Money and Gaining Attention


The sound of wind and mixing conversations could be heard as I sped through the crowds of Cambridge as a cloud of rose petals.

Rushing through crowds all that was left was a red blur and a trail of rose petals.

'This is so much fun! I always wanted to do this after watching RWBY' I thought as I narrowly dodged people and omnics alike.

'Alright I'm almost there. Wait Sht!' I thought as I saw a crowd of people that I couldn't weave through.

Racking my memories on what to do I quickly remembered that Ruby trained for something similar while in Atlas.

'Lets try it!' Was the last thought I had before I split into two separate clouds of rose petals. Both going around one side of the crowd they met together again on the other side of the people.

Turning corporeal again I landed heavily on the ground and skidded slightly until my boots stopped me.

Wiping some sweat from my forehead I smiled greatly.

'That was amazing!' I thought until I turned around towards the crowd and said "Hehe Sorry!"

'Lets get out of here and to the subways!' I thought as I began a much lighter run without use of my semblance towards the subway.

Running for a short while I soon arrived at the subway station.

'Man I really am fast, aren't I?' I thought as I stared at the subway station sign in front of myself.

Looking at the sign that read Cambridge Tunnels, you could see a long set of stairs and an escalator that led down towards the subway.

Saying aloud to no body in particular I said "Alright, let's go and get a ticket for the train and start my journey towards Lon...don."

My eyes opened comically large as I remembered something.

'Oh my gosh I don't have any money!' I thought as I quickly checked my pockets.

Feeling something in my pocket I pulled it out and it was surprisingly Ruby's scroll from Atlas.

'Well I have my scroll, and all my Lien is on it. But they don't take Lien here...'

Looking back towards the subway station I made a simple decision.

'Oh well, what's the worse that can happen? I can just speed my way onto the train before they can stop me if I really need to.'

With those thoughts I cheerfully made my way down towards the subway as a multitude of people stared at me for not only my strange outfit, but also for how happy I looked.

Ignoring all the people who took occasional glances at me I arrived at a board with all of the times for trains on it.

'Hmm, not that one. Nope. Nada. Ah there it is!' I thought as I speedily read through all the parting trains.

'Alright so it leaves in... 2 minutes! I gotta go!'

Turning away from the bored with a nervous look I glanced towards where you buy tickets. Seeing the checkpoint that you need to pass through I decided that I wouldn't have time to ask people for money.

'I need to get there quickly! It's the furthest one away!' I thought as I chose to use my semblance and dash through the checkpoint.

"Hey! what was that!? Stop!" The sole security guard shouted as he tried to follow a cloud of rose petals blurring through the checkpoint.

'Ignore him, ignore him!' I said in my mind as I quickly maneuvered around people getting on and off trains.

After a few quick petal bursts, I arrived towards the train that I was supposed to get on.

"Haha! Made it!" I said cheerfully as I stopped my petal bursts and began a slightly quick walk towards the train.

Ignoring the people who were staring at me for my blatant use of my semblance I walked towards the train.

Weaving through some more passerby's I entered the train with no one knowing that I wasn't supposed to be on it. Sitting down on a window seat towards the back of the train cart I slowly started to hum some music.

'Wonder if my scroll still has all the music I saved on it. I also need my headphones, gotta find those!' I thought as I felt around all of my pockets until I finally found a red pair of headphones with the classic Ruby Rose insignia on it.

Wondering on why I had my scroll and headphones I soon ignored the thoughts.

I then began by pulling out the headphones and unfolding them from their compact state, I then opened up my scroll to see it had no connection.

Pouting slightly I plugged in my headphones and turned on one of my saved playlists.

'This is really some good music.' I thought as I listened to Red like Roses.

Humming the song I stared out the window and watched as the train began to leave. Looking towards the security guard trying to find where I went, I smirked slightly.

'Heh, you have to be quicker than that'

Spending some time looking at old team photos and videos of RWBY while listening to music I saw the scenery shift.

