Joining Overwatch

"So, Ruby Rose... What did you want to talk to me about?" Anna asked as she sat behind an executive desk.

"Well, you came to me, or Lena did, to ask me to join Overwatch and I decided to join. But before I join I want a couple things." I remarked towards Anna's question.

Anna glared at me for a moment and sighed. She pressed a button on the desk and a holoscreen popped out.

Anna opened a tab on the screen that was blank and asked me "What is it that you want? Do keep it in moderation."

"Well, first of all I want to be able to leave Overwatch at anytime with no repercussions." I said as I watched Anna nod and type it down.

'I don't think this one is as important anymore because of how nice the people are here, but I should still say it.' I thought as I began to formulate my 2nd request.

Looking away slightly I stated "I know that I am not that normal, especially with my powers. So I want a promise that I wont be treated as an experiment."

Anna finally looked serious and nodded.

"That is a good 2nd request, although I doubt that it will ever need to happen because most of our scientists are very ethical here."

Smiling slightly I voiced my third and final request.

"And for my third request I well... I kind of need help with an ID." I voiced while saying the last part a little more quietly.

Raising her eyebrow Anna asked "What kind of help with an ID? I know you don't have one, or one that I can find."

'Oh few she already knows.' I thought as I inwardly sighed in relief.

"Well you already know, I don't have an ID. Any ID... At all..." I said as I paused on the last two parts slightly.

Anna sighed then smirked slightly.

"I guess that I why I couldn't find anything about you, this actually makes me quite happy because now I know I haven't gotten rusty by being in an office all day." Anna uttered.

Anna then said "Well it shouldn't be that much of an issue to get you one. Even if I have questions, I will leave it for later. It should take about 5 to 6 days if I push my position to get you an ID."

Doing a fist pump in the air I cheerfully thought 'Yes! I can finally do stuff!'.

Anna smiled as she saw my response but then asked "Is that all of your requests? I thought you would be asking for something more."

Thinking about it slightly I shook my head and said "Nah, that is pretty much it. Wait! Can I go and get my stuff from my hotel?"

Looking at me Anna shook her head and said "Sadly, I can't right now. You are stuck here until I get these papers filled out, so I will send someone to get your things from the hotel. Just give me a the hotel, room, and key for the room."

I then told her where it was and what room it was. I then handed Anna a keycard and then asked "So now what?"

Anna brought out a couple of papers out of a folder and handed me a pen.

"Well you will need to sign these papers to officially join Overwatch. The first paper is for your ID while the other two will be about consent agreements and contracts showing that you are in Overwatch." Anna stated as she leaned back in her chair.

Nodding towards her I quickly read over the agreements and began to sign them. The ID paper was mostly about my name, parents, and the such. The consent agreements were about if I get hurt they would pay for the healthcare and the such. The final paper was a contract showing that I was an official cadet of Overwatch.

"Annnd done. Here you go." I said while finishing my last signature. I then handed the papers back to her with a smile on my face while I stood from my chair.

Anna took the papers, stood, and then held out her hand towards me for a handshake.

Grasping her hand I firmly shook her hand and for the first time Anna had a genuine smile on her face.

"It is great to have you apart of the team Ruby. I will let send you the finalized forms tonight which will contain your roll and nickname, your things should also be with it. It will also contain rules, regulations, and everything else you will need to know." Anna said while she held her genuine smile slightly longer until it dropped back into a serious expression.

"Ok, now then if we are all done here I have a meeting with Winston I have to get to." I said happily as Anna nodded and pointed towards the door.

Walking towards the door I opened it preparing to leave before Anna stopped me.

"Oh yes and Ruby." Anna stopped me as she was putting away my paperwork.

Stopping in my tracks I turned around and vocalized a "Huh?"

"Tomorrow we will hold a test for you to see if you are really as good at fighting as Tracer said you were."

'Heh, I will show her how good I am at fighting.' I thought as I nodded towards her and left the room.

Walking down the hallway I tried my best to remember where Winstons lab was. After some time of walking I began to ponder about where I am.

'I have been walking for awhile. I definitely don't think this is the right way...'


Being pulled from my thoughts I fell on top of someone.

Quickly getting off the person I hurriedly said "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, let me help you."

With those words I picked up the person I knocked over, only to see that it was Mercy.

'Guess she woke up.' I thought as she looked much more awake than earlier.

"No no, it is my fault as well. No need to apologize." Angela said in a Swedish accent.

Finally looking up towards the person who knocked her to the ground Angela said "Oh! It is you Ruby. I wanted to thank you for the blanket earlier."

