Smells like Hasselhoff

B--p! Be-p Beep! Beep!

Groggily I woke up to see Lena doing the same. Looking towards the bedside table the alarm clock on it was going off. The time on the clock was showing 8am.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

'Wow I guess I was pretty tired, usually I wake up myself.' I thought as I looked towards the clock.

Lena getting annoyed at its consistent beeping slammed her fist on the poor clock. Luckily the clock just turned off and was ok.

Sitting up I decided to greet Lena good morning.

"Good morning!" I said in a cheerful upbeat manner until I noticed Lena was turning the other way to go back to sleep. "Hey! Don't go back to sleep!" I shouted as I stood up and pulled the covers from Lena.

"Love! Come one just a couple more minutes of rest?" Lena tried to plead as she was reaching for the covers in my hand.

Shaking my head I reminded her that we had things to do today.

"Don't you remember that we have to speak to Winston and Anna? And also that I'm not even a member of Overwatch yet?"

Lena finally waking up from her sleep due to my words, stared wide eyed at me and said "Oh yeah! Sorry about that love, I was just slightly tired from chasing you yesterday."

Lena sat up, stretched in a manner similar to that of a cat, and then jumped out of bed. Landing on her feet while her baggy pajamas fluttered slightly, she began to strap on her Chronal Accelerator.

"Ok love, before we meet Anna and Winston I think we should have some breakfast." Lena said as she was walking towards the bathroom.

"Alright, I am going to change, you want to have first use of the bathroom?" I asked as I was inwardly thinking 'Must be hard for Tracer to need to strap on that Accelerator whenever she needs to go somewhere.'

Lena smiled and said "Sounds good to me" in a cheeky British accent as she blinked across the hall and into the bathroom.

'Well let's get ready! I have a big day ahead of myself' I thought as I was still sitting on the bed. Taking a couple minutes to find my scroll which seemingly fell somewhere under the bed, I soon began to get dressed.

First I put on my over shirt, my shirt buckles, and cuffs. Then I put on my skirt and my belt to hang my Crescent Rose on. Looking around the room I found my stockings that were lost in the room and sat down. I then began to put them on only for Tracer to teleport into the room without knocking.

Tracer's eyes opened comically large as she coughed slightly and said "Oh sorry love, didn't know you were still changing."

Looking away Tracer laughed nervously and I decided to help her by saying "Don't worry about it, it's only stockings. Also are you done with the bathroom?"

Tracer nodded and said "Yeah sure am, also sorry again for walking in without knocking."

Nodding towards Tracer I smiled and said "No prob, I'm going to brush my teeth right now, be right back."

Leaving the room I walked across the hall to get to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth and slightly combing my hair I checked to see if I looked good.

Looking in the mirror everything was perfect, the only thing that wasn't was that I was forgetting my signature piece of clothing, my cloak.

'Can't do my first impressions without that!' I thought as I made my way back to Tracers room. Knocking on the door I heard a "Come in." and some laughing after that.

'What's so funny?' I thought as I entered the room to grab my cloak, only to see Tracer wearing it and standing on the bed while doing some weird hand movements.

"Ooooh! I am the Grimm Reaper, and I am here for you soul!" Tracer said with a smirk on her face while mocking me.

Pouting I said "Hey! I don't sound like that. I am much cooler! Now give me that." I said as I tried grabbing my cloak from her only for her to blink away.

"Sorry love, but this cloak is far too comfortable to take off now." Tracer said cheekily as she was stroking my precious cloak while inwardly she had thoughts that were similar to 'Why does this smell so much like roses?'

'She can't get away with this!' I thought as I began to chase her around the room, only for her to dodge each attempt I made towards my cloak.

"Stop dodging! Pleaseee give me my cloak!" I said in a pleading voice while chasing her.

Tracer began to laugh, angering me even more. "Haha! You are going to need to catch me if you want your cloak back love!"

'Fine, guess we are doing this the hard way.' I thought and grinned darkly towards Tracer.

Tracer noticing that I was no longer messing around quickly ran out of the room and into the hallway as my cloak fluttered away with her.

"Hey! Don't run!" I yelled as I began to chase Tracer down the hall as she was laughing.

'That's it!' I thought as I began to charge my semblance. Turning into a cloud of rose petals I flew after Tracer at an incredible speed. Tracer turned around and her eyes turned into saucers.

