the battle; they were pitted against the 'Seven White Spears.'

Swaster Merran, on the other hand, was pitted against two of the 'Seven White Spears,' and he had no edge in that fight because his opponent was still riding while he was already on the ground. He was under a lot more strain and had a lot more momentum.

"'The Bloody Spear,' Swaster Merran. Allow me to sample your spear!! Show me how you got such a grandiose nickname when you're so inept. One of the 'Seven White Spears,' Mathias Lang, will face you!"

The warrior was powerfully built and wore armor that covered his entire head save for his face, holding his white spear and looked at Swaster Merran with a rebellious expression. Swaster Merran was challenged by the man.

The second man similarly raised his spear and narrowed his eyes at Mathias Lang. He didn't appreciate Mathias Lang's statements, which made it appear as if he intended to duel, even though Mathias Lang was battling Swaster Merran alongside him at the time.

"Mathias!! Do you believe I'm not here, or do you want to duke it out with him? Even though you are regarded as a leader by others, our directives are binding. When the task at hand is clear, don't take advantage of it!"

They didn't get off their horses and continued to converse while aiming their spears towards Swaster Merran, who wore a high-alert face.

Seeing two individuals who were roughly his size and strength and threatened his life. He couldn't possibly be unconcerned.

Swaster Merran was fully aware of his own might as well as the power of the 'Seven White Spears,' who were well-known for their deeds.

"Would you like to have a debate or come down and fight me?" Swaster Merran released his Energy while spinning his spear around his torso.

A dense blood-red light engulfed his torso and circled around his weapon almost instantly. He spun it like a spinning wheel and swung it as fast as lightning. Following the spear's swing, large cracks developed on the earth, some of which were fairly deep.

"Mate, leave him to me. I'm going to finish this fight as quickly as I can. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to confront it head-on. If you want to do the assignment as soon as possible, I understand. However, there are times when we should take pleasure in it, and this time... I will take pleasure in it!"

While swinging his spear, Mathias Lang leaped down. The air split in two, giving his strike a powerful boost. The white light became increasingly concentrated on the weapon.

The man couldn't comprehend Mathias Lang's statements, but he noticed his serious expression and behavior. He didn't have much of a choice but to accept it.

He didn't abandon her, however, and instead elected to keep a tight eye on her. Uncertainty about what will happen next. Mathias Lang slammed his spear, and the spear shaft blocked his strike. As the impact occurred, sparks and loud booms were heard.

Swaster Merran knelt and applied pressure with his hands. He clenched his teeth as he felt an enormous force pushing down on his body. With his might, he pushed it aside, then thrust his spear many times, accompanied by a crimson glow.

The thrust of his spear resembled a snake's contortion. "Argh!! Take this!! Swaster's Spear's First Steps: Stabbing!!"

The dozens of lights focused at his body were extremely powerful and posed a harm to him. Mathias Lang not only avoided but also parried scores of spear thrusts by rotating the spear and reversing the thrust's direction, despite moving a few steps back.

He demonstrated his abilities while weathering the shock by stabbing his spear into the ground. "Piercing Air Spear!"

He shot out like a shot arrow as his spear melded with his body. Its speed is comparable to that of light.

Swaster Merran swung his spear and took a stride forward while acrobatically moving his body. His spear swung like a hurricane, and he pressed his movement on his footsteps. "Swaster's Spear's Second Steps: Storming!"

When the two ki lights collided, a strong shockwave was created. Merran, the Swaster, was forced back. Mathias Lang was sent backwards with a strong velocity, and he withstood the force by thrusting his spear into the earth, just like Swaster Merran.

He was propelled a few meters away by the breaks in his spear. As his gaze rested on Swaster Merran, blood spilled from between his lips. "Ugh!! You… That's not what I expected!"

Swaster Merran did not remain silent when he saw Mathias Lang's condition. As he pushed his body forward while spinning his spear in the air, intense energy gathered on his spear, intensifying the light on his body.

As a storm approached, the air around them became denser and more compressed. Swaster Merran floated for a long time as he spun his spear. "This is the end for you!! Feel this!! The Last Steps of Swaster's Spear: Blood Storms."

Mathias Lang was caught off guard by this lethal attack. He could only raise his spear and say, "Fool-!" before reacting and defending or attacking.

Swaster Merran's spear touched his body and tore him apart like a hurricane before he could finish. The blood soaked both the body and the ground as it spread throughout the area.

