Where am I?

Slowly waking up I groaned aloud as I sat myself up. The only issue being is that something was different.

'What happened...' I thought as I struggled to open my eyes. Then like a freight train it hit me, what happened. But that wasn't the biggest issue.

A sudden surge of pain afflicted my mind as memories, experiences, and the full life of Ruby Rose entered my head.


The sound of Mason, or Ruby falling onto the ground as the pain of merging and sorting memories occurred.

*30 Minutes Later*

'I think I finally have our-no my memories figured out' I thought as I groggily stood up from the ground.

Dusting the dirt from my skirt I stood up and started to think. The memories of Ruby Rose were overwhelming to say the least, add on to what happened with meeting Danctrum it took some time to sort my memories.

Thinking about the memories he received he thought about what was Ruby's last memory 'Huh falling off the portal walk way with my whole team. But it's not my team because I'm not truly Ruby Rose.'


Sighing out loud Ruby or Mason soon began to feel very melancholy. 'I tried my best in both of our lives. As Mason I tried to make a living by going to college, and with Ruby I tried to save Remnant.'

Frowning deeply Ruby/Mason thought 'I haven't failed yet. I will make my way back to my team even if I'm no longer purely Mason or Ruby. I must help Remnant, but that will be a long term goal because I don't know how Multiverse jumping works.'

Frown disappearing into a depressed look Mason spoke aloud "I have more pressing matters than trying to save Remnant right now. I can do that whenever I want currently but right now is the first time in a long time I am free of the burdens of others."

A surprising look appeared on Mason's face as he was surprised from hearing his own voice.

Shaking his head he remembered that he was no longer a he or solely Mason.

'Guess I'm both Mason and Ruby, but because I am more of Ruby in everything except thought process and mind, I'm just going to go by Ruby. Also I'm a girl now...'

Shaking her fist in anger she remembered Danctrum's spinning of the Wheel of Wishes.

'Well pretty much I don't know where I am except that I'm in Overwatch. I have my memories mostly figured out but I need to test to see if things are the same as the RWBY world. '

Pulling from her memories, the way to use aura once again appeared.

Like riding a bicycle Ruby felt as her aura activated unconsciously and surrounded her. Similar to a warm coat during winter, it was a welcomed feeling.

'So this is how aura feels, it's like I've had it for ever... Wait I have... '

Shaking her head Ruby thought 'Well these memories will calm down eventually, I just have to remember that I am a combination of both Mason and Ruby. I have everything from Ruby but I am not run by her thought process.'

Grinning a little Ruby said aloud "Well, aura works. Although the memory issue will take a little while to solve I am still mostly Mason with how I think, but I am certainly Ruby with my emotions."

Slapping her cheeks Ruby said "Alright well there's one more thing to test, I know my semblance works because of aura, but I felt something weird. Something deep inside my aura..."

Focusing on her aura, almost instinctually something started forming. Rose petals flowed around her like a blizzard as the weapon she cherished most appeared in her hands.

Squealing aloud Ruby shouted "Oh my Gods! I thought I lost you when I fell!"

Rubbing her face on the folded Crescent Rose, Ruby slowly began to calm down and thought 'I can't believe I still have this, or that I freaked out so hard.'

'Well it seems I can summon Crescent Rose by using my aura!' Smirking there was only one thought in her mind.

'Let's see if I truly have Ruby's skills. Let's do this!'


A loud transforming sound echoed through the wheat field as Crescent Rose unfolded and transformed into a massive red painted scythe.

Still smirking Ruby looked around and saw the field of wheat around herself.

'Well its not the best target like grimm, but lets try this out. I always wanted to do this after watching RWBY, and now that I have Ruby's memories I can!'

Slowly powering aura into her semblance, Ruby readied her scythe behind herself.


Turning into a cloud of rose petals you could only see as wheat was chopped down in great masses.

'This is so much fun!' I thought as I sped my pace up and began cutting down all the wheat that stood before myself.

If someone was watching right now the only thing they could see would be a cloud of roses transforming into a person with a scythe, and then back into a rose cloud. Flying through the air like a tornado of death.

Stopping for a moment I landed on the ground and looked at Crescent Rose

'Alright this is also a sniper, let's see if the bullets are also formed using aura.'