Looking out the windows I saw we exited the tunnels and for some reason went above ground. Looking around you could see the train pass by rolling hills, forests, and cities alike.

'Man this is really too peaceful, it just isn't the same without the grimm. Even if I hadn't personally experienced fighting them, I still am Ruby.' I thought as I remembered that I never truly fought the grimm as I am a mix between Mason and Ruby.

Shaking my head to get rid of my thoughts I smiled again and listened to the music playing from my headphones.

'Luckily this new Atlas scroll can be charged with Aura or else I wouldn't be able to use it!' I thought gratefully as I watched the scenery passing by.

After about an hour of moving, the train entered the underground once more and slowed down. Reaching towards a new subway I watched as we came to a stop and a persons voice sounded over the train.

Ding, Dong!

"Welcome to London, please leave the train in an orderly manner."

Listening to the voice, I stood up and pocketed my scroll while still listening to music.

Walking slowly towards the exit, I turned off my music and put my headphones around my neck.

Smiling I said "Alright, first things first! Get some money and buy something to eat!"

Listening to my grumbling stomach I thought 'Quickly, or else I might really starve!'

Walking towards the escalator up I soon exited the subway station and saw the beautiful city of London. Only that it was much more futuristic from my memories and that there was something not so beautiful.

Omnics were openly treated like animals. If I looked closely I could see some gangs of them in alleys and other omnics just sitting down waiting to die.

Frowning I thought about how the Faunus were treated in Mantle, the city under Atlas.

'This is really just as bad, if not worse than it was in Mantle.' I thought as I slowly started to walk down a random sidewalk that led to business centers.

Looking towards the ground I remembered something that was more important than the issues of London.

'I need food, and money. I don't have a way of getting money currently because I don't have an ID or anything of the like. All I have is my huntsman license.'

Pouting at remembering how hungry I was I had a passing thought that I didn't like too much. 'Well I can steal from some gang's I guess. I would be helping people by taking care of them and I do need money...'

Nodding while gaining a determined look in my eyes I set off towards the shadiest alleys I could find.

'Hopefully I won't have to use Crescent Rose. Maybe I could use her as a scare factor?' I thought as I roamed the dark alleyways of London.

Walking through the alleyways I soon got bored that I ran into nobody. I put on my headphones and started to listen to music once more.

Seeing as there was nothing to do I opened my System menu and maneuvered towards the quest menu.

-Quest Menu-

{Current Quests}

!Find Out Where You Are! - Completed!

Would you like to Claim the points for this Quest?


Looking through the quest menu I soon clicked Yes on the quest I completed. Looking at a new notification I saw that I gained about 10 points.


'Did I hear something?'

Once more in a louder tone I heard "Hey girly listen to us!"

Taking off my headphones I looked up from the system menu and saw 3 thugs in front of myself. 1 Omnic who looked very muscular and the other two are normal thugs.

Being slightly startled I forgot what I was here for and said "Uhhh, yes?"

The thug standing in front of the other two shouted "I said give me everything you have!"

Looking towards the thugs I thought of replicating the first scene in RWBY.

"Are you robbing me?" I asked innocently towards the group of thugs who all held a makeshift weapon, such as glass bottles and a baseball bat.

The thugs looked towards each other as if I'm an idiot and then all shouted at once


The first thug soon shouted after "Look girly just give me everything you have and you will get away scott free"

Smirking slightly I looked to see if I had enough room in the alley to pull out Crescent Rose. Seeing as I did I said "Well, if you are sooo keen on robbing me then how about now?"

Chunk! Clunk!

As I said that the loud sound of Crescent Rose unfolding from a small rectangle into that of a massive red painted scythe sounded throughout the alley.

Watching as all the thugs who stood in front of myself look exasperated towards my beautiful Crescent Rose, I smirked.

"Let's change this, you give me some money and I will let you go scott free." I said in a cheerful tone as I was inwardly laughing at how scared the men were.

I listened as the two thugs in the back murmured to the leader and said "Boss I don't think this is a good idea. Look at how big that thing is!"