Looking at Angela, she was a completely different person than earlier. She looked slightly less mature than in the game. Her blonde hair no longer let down, but now in a similar pony tail to that of Weiss's. No longer having looked like a zombie, but instead she looked like an energetic angel as she seemingly glowed.

"Heh, no problem. Also do you know where Winston's lab is?" I asked towards Angela.

Angela chuckled lightly and said "Of course I know, I was actually heading there right now because he called me there. What a coincidence."

'Yes! I won't have to be lost anymore!' I thought gratefully towards Angela.

"Pleaseeee take me to Winston. I have been walking down this hall for like 5 minutes." I asked desperately while I flung my hands around.

Angela laughed some and said "Of course, I would quite like the company."

And with that we began our walk towards Winston's lab.

As we were walking, Angela made some small talk with me.

"So Ruby, what is it that you enjoy doing most?" Angela asked while we were walking.

Hearing her question I put my hand on my chin and began to think. 'Hmm well I enjoy making weapons a lot, fighting grimm, eating cookies, helping people...'

"Well I like a lot of things but I think the thing I like the most is tinkering with weapons and making my own to fight with." I said as I pulled out Crescent Rose to show the interested Angela.

"This right here is Crescent Rose, she is a high powered sniper scythe." I said as I held the closed Crescent Rose in my hands.

Angela seemed to be very interested and said "Hmm I feel like I know someone you would like very much then. His name is Torbjorn, can be slightly grumpy but he will grow on you."

"Also Ruby, what do you mean that's a scythe? It doesn't seem like it can become one." Angela asked me in the barren hallway.

'Hmm can I show her?' I thought as I looked around to make sure no one was watching us.

"Well if you want I can show you?" I asked hopefully.

Angela shook her head and said "Hnn I don't think that would be a great idea. How about you show me later tomorrow when you are taking your combat test?"

Smiling I nodded understandingly towards her and we restarted our walk. I decided to ask Angela a question because I was always wandering about why she became a doctor.

"Angela, I heard you are the best doctor on base. What made you get into being a doctor?" I asked in a way to not seem like I was forcing an answer.

Angela stopped for a moment and frowned.

'Hope I didn't ask the wrong question.' I inwardly thought.

"Well, it is a long story but the basics is that I knew a lot of people who were killed, and I couldn't help them. So I chose to change myself so that I could always help a person who is in front of me. And the easiest way to do that was being a doctor."

I nodded to her answer as it reminded me about why I became a huntress.

Smiling nostalgically I said mostly towards myself that "I think I can relate. I became a huntress to protect people who couldn't protect themselves from the darkness. I might have failed but I will keep pushing forward until I'm back." Saying the last part with a melancholy on my face.

Angela turned to look at me as we met eyes. We both stared for a minute and began walking again.

After that it was mostly just quiet and we stopped talking. About a minute later we arrived at Winston's lab. Following Angela in I saw Winston tinkering away with a small watch. Tracer was surprisingly just sitting in the corner on a beanbag listening to music.

"Winston, you called?" Angela asked as she approached Winston with me in tow.

"Ah! Angela and Ruby, just in time. I actually called you here because I have two things I need from you. The first is that I want you to help me watch Lena as I try out this new Chronal Accelerator." Winston said as he held up the watch he was just working on.

"And the second?" Angela asked as she watched Winston hold the watch up.

Winston scratched his head and said "Well I am going to need you to help me test Ruby. She agreed to a few tests and I just want you to take her vitals during it."

Angela turned to look at me as I sheepishly smiled. Angela sighed and turned back to Winston.

"Alright, I will help but do know that you owe me." Angela stated to Winston.

"Of course! Now then let us start with Lena first. Lena!" Winston shouted as he failed to grab Lenas attention as she was blasting music.

"I got this." I said as I picked up a pen from the table and threw it at Lena. Hitting her directly on the head she yelped.


"Oi watch the head!" Lena shouted annoyingly as she stood from her beanbag.

Angela sighed and walked up to Lena and took away her headphones. "Listen Lena, we need you to test this new Chronal Accelerator while I make sure everything is ok."

"Yes, exactly what Angela said. This new Accelerator won't allow you to control your own time, but it will allow you to stay in ours as long as you are near the Anchor. Think of it as a backup, but without the Anchor you will have about an hour until it stops working." Winston said as he began to explain the intricacies of the watch.

Lena looked nervous for a moment and said "Well doesn't my current one work just fine? I think it will be okay..."

Angela then glared at Tracer and began to scold her.