Focusing on Crescent Rose I felt as if I knew that it would work when I pulled the trigger.

Putting my finger on the trigger and pulling it a large gunshot could be heard as a distinct casing dropped from Crescent Rose.

'So it does work. I also feel like I have more aura than I used to have according to Ruby's memories. Could it be because my soul merged with Ruby?'

Nodding to herself Ruby slowly stopped playing around with her favorite weapon.

"Alrighty, let's see..." I said as I took out the magazine and looked at it to see a bullet missing.

Focusing on my skirt where I had a belt of ammo, I felt as a tiny sliver of aura disappeared and reappeared in the form of a bullet on my skirt.

'So that's how it works?' I thought as I got used to using my aura to power Crescent Rose.

*1 hour of messing around later*

Staring at the remnants of a wheat field I thought 'Ok, I'm feeling like I got majorly side trekked. It's actually time to figure out the system and where/when I am."

The sounds of Crescent Rose unfolding sounded out.

Placing Crescent Rose on my behind I thought 'Hmm how does this work, should I just think System for it to appear?'

As if the System actually heard my question, a blue screen appeared before myself.

Looking at the fancily designed blue screen you could see 3 windows. One that had a model of myself on it with my current abilities under it, a window that said point shop, and a window that said quests.

Looing closely the quest menu has a red exclamation mark next to it blinking. Clicking the quest menu I watched as it enlarged and took up the whole screen.

'Alright, let's see...' I thought as I looked at my current quests and saw a singular quest.

-Quest Menu-

{Current Quests}

!Find out where you are!

Description: You have been sent to the mysterious world of Overwatch and woke up in the middle of nowhere. Find out where and when you are!

Looking at the screen I nodded to myself and smirked.

Trying to speak aloud I coughed a little bit due to how dry my throat was.

After coughing some I said "Alright, first thing is first! I need to find out where I am. And based on a wheat field being here, it means that I'm near civilization!"

Looking around I chose to head towards the direction of what seemed to be a worn path.

"That way!" I said while smiling and beginning my walk on the path.

Walking down the path I looked towards the sun and saw that it was a little past mid day.

Getting bored from all the walking I slowly got lost in thought. Clearing my memories a little I thought about how I looked.

'I have the memories of the most recent Ruby Rose who was around 17-18 years old, but my current outfit is the outfit I had when I first arrived in Atlas when I was 16.'

(A/N Pretty much the Ruby before she arrived at Atlas/when she first arrived in Atlas)

'Well I like this outfit a little more than Atlas's one. Even if the Atlas one was a little more advanced, it just wasn't the same when they fixed up my cloak.' I thought as I viewed a memory of Ruby getting a new outfit from Atlas scientists.

Grabbing my tattered red cloak I rubbed in-between my fingers

'Just isn't the same without you sweat heart' I thought.

*A couple of hours of walking later*

Exclaiming out loud I shouted "Damn! Why is this path so long!?"

Pouting slightly I looked towards the sun and saw it was nearly setting.

Looking towards the hill in front of myself I thought 'Alright if I don't see anything at the top of this hill I'm speeding in a random direction until I find someone.'

Nodding to myself I began trekking up the slightly steep, green hill standing before myself.

Marching up it I made it to the top and gasped at the sight standing before myself.

Almost like a masterfully taken photo, the scene of a large city in the distance with a glow surrounding itself appeared while the sun was setting to the side of it.

'This is just so peaceful. Normally I wouldn't care much for this scene, but with Ruby's memories of the kingdoms being war torn by grimm...'

Staring at the scene there was only one thought.

'It is truly beautiful compared to Ruby's memories. Almost like when I first saw Atlas with...'

Slapping her cheeks Ruby said "Alright! I'm getting off topic! I must quickly make my way towards the city to find out where I am."

'Hopefully I'm in America or Britain, or else I wont be able to speak their language...' Ruby thought in the back of her mind.

Starting from a light jog to a full sprint, Ruby started to leave a trail of rose petals floating behind her as she sped to the city.

What anyone normal person would see would be a blur followed by a trail of rose petals.

*A long sprint later*

Hahhh - Hahhh...

Panting out loud I started to calm down and return to my normal breathing.