Swaster Merran's face was pale after the attack, and he supported his body with his spear. He didn't wipe the blood from his face, instead looking at another man who was about to attack him.

Mathias Lang, with his cultivation level, was not a life-threatening opponent. However, the fight took place at an inconvenient time.

Swaster Merran had not anticipated their appearance, which caught him off guard. Despite the fact that he had killed their leader, he still felt insecure because there were six of them.

Each of them possesses a similar set of abilities. Swaster Merran realized this after sensing the other man's aura.

There had been intense battles on each side of the formation, but the troops in the center had done little. Some of the troops had yet to be moved by Veus, but the situation remained the same. Both are still waiting for the appropriate time to relocate it.

Voran, who was being guarded by troops as well as Larsson, noticed something was bothering him. I'm not sure what it was, but he felt like his body was experiencing euphoria, as if he were experiencing ecstasy.

He could feel the Ki spreading in the air at that precise moment. The longer the ki, the more concentrated it becomes and does not diminish. He had previously studied external energy, specifically natural energy.

What he felt, on the other hand, was quite different. It wasn't natural energy like when he was meditating, but rather Ki being forced out of a person's body. He felt compelled to absorb the energy.

"What exactly is this push? I noticed a boost in my strength. Ki, my internal energy, increased dramatically. I felt all of my energy congregate and focus on my stomach. Should I let it out or keep it in? Something like this would always happen to a cultivator, if I recall correctly. I just need to let this energy flow through my body rather than holding it in while absorbing energy from outside my body."

Voran began to meditate and draw energy from the battlefield. Without realizing it, he began to employ a skill or power that only a King possesses, namely King's Power.

At that moment, all of the energy on the battlefield rushed towards Voran's body and encircled him. The energy slowly began to enter his body through the pores in his skin. Simultaneously, sweat continued to pour down and wet his body, and his face gradually turned pale.

Voran begins a massive energy absorption. Meanwhile, the battle on the formation's left flank was spiraling out of control. Several nobles who attempted to assist Swaster Merran were brutally murdered.

Despite the fact that they didn't have complete bodies, they were able to take down two of the 'Seven White Spears.' Cavalry Troops also intervened and attacked the enemy. They engaged the opposing cavalry before maneuvering to attack the opposing rearguard.

Swaster Merran was still preoccupied with the 'Seven White Spears,' and he couldn't focus on the situation on the battlefield. He not only had to deal with one of them, but he also had to deal with two of the 'Seven White Spears.'

A situation that is no longer profitable is both dangerous and dangerous. His face is unsightly, and his energy, as well as the ki in his body, is depleted.

He gave it everything he had to face the two of them. Despite the fact that he had injured them, he was unable to avoid their attacks.

"Unlucky!! These morons had equal abilities and compensated for each other's flaws. Their spearheading abilities were not inferior to Mathias Lang's, and with their cooperation, their flaws had been concealed and appeared to vanish. They can put it back together no matter how hard I disassemble it! What a dreadful situation!"

Swaster Merran's face was flushed with sweat and blood, and his hands shook slightly as he raised and swung the spear. He fought them both to the best of his abilities.

His attention was solely on the two of them, and he was not paying attention to what was going on on the battlefield, including the battle between the cavalry and the movement of the center, as well as the balance being broken on the right flank.

Due to his intense concentration, his hearing was slightly obstructed, so he was unaware of the nobles' deaths. Even if they scream and call out his name in an attempt to exact revenge. All of the yells went unheard because he was too busy dodging and attacking back.

His spear never stopped swinging, even though his hands were no longer strong enough to grip it, and his body moved in sync with his footsteps, which were constantly shifting from one position to another.

His two opponents were also in poor health. They were both on the verge of passing away. Dealing with a stubborn opponent who also possessed great abilities was not easy, and Swaster Merran typified that type of person.

The three energy beams continued to cause damage and explosions, as well as shockwaves. None of the soldiers were brave enough to approach them. The clashes became more intense, and the air around them condensed and suppressed everything. Blood splattered in all directions, widening and deepening the wounds.

They fought as if it were their last fight, unconcerned about the wounds on their bodies. The more they were injured, the more savage their movements and attacks became.

Veus signaled the signalman to launch a full-fledged attack and dispatched the remaining soldiers and cavalry on the right flank to break through the battle there.

The soldiers who tried to restrain him were bulldozed by the cavalry. Veus stood there calmly watching him as his thoughts wandered to what Selek Valaunter would do.