"Lena, you are not getting out of this. We need to test this and I have work to do. Not only that but this could possibly save you from reexperiencing what happened before."

I just simply sat in the corner as I watched on as Lena got scolded by Angela. Winston simply sat there and waited for Angela to finish. I soon began to tune out the rant.

After some more convincing Lena nodded and decided to take off her Chronal Accelerator to try the watch.

"Ok love, this better work or else!" Lena said threateningly towards Winston.

"Do not worry Lena, you have not only me but also Angela here to make sure it all goes fine." Winston said as he handed her the large sized watch.

Lena put on the watch and then turned it on. A dim blue glow from it appeared.

"Ok Lena, you are doing good. Now take off the Chronal Accelerator." Winston said as he waited for Lena to take it off.

'Lets cheer her on, this looks difficult for her.' I thought as I began to wave a small !Go Tracer! flag that I pulled from out of nowhere.

Lena stared at me with some confusion and then sighed. She then began to take off her Chronal Accelerator. Taking it off she handed it Winston.

"Ok Lena, I want you to walk around the room and try to get slightly far away from the Accelerator. This watch should have about a 25 foot range until it will lose connection with the Accelerator."

Lena nodded and began to walk around the room while still slightly nervous. After about 5 minutes she heard an "Ok that's good" from Winston, thus showing that she was finished. Lena made her way back to Winston and took the Chronal Accelerator from him and put it on.

"Good work Lena, I know it was difficult for you to do that." Angela said as she approached Lena and rubbed her back.

Lena nodded and uttered "It was nothing love, I am just slightly still afraid of ending up back there."

"Ok Lena, I am going to study the data from the test and make sure it all adds up. You should be able to have this watch on you in a couple days as there are still things I need to work on." Winston then turned away from Lena and looked at me.

"Now then as for you Ruby, I have some tests in mind for you. Nothing difficult that is, just some running and use of your ability." Winston said as he put the watch back on the table.

"Ok, first I wanted to show you what I could do with my Sembl- I mean ability." I responded while quickly fixing my mistake.

"That sounds fine to me, now then I have a larger testing room set up down the hall. It is about the size of a school gymnasium." Winston said as he began to walk out of the room.

Angela followed behind him as Lena and I exited the lab last. Walking for a short while Lena said "I can't wait to see what you are capable of!" excitedly as she jumped a little bit.

I smiled and nodded towards her as we entered something that looked like the Atlas Training Room. 'Huh this looks a lot like the Atlas room, just slightly less large and less advanced.' I thought as I entered it.

"Ok first of all I want you to tell me about your ability before we start. I heard that it is speed based and that you turn into a cloud of petals, but that is all. Can you tell me some more information on it?" Winston asked as he pulled out a clipboard with a paper strapped to it.

Nodding I responded to his question. "Hmm, well I never truly tested the top speed that I can go at. I just know that it is about the speed of sound, but if I do that I don't only get exhausted quickly but I also begin to hurt myself slightly. And for the ability itself I can turn into a cloud of rose petals that can take other people with it."

I put my hand on my chin and thought of what else it did.

"I can split into two while in the cloud form, and I can also summon more rose petals to make something akin to a blizzard. Other than that I haven't had too much time to train it recently." I said as I finished off my knowledge of my Semblance.

Winston quickly wrote it down as Angela stared in disbelief at my claim. I decided to withhold information of my Aura and my Crescent Rose having the ability to be summoned at will.

"Angela can you please check her vitals right now and then attach the reader to her as I begin to set the parameters for the room?" Winston asked as he turned to look at Angela.

Angela quickly responded with an "Of course, Ruby follow me we will go to a separate room to test your vitals."

Lena smirked a little as she watched me get dragged off my Angela leaving my with the thoughts of 'Why are you smirking?'

As we began to walk off, Angela dragged me into a separate room that was filled with many different scientific and medical pieces of equipment.

"Ok, first I will do a normal exam on you. That is to say I need to take your blood and I will also ask you some questions." Angela said as she told me to sit on the classic doctors table.

Nodding towards her I sat down and waited for her to ask me some questions.

Angela then listed a bunch of questions all of which I shook my head at "Ok do you have any allergies? Do you smoke or drink? Do you have any lasting health problems? Have you had a surgery before?"

Some questions later she pulled out a stethoscope and did the classic thing all doctors did. Breathe in and breathe out, let me check your throat, let me see you ears.

After that she weighed me and measured my height. Sadly then came the worst part, the blood test.

"I thought getting a blood test took awhile to process?" I asked as I was hoping that she wouldn't give me a blood test.