The leader seemed to shake away their fears and said "She probably can't even swing that! Don't be afraid I will show you how it's done."

Being slightly upset at the leader who shook away his fear of my scythe I pouted and watched as he marched towards me with a baseball bat.

"Well I did warn you..." I said as I quickly swiped Crescent Rose towards the mans bat. Watching as the scythe glided through the metal bat I thought 'Huh it seems it's just as sharp as it used to be.'

The leader of the thugs took a minute to see what happened as his baseball bat was cut in half and fell on the ground.


The sound of the baseball bat being cut in half and rolling on the ground was the only sound you could hear in the alley.

Gaining a look of fear in his eyes he fell to the ground with the other thugs and said "Alright little missy! We are very sorry! Just don't hurt us and we will give you all of our money!"

The two thugs behind himself hid behind the leader and nodded towards me.

'No problem can't be solved by my beautiful Crescent Rose, especially after it's upgrades from Atlas!' I thought proudly as I watched the men pull out a few wallets full of money.

"Little lady! This is all we have, please take it and let us go!" the leader of the thugs said as I happily took the cash that he handed me.

Reaching into my back pocket I took out an empty wallet that was filled with identifications such as my Huntsman license and passports for different the different kingdoms of Remnant. Putting the money inside I unfolded Crescent Rose.

"Alright you can all go now, just don't be robbing people again or else I wont be so merciful!" I said in as threatening of a tone that a girl in a skirt could say.

Seeing the thug leader and his goons nod shakily they soon all stood up and scampered away.

A smile soon planted itself on my face and then grew into a small laugh.

"Haha! I can't believe that worked!" Looking at my wallet I saw the giant wad of cash that they handed over to myself.

'Seems like about 2000 pounds, more or less.' I thought happily and put the wallet back in my back pocket on my skirt.

Leaving the alley I soon entered a nice shopping district with a multitude of shops that I have never seen before.

Jumping up in a comically cartoon fashion I squealed and said "Oh my gosh! there's so much to see!"

Using my semblance unconsciously I flew towards different shops. Looking at a multitude of different things such as clothes and books I soon felt a grumble from my stomach.

'Oh yeah 1st things 1st I need food!' I thought as I remembered why I took the thugs money in the first place.

Slowing down I soon searched for a restaurant to eat at. Even though it was currently night, the city was still bustling with people and traffic.

Swiftly going in-between the crowds of people who were out and about, I soon came across a small pub.

'Well, it's better than nothing...' I thought as I didn't have too much money to spend, and that Uncle Qrow taught Ruby a lot about gathering information from drunk people.

Entering the pub I was soon met with the loud and happy atmosphere of everyone eating and drinking. Walking towards the bar, I sat down by myself at the corner seat of the bar.

Waiting for a moment a bartender soon came up to me and said "So what will you be having miss?"

Looking towards the bartender I smiled and responded with "Do you have a menu that I could have first? I am starving."

The bartender smiling back said "Sure, here you go. I will come back in a few moments to take your order."

Looking at the small menu I saw that it was mostly drinks and then some dishes. Skimming across most of them I came across the classic burger and fries with a Coca-Cola.

'Even if I'm 18 I don't think I'm old enough to drink here. Or maybe I am but I don't want to end up like Uncle Qrow...' I thought as I waited for the bartender to come back.

Listening in on conversations while waiting I heard that apparently Null Sector was getting more aggressive within London.

Being pulled from my spying I saw the bartender come back and take my order. Telling him what I wanted I went back to listening in on the conversations around myself.

After a long wait my food arrived. Looking towards the burger and fries I felt my stomach grumble.

"Thank you!" I said in a happy tone and quickly took a bite out of my burger.

"Mhm! This is really good!" I said towards the parting bartender. The bartender turned around and gave me a thumbs up and went to deliver drinks to other people.

Munching on my burger I soon finished it, and then I sped to finish my drink and fries.

'Well this was nice, definitely going to come here again.' I thought as I looked at the clock on the wall next to myself. Seeing as the time was still around 9pm I payed the bill and left.