Dashing towards Tracer planning on tackling her I deactivated my semblance while flying towards her. Tracer quickly blinked away into the commons room while I landed roughly on the floor.

"Urgh! Get back here with my cloak!" I shouted as I stood up and activated my semblance once more.

Tracer began to laugh again as she stood in the commons room while fluttering my cloak. "I am the Reaper! Watch out or else I might take your soul, ooooh..." Tracer said as she was entertaining the inhabitants of the room who were already awake.

Looking around the room you could see a giant of a man with a white beard and a scar on his eye laughing away, while an exhausted blonde haired girl was preparing coffee. Another woman was sitting and smiling in the corner with a blue beret hat on while drinking tea from a tea cup.

Dashing into the commons room as a cloud of rose petals, I flew towards Tracer. Tracer quickly blinked away as I split into two different clouds of petals and avoided a giant who was laughing.

'Not now, I need my cloak.' I thought as I began to rush around the room while Tracer dodged each of my tackles.

After a couple of minutes of this tornado of speed ravishing the room, Tracer stopped and tried to catch her breath while still laughing.

'Now!' I thought as I plowed into Tracer at full speed and tackled her.

"Hah! Now give me my cloak!" I shouted smugly while sitting on top of Tracer.

Only then did almost all of the inhabitants of the room start to laugh while a tired blonde woman yawned.

Rose petals were flying around the room, drifting slowly to the ground as I was sitting on top of Tracer. Forming a nearly perfect romantic scene if not for the inhabitants of the room laughing.

Tracer blushed slightly and quickly said "Ok, ok! Get off of me love and I will give you your cloak back" while she tried to get me off of her.

Standing up off of Tracer as I ignored the laughs that persisted, I waited for her to hand me my cloak.

Tracer still blushing quickly unbuttoned my cloak and handed it to me.

'Finally got you back precious! Just isn't the same without you.' I thought as I smiled happily and put on my cloak.

"Haha! You are quite fast little one! My name is Reinhardt and it was entertaining to watch you chase Lena around." The giant shouted while walking towards me.

Turning towards the giant I looked up to see he was nearly 3 heads taller than me.

'Wow, I can't believe I didn't notice Reinhardt. Guess I was too focused on getting my cloak back.' I thought as I smiled slightly and greeted him.

Putting my hand out for a handshake I said "Ruby, Ruby Rose. And I am thinking of possibly joining Overwatch, I just have to iron out some details."

Reinhardt gripped my hand firmly, nearly crushing it and shook with great fervor.

"Haha! It is nice to meet you Rose! I am hoping to see you join the team, I have heard a lot about you from Anna."

Letting go of my hand Reinhardt stepped away as Tracer finally gained her breath from all of the running that we had.

"This is Reinhardt, I told you about him last night. You remember dontcha love? The knight in shining armor, well he doesn't have his armor on right now but you get the point." Tracer said hurriedly while pointing towards Reinhardt.

"Oh so little Lena has told you about me? I hope she hasn't spoiled any of my stories!" Reinhardt said while patting Tracer on the head.

"Heh, nahhhh. She only said that you were a giant knight in armor but I hope to hear some of your stories." I said while entertaining Reinhardt.

"Of course I would love that! I will tell you all about that time I..." Reinhardt trailed off about a story of him fighting a hoard of bastions.

Tracer pulled me away from Reinhardt and whispered "Don't worry about him love, he just really likes his tales of heroism."

Following Tracer she pulled me towards the blonde haired woman who was just staring at us while drinking coffee.

'Oh wow, Mercy looks a whole lot more angelic than in the game, and a whole lot more tired...' I thought as I stared at Mercy.

"And this is Angela! Aka Mercy the best doctor in Overwatch!" Tracer said happily as she led me to the very sleep deprived woman.

Mercy seemingly pulled from her thoughts, stopped staring and greeted me.

"My name is Angela Ziegler, it is nice to meet you." She said as she offered me her hand for a hand shake.

Shaking her hand I said "Nice to meet you too. I will make sure to come to you if I ever need any patching up."

Finishing our greeting I noticed she was about to fall asleep at the table and I asked Tracer "Is she okay?"

Tracer shook her hand and said "Oh yeah she is okay, she just doesn't get much sleep because she is to invested in her projects."

