War of Retaliation VII – End I

Voran felt an increase in ki in his body and did not move from his position despite hearing the beat of the war drums and seeing the signal from the flag. He was riding his horse, absorbing the surrounding energy and absorbing it into his body as he watched the soldiers advance in formation.

Larsson also joined in on the action, riding with his back straight and relaxed.

"Increase… It is rapidly increasing. This power makes me feel stronger... I am currently in stages 1-3. What is the rate of this? Despite the fact that I feel powerful, the energy that enters my body is not pure. It's so filthy that I need to clean and re-purify it before I use it. If I continue to use it, there will undoubtedly be side effects. Huft... an intriguing ability. This man... he possesses unfathomable strength."

When he finished absorbing the energy swirling around him, a fairly powerful airwave shot out of his body and blew away everything around him in the blink of an eye.

His eyes slowly opened, revealing clear eyes shrouded in a dangerous light. He focused his attention on the battlefield, specifically on Selek Valaunter.

"They've already decided the outcome of this battle!" Don't put it off and finish it as soon as possible. This war will not last forever. Capturing or defeating Selek Valaunter, the old general, is one of the quickest ways to weaken them and acknowledge the superiority of my troops! It will not be easy, but it must be done. I can absorb the energy around me; this is a huge advantage for me!"

Voran's face was expressionless as he stomped his foot on the horse and rode toward the troops who were engaged in a fierce battle.

At the same time, his gaze was drawn to Larsson, who had killed dozens of soldiers with a single punch, despite the fact that Larsson had not drawn his gun. He rode slowly and threw a punch full of ki and immense pressure.

"How powerful is this 3-0 stage? This is extremely surprising. He became a huge differentiator and was able to direct the battle to his liking. I'm not sure how advanced Selek Valaunter's cultivation is, but with Larsson by my side, I'm confident he can handle it. Right now, all I need to focus on is increasing my strength and putting an end to this war!"

Voran began to quicken his pace and drew his sword. He slashed his sword as soon as he got close to the soldiers.

Several soldiers were slaughtered, and his body was dismembered. He didn't slow down; instead, he accelerated and slashed his sword. The soldiers who attempted to approach him were unsuccessful. They had all been slashed and dismembered.

Someone messed up Selek Valaunter's formation, and he couldn't accept it. He was well aware that if this situation was left alone, his army would suffer a defeat.

Selek Valaunter, finding himself at a disadvantage, could no longer remain silent. He stepped down from his vantage point and entered the battlefield. Even if it was just because of one person, he knew he couldn't think of him as a single person, but as an army far superior to any ordinary army.

"Only Grim Larsson possesses this level of power. If he falls and leads the troops, then-" Selek Valaunter sighed as he stared into the distance, thinking about a possibility.

"Without a doubt... The King is taking part in this war. Interesting... very good, everything can be resolved in this war and there is no need for another war between the kingdom and them!"

Selek Valaunter smiled meaningfully as he gazed out at the battlefield. He slowed down as he rode his horse. His spear radiated a strong bloodlust, his aura radiated a red color, and his horse's stride was steady despite the fact that his killing aura enveloped his entire body.

When he decided to fight, he had no reservations. Even though he was aware that Grim Larsson was a dangerous individual, he was unafraid; his cultivation was sufficient to face him.

He charged into the fray, charging straight at Grim Larsson, who was still slaughtering his soldiers. He couldn't let go of it all; the soldiers couldn't keep dwindling and being killed by Grim Larsson.

His left and right sides weren't very good, so he focused on the center, and his strongest troops, including Mival Belloc 'The Brigadier of Death,' were also on the center side.

Selek Valaunter had checked the situation in the center and had been unable to locate Voran. As a result, his attention was drawn to Grim Larsson right away. He poses a challenge with the aura he emits, which includes a strong killing intent.

Slowly but steadily, he accelerated his horse as the road opened up. His spear was held high and exuded a powerful oppressive aura.

"Selek Valaunter entered the fray. Display your spirit!! Don't be scared of them. Fight for your own survival! Attack!!"

Selek Valaunter boosted his troops' morale, which had begun to dwindle after Grim Larsson crushed them. The soldiers' spirits immediately exploded as a result of his words and actions, as evidenced by their shouts. "Ooh!!!"

Grim Larsson's dazzling smile did not fade when he heard that voice. He launched an attack to the right, crushing a dozen soldiers on that side.

"At long last, Valaunter, you're out. Previous wars cannot be considered victories. I wasn't there, and now we're in the thick of it!"

As soon as he said that, an aura exploded from his body, blowing everything around him away, leaving an empty space.

He did not move and remained in his position until Selek Valaunter arrived, riding his horse as fast as he could. They appeared to have access to an arena in the empty space. Grim Larsson puffed out his chest and gave a murderous expression.

As soon as they clashed, the atmosphere in the room changed, becoming heavier and more intense. When entering that empty space, it was difficult for anyone to breathe smoothly.

Nothing conceals its power. Selek Valaunter exuded a great deal of power, and the pressure that emanated from his body was extremely oppressive. Similarly, the air around Grim Larsson appeared to be distorted.

"Grim Larsson!!!!" Who would have guessed you'd show up in this war! My victory felt incomplete at the time. Everything will be completed by eliminating you and winning this war. This spear... I will stab and break your heart!!"

Selek Valaunter spoke in hushed tones. His eyes narrowed sharply, and his aura rose sharply, suppressing everything.

"Would you like to finish me off?" Valaunter, how many times have we met? Not once or twice, but several times. As far as I recall, you never won over me and always fled. Now!! You think you can beat me now that I'm much better than I was then? Valaunter, don't daydream!! Give it up while I'm still polite. Surrender and lay down your weapons immediately!!"

Grim Larsson stated it aloud. His booming voice echoed across the battlefield, temporarily halting the fighting.

Selek Valaunter felt a much stronger suppression even though Grim Larsson didn't move from his position. A vibration hit his body, causing him to break out in a cold sweat.

He could tell if his opponent's cultivation was higher. However, this is not an excuse for him to give up. Asking him to lower his weapon was the same as asking him to give up his honor as a Marshal and a Pillar of the Kingdom.

"Surrender? "Would you like me to give up my honor and responsibility?" After he said that, his aura grew significantly stronger and more oppressive.

Selek valaunter spun his spear past his body, instantly distorting the air, and gave Grim Larsson a defiant look. "I'm not going to give up or back down. It's better to die than to give up!"

Grim Larsson did not respond to his words; instead, he spurred his horse quickly, causing the air to be blown in all directions. He didn't even draw his sword.

Selek Valaunter spurred his horse and spun his spear at the same time as he moved. Two extremely powerful waves appeared out of nowhere and ravaged the area.

An energy punch was met with a powerful spear swing, resulting in a shockwave that blew everything away.

Grim Larsson jumped off his horse, twisting his body and letting go of his fist. He did not leave Selek Valaunter behind; he did the same, and they unleashed attacks on each other while flying.

For a brief moment, the world seemed to come to a halt as the two of them fought in midair. They let out a burst of energy and made a lot of noise. The soldiers who witnessed the battle could only gulp.

The energy sparks that flew from each of their attacks damaged the air. Grim Larsson's every hit was accompanied by a flash of lightning, while Selek Valaunter swung his spear as fast as lightning.

Grim Larrson drew his sword after kicking it and delivered a powerful punch.

"Selek Valaunter, get out of here! Lightning Fist's First Step!" As he drew his sword, sparks of lightning appeared in his hand as he threw a punch.