'Alright I need to find a bakery, and a hotel.' I thought as I remembered how much I wanted and missed cookies.

Considering I hadn't had them since I was at the Starbucks that I died at, and add on the fact that Ruby has a serious addiction to them means that I need something sweet.

Roaming around for a short while I found a nice bakery that gave off a heavenly smell. Almost as if I was dragged towards it I entered the shop.

Looking at the small line I waited for a couple minutes until I arrived at the front of a glorious display of different sweets.

Stars comically forming in my eyes I looked at all the different confectionary delights on display.

"Hello miss, what would you like today?" Said a normal cashier.

"Uhhh, I would like this, this, and 3 of these!" I said quickly after pointing at 3 chocolate chip cookies, 1 strawberry cookie, and a kind of éclair.

*1 Buying Montage Later*

With a bag full of goodies I exited the bakery with a skip in my step.

'Ohhh this looks so good!' I thought as I pulled out the strawberry cookie.

Eating the cookie almost at lightning speed, I soon finished off the rest of the cookies.

Rubbing my stomach due to how full I was, I set off to look for a hotel or a place to sleep.

'Man I am definitely going back to that bakery.' I thought happily as I was walking down the street to look for hotels.

Taking longer than it should have taken because I was stopping at almost every new thing I spotted, I soon came across a nice hotel that didn't seem like it would cost too much.

'Hmm this looks like a nice hotel.' I thought as I entered the hotel.

At the front desk there was an omnic in a butler outfit with a nametag of Alfred.

Walking to the desk I asked "I would like a room for a 3 nights, how much would that be?"

The butler, named Alfred replied with "Miss, that would be 150 pounds."

'Thats expensive...' I thought as I nodded towards the price.

Handing over 150 pounds, I was given a keycard and room number.

Sighing as I walked the stairs I thought 'Heh, luckily they didn't ask for an ID or something similar or else I wouldn't be able to sleep here.'

Arriving at the room that I bought for the next 3 day's I inserted my keycard into the door and waited for it to unlock.


Hearing the distinct unlocking sound of any hotel door, I entered and was greeted by a medium sized 1 person bedroom with a tv, a bed, bathroom, and a small table for two people. The view from the window wasn't the best but all in all a basic room.

'Oh man, I'm tired... And I also forgot to buy a toothbrush.' I thought as I took off my knee high boots and put Crescent Rose on my table.

'Oh well, let's see if there is a news channel and then I can get my well deserved sleep.'

Looking at the tv I found a strange modern remote. Taking a moment to figure out I soon turned on the TV and searched different channels until I landed on the news.

"Oppressed Omnics are rising up and joining the radical group Null Sector!"

"Tensions rise as discrimination and hate towards Omnics are at an all time high."

"Overwatch has denied all allegations of Blackwatch doing..."

Turning off the tv I stared blankly for a moment.

'So much is happening, and so little time to make a name for myself.' I thought as I remembered how Null Sector would take over Kingsrow soon.

Standing up I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Exiting the shower I dried off my hair and went back to the bed.

Looking at Crescent Rose I had a quick thought.

'I wonder if I can turn Crescent Rose back into my aura, after all it came from it?'

Walking over to the table where Crescent Rose was I picked her up and tried willing her to deform.

Concentrating for awhile I felt my grip on her loosen. Opening my eyes I watched as she turned into rose petals that started to drift away.

Feeling that it was back in my aura, I willed it out again and watched as rose petals formed into my favorite scythe.

Doing this a couple times I got tired.

'Well it is pretty late, and I have a long day tomorrow.' I thought as I took off my outfit and was left in an oversized shirt.

'Guess I need to do some shopping tomorrow, but for that I will need more money.'

Entering my bed that was mine for the next couple days, I soon started to sort memories.

The final memory I had before drifting to sleep was about Ruby and Yang being trained by Taiyang.

Drifting to sleep Ruby had no clue that all of her blatant use of her semblance was spotted by a group that liked to keep watch over everything.