The Attitude of the Elaydric Kingdom I

"The situation has changed. You can no longer be on that side. Give up before things get out of hand. If you refuse, the situation will deteriorate. My army is prepared, and you no longer need to be concerned about the other three region leaders, who have all died. You have different abilities and attitudes than them, which has piqued my Lord's interest!"

Larsson did not use enticing sweet words to persuade the young man. He tells him exactly what he thinks. He would never be able to persuade her in the way that those with the ability to persuade could. On the other hand, he was in such a superior position that he felt there was no need to use flattering language.

The youth's expression changed as he listened to him. When he learned of the deaths of three regional leaders he knew, he couldn't hide his concern. He also believed he stood no chance against the man in front of him. He was convinced that if they fought, he would perish in an instant.

Larsson locked his gaze on him, and the look in his eyes made the young man shudder. He didn't move and simply observed the young man's reaction. Larsson expected everything to become clear after this. He saw no sign of surrender to the young man, however.

"Don't worry, you won't lose your job or your family. They will all remain the same, with the exception of the people and kingdom you serve. That's the best advice I can give you: give up. If you choose to fight, well, let's just say... Only bad things will happen to you. You've got a lot of strength, but it's not enough!"

As he felt the pressure from Larsson, the young man caught his breath and tried to hide his panic. He'd been caught off guard by the sudden increase in pressure. Sweat dripped down his back as he felt the pressure and saw Larsson's horrifying expression. He took a few deep breaths and made his decision.

"I'm hoping you'll keep your word. If not now, then later! For the sake of the citizens, I will accept your offer. They have earned the right to live and not have to fight for their lives. No way, I'm sending them to their deaths! I hope you keep your promise! "

There was no reason for the young man to refuse. He also lacked the strength to decline the offer made to him. Furthermore, stalling for time would only cause him more problems. So, after some deliberation, he decided to accept it. It was difficult for him to turn down the offer, especially after considering the fate of the city's residents.

Larsson smiled and motioned for his troops to approach the city. They didn't exhibit the same level of bloodlust as before. They moved in a formation while maintaining a calm demeanor. They were staring intently and directly at the city. They were used to the current situation after the battle against the other three cities.

They eventually made their way into the city. Larsson and the troops were led into the city by the young man. He had a completely different demeanor. After his surrender was accepted, he was no longer nervous. He wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. Fighting against a bloodthirsty army, on the other hand, would almost certainly result in many casualties.

"Master, may I inquire about the King? What is the King's personality like? I'm very interested in the King. What kind of person, sir, could give orders to someone as powerful as you? I was confused and depressed the first time I saw you. Really, I lost myself the first time I saw you!" exclaimed the young man firmly.

After all, the young man found it difficult to face Larsson, who was looking at him with a warmer gaze. They were, after all, on the same side. Larsson had no reason to be chilly. Furthermore, he had a feeling that something was about to change now that the kingdom had succeeded in expanding its territory. He had no idea how the situation had progressed to this point.

"King? It's difficult to say. He had a difficult to understand demeanor. He occasionally displays his youthful demeanor. However, he appeared to be a quick thinker at times. I believe the right word for him is "difficult to predict." The king is also an interesting character; evidently, he didn't order me to kill him but instead recruited you."

"Now, it's your job to stabilize the situation within the city," Larsson said calmly, looking at the young man. "We cannot allow the situation to deteriorate further. I can assure you that the Salauster Kingdom has annexed the entire territory. You will be able to demonstrate your worth in the future. Of course, you have a chance to meet the King. The time is short; I believe you will meet the King within the next few days!"

"Does he have that kind of King? It's becoming more difficult. Will I be able to impress him when I meet him? After all, he is unpredictable, as you stated earlier. What drew me to the King was his forgiveness. Did you happen to hear about it, sir?" The young man couldn't help but be intrigued by what was in front of him at the moment.

Voran's forgiving attitude left an indelible impression on him. He had no idea what was so valuable and appealing about him that he was valued in this way. He also felt that this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up. Most importantly, he did not have to fight and risk losing the citizens who admired him.

Return to Voran's side, who is currently inside the palace. He was visited by an envoy from the Elaydric Kingdom. He met a middle-aged man with a well-groomed and prominent appearance inside the palace. The man carried a scroll and exuded a calm, gentle demeanor. When he looked at him, he felt a pleasant sensation. His eyes are bright but deep. Voran cast a glance at the man and concentrated on what he was carrying.

"Your Majesty, venerable King. I come before you as an envoy from the Kingdom of Elaydric to express our kingdom's friendship with your kingdom. The scroll I was carrying contained an official letter from the King. We hope for good between the two kingdoms," said the middle-aged man in a calm voice.

Voran nodded, and one of the soldiers took and handed him the scroll. Voran held the scroll firmly in his grip. He didn't open it right away, but instead turned to face the middle-aged man.

"Did your King send you a special message in addition to this scroll?" Voran noticed something different about the middle-aged man's demeanor after he finished his words. Regardless, the middle-aged man's eyes were fixed on a small movement.

"You are correct, Your Majesty. The king desired a Salauster Kingdom attitude toward the Elaydric Kingdom. Aside from this message, I receive no special commands. On the scroll, everything is listed. I will clear up any doubts Your Majesty has after he has read it." The middle-aged man bowed slightly, his right hand resting on his chest.

Voran unrolled the scroll in his hand right away. He took his time reading it. Every word on the scroll made Voran happy and worried at the same time. Some things he just couldn't ignore. The writing on it gave him a rejuvenating feeling, especially after the exhausting war.