Wiping sweat off my forehead I thought 'Ok, that was a long run lets not do that again.'

"Alright let's see..." I said as I started to walk towards a large road leading into the city.



Exclaiming aloud I turned around and saw a floating car race past me into the city.

'Oh yeah Overwatch has those...' I thought as I calmed down from my startle.

Pouting slightly I thought about my choices. 'Should I get a ride, or just walk?'

Shaking my head at the obvious answer I chose to hitch hike. After all even if I am Ruby now, I don't want to walk another 8 or more miles to the city.

Hanging my thumb out towards the street I waited for a car to stop.

Vwoom! Vwoom!

Watching as the car's passed me I saw a floating car that looked similar to a Tesla Cybertruck slow down next me.

With tinted windows I couldn't see anything inside until the window closest to me rolled down. Looking inside there was a middle aged man with a beard.

'Huh that's a cool car, wonder how it works?' I thought until the middle aged man asked me a question.

"Oi girl, you need a ride to the city?" The middle aged man asked.

Nodding I laughed nervously and said cheerfully "Yeah that would really help me a lot. I got lost earlier from my afternoon run and found this road."

'Nailed it!' I thought as I told the man in the truck an excuse.

The middle aged man stared at me as if I was an idiot and then thumbed towards the door.

Sighing the man said "Get in I will take you to the city. My name is Mark by the way, what's yours?"

Opening the door I sat down and answered his question happily while smiling because I finally found a way to the city.

"My name is Ruby, Ruby Rose!" Smiling I asked "Also might I ask where are we and what's the date? I am pretty lost. Heh, heh..." I laughed nervously once more.

Mark stared at me and started chuckling.

"Hey! What's so funny!" I exclaimed while pouting slightly.


Mark laughed louder and said "Oh nothing, im only laughing because you must've gotten really lost."

Looking at me he added on "Also you look like you went through a long trip considering how tired you look."

Listening to him I thought 'Well he is right...'

"Well lass, the date is May 15th, 2070. We are currently heading towards the city of Cambridge in the United Kingdoms. Does that answer your questions lass?"

Not paying attention to his question, I nodded automatically and racked my jumbled memories for when I was.

'Alright so tracer was 26 in 2076, and the slipstream accident occurred when she was 19. Tracer would be around 20 right now and the fall of Overwatch was around 2076 to 2077. Before that was the Null Sector incident...'

Nodding as my own thoughts confirmed when I was I smiled slightly. I was just before the Null Sector incident, give or take a few months.

Smiling brightly towards Mark I said "Thank you so much. I was really lost for a moment."

Mark glanced at me while driving and smirked.

"No problem lass, I am always happy to help people who are as lost as you are, Hahaha!"

Frowning slightly after hearing him laugh I started chuckling too and said "I was really lost wasn't I."

Mark simply continued driving towards the city of Cambridge, which was a very beautiful city. We continued small conversations such as where I'm from and how I got lost, to which I answered in a way that wouldn't be too confusing.

As we got closer you could make out the modernized buildings as traffic got more intense.

After some time of going through traffic we arrived outside of a small shop that was run down. Looking you could see it had less modernization than the other buildings next to it.

"Well Ruby, it was a short ride but it was nice getting to meet you. Sadly this is our stop, I also want to give ye a warning before you leave."

Hearing the serious tone I looked at him seriously as well.

"Be careful about the omnics, recently they have been getting more and more aggressive towards people, and I don't want to see a nice girl like you ending up in the obituary."

Hearing what Mark said, I smiled brightly due to how kind he has been towards me.

"Don't worry about that, I can defend myself properly. Also do you know where the subway station is so I could get a train to London?"

Mark's face turned into a small frown and he said "I do, but lass do be careful."

Pulling out his phone, Mark showed me the directions to the nearest subway which was a few blocks away.

"Well Mark, I truly thank you for everything you've done! But I think its about time I make my way towards London."

And with that I exited the car and activated my semblance. Turning into a cloud of rose petals I rushed away towards the train station while weaving in-between the crowds of people.


Mark turned around quickly to see a cloud of rose petals rushing away towards the subway.

Blinking twice Mark chuckled and said "Huh, guess I won't have to worry about another lass ending up dead from those omnics after all."