Angela responded as she was pulling out the blood testing supplies.

"Well it does, but luckily we have everything here and it should only take a couple minutes to see if you have any issues."

'Danget! I was hoping I would get out of it.' I thought sadly as I sighed and gave her my arm.

"You will only feel a prick." Angela said as she quickly took my blood.

"Now then I give you flying marks in the health department. Your health is comparable to that of an Olympic Athlete, albeit slightly better. Now go along and do your tests as I check your blood." Angela said as she waved me off.

'Yes! I am finally out of there!' I thought as I began to speed out of the room with my semblance.

Approaching the testing room at high speeds, I entered and spotted Winston and Lena waiting for me.

"Oh there you are Ruby! After asking you a few questions I have decided to test how fast you can move first. I will time you as you run normally and then in your petal burst." Winston said as he pulled out a small stopwatch.

"I will also be racing you as I am one of the fastest people on base!" Lena announced in a smug tone as she stood on a line.

Standing next to her I smirked and whispered "Let's see who is the fastest now."

Lena smiled and we both got ready to run from one side of the room and back.

"Alright, are both of you ready?" Winston asked as he received two nods.

"Great on your marks, get set, and go!" Winston shouted as both Lena and I ran as fast as we could.

I was in the lead but just barely as Lena was only slightly behind me. We approached the wall and Lena pulled ahead of me. Just by the tiniest of bits she tapped the wall first and started to run back.

Chasing after Lena as she pulled ahead I slowly put in last, as she beat me back to the starting line by less than a second.

"This is great! You are extremely fast and Lena only beat you by less than a second. Next we will be doing it with your power." Winston said as he wrote down the time on the watch.

Winston then set up a speedometer and prepared his watch for the test again.

Lena and I both caught our breath and went back to the line. This time though she could use her blink and I could use my Petal Burst.

"Heh love, let's see how fast you really are now." Lena said as she lined up next to me.

I nodded and began to power my aura into my semblance. Slowly but surely rose petals started fluttering off of me showing that I am ready.

"I will start the countdown now, 3, 2, 1, GO!" Winston shouted only to see me blur forward.

I traveled at such great speeds towards the wall that Lena could barely keep up while using her blinks. I reached the wall much quicker than I did before. I briefly passed Lena and thought 'Heh who is faster now.' as I passed her.

Reaching back at the line, Winston stopped his timer and stared in disbelief as Lena was at least 3 seconds behind me. He quickly looked at the speedometer to see I was traveling at about 195kmh or about 120 mph.

As all of this was happening Lena quickly passed the line and began to breathe heavily. "Wow... Love... You are fast." Lena said as she quickly tried to regain her breath.

Winston once more rote down the time and look at the speedometer again. "That she is Lena, I don't think you stood a chance as she was traveling at 120mph. And you said this was not the fastest you could go?"

Lena's eyes quickly widened almost comically as she looked towards me.

'Oh gosh this is awkward.' I thought as I nervously laughed.

"Heheh, yeah... I can go faster but I choose not to because it is slightly draining and difficult to turn." I weakly responded.

"That is amazing! Not only do you transform your entire physiology to that of Rose Petals but you also travel at amazing speeds that shouldn't be able to be generated." Winston said as he began to ramble away.

I smiled happily but then heard my stomach grumble.

"Uhh, how about before we continue the other tests we get some food?" I asked as I sheepishly scratched my head.

Winston smiled and said "I think that would be a great idea. I am feeling slightly hungry as well."

"Me too love! Let's go get something to eat, all of this running has made me quite hungry." Lena also said excitedly.

And with that Winston quickly pocketed his watch and began to walk out. "So what would you two enjoy eating? How about we head to the cafeteria, I heard today they are serving taco's."

Lena looked happy after hearing Winston's statement and mumbled a small "Yes!"

Looking towards Winston I responded with "That sounds great! I don't think I have had a taco before though."

Thinking back I nearly forgot what Taco's were as the RWBY verse didn't have them until I racked Masons memories as well.

'Huh, I'm excited to see how good tacos taste.'

I was quickly cut off as Lena jumped at me and began to shake me.

"What do you mean you have never had a taco before! They are one of the best things you could eat!" Lena shouted as she was shaking me.

I tried to respond but with all the shaking I couldn't. Luckily Winston took Lena off of me and said "I agree with Lena, they are a delicious cuisine."

Sheepishly I scratched my head once more and said "Well I just never really had the chance to have them before." I left off without explaining why.

Lena started a long rant about how good tacos are as we began our walk towards the cafeteria.