'A little to invested...' I thought as we walked over to the last person in the room. Anna Amari, but much younger than she looked in the Overwatch game.

"Finally, this is Anna! The woman who was put in charge of finding out more information about you. Also she is the lady who is going to help you join Overwatch."

Taking a sip of her tea, Anna placed it down onto a tea plate and placed it on the table next to her. Staring at me slightly she looked directly into my eyes.

We held eye contact for a moment until she said "Anna Amari, you have peaked our interest for awhile now. You are a very difficult person to find any information about."

Smiling slightly I laughed nervously and said "Yeah I guess you already know who I am, but it is still nice to meet you." I then offered her my hand.

Anna stared at me and finally seemed to give in. Sighing she shook my hand and said "I will solve any problems or requirements you have with joining Overwatch in 1 hour. I will see you in my office then."

And with that Anna stopped shaking my hand and left the room. Frowning slightly I shrugged off her rough demeanor and asked Tracer if she wanted any breakfast.

"So... You want some breakfast? I can cook some if we have ingredients here." I asked while I started to walk towards a fridge in the corner of the kitchenette.

"That would be brilliant love! Let me help you though." Tracer responded as she followed me towards the kitchenette.

"Oh yeah, would anyone else like breakfast?" I asked towards the two remaining inhabitants of the room.

Looking towards Mercy I noticed she was already passed out on the table asleep, while Reinhardt was watching the news.

Reinhardt hearing my question loudly said "I am alright, for I have already eaten. Thank you though for asking little Reaper!"

Nodding towards Reinhardt I told Tracer to take out the ingredients for breakfast. That being bacon, eggs, and some potatoes.

"Alright I am going to prepare the eggs and bacon, I want you to peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes." I said to Tracer as I grabbed a pan and began to fry the bacon. Some time later the bacon was finished and tracer finished cutting the potatoes.

"Alright love potatoes are done!" Tracer said happily as she handed me a bowl of small cut potatoes.

Taking them I put them in a larger pan with some oil in it. Cooking the potatoes I asked Tracer to get the eggs out and into the pan next to me.

Nodding Tracer began to cook our eggs, which would be sunny side up. It seemed that we both enjoyed runny eggs.

With that I finished cooking the potatoes as Tracer finished the eggs. Tracer turned off the heat and pulled out two plates. I then began to dish out the food that smelled very good.

Putting the two plates on the kitchen counter where 4 stools lied, I said "All done!"

Tracer nodded and sat down at a stool as I joined her. Taking a deep whiff of the food Tracer said "Wow love, you can really cook! This smells great!"

Smiling towards Tracer I excitedly said "Well what are we waiting for? Lets eat!"

Both of us grabbed a fork and began eating. "Mhm! Wow you have to cook food for me from now on!" Tracer said as she started to quickly eat away the food.

Slightly smiling I began to eat the food. After some time we both finished the plates off and began to clean our dishes. Tracer insisted that she cleaned them because I did most of the work with the cooking, so I sat contently on the stool.

Pulling out my scroll I checked the time and noticed that I had about 10 minutes until my meeting with Anna. 'Wow time passed by pretty quickly while cooking, but it was definitely well worth it!' I thought.

"Alright love, dishes are all done! Now we have to get you to Anna's office!" Tracer said excitedly as she dried her hands off with a towel.

Feeling slightly nervous I nodded towards Tracer. Both of us said goodbye to Reinhardt while I decided to help Mercy out.

"One second Tracer!" I said as I used my semblance to quickly fly across the room and grab a blanket that was on the couch. Dashing back I put the blanket over Mercy and followed Tracer out of the room.

Walking down the hallways of the Overwatch headquarters and coming across a far larger number of people than the night before, we soon made our way to the front of Anna's office.

Standing in front of the closed door slightly nervous Tracer pat me on the back and said "I am going to go speak to Winston now! I will let you solve things with Anna, I will see ya in a little bit love."

And with that Tracer left me alone standing in front of Anna's office. Strengthening my will I knocked on the door.

Listening I heard a "Come in." and with that I slowly opened the door to see Anna Amari sitting at a fancy desk while her hands were folded in front of herself.

"So, Ruby Rose. What did you want to talk to me about?" Anna asked, and thus beginning our talk for me to join Overwatch.