Fellow Gear Head

*With Angela*

"Anna, I am worried about Ruby. Are you sure it is wise to let her into Overwatch right now? She shows signs of PTSD..."

Anna sighs and shakes her head as she stares at Angela.

"I am sure Angela, I know she has some issues, but we need all of the help we can get right now... Null Sector is taking control of Britain, and they are trying to restart a God Program, we need someone like Ruby right now."

Angela gets angry and shouts out at Anna. "What do you mean! I can see that she might make a good soldier for your dumb war, but she needs help Anna. Overwatch already has enough negative light shining on it, I don't think more will do it and Ruby any good."

Anna slams her desk and glares at Angela.

"I don't like it either, that's why I want you to help Ruby. I-no we need someone of her caliber for the fight to come. This can be a second Omnic Crisis!" Anna cools off slightly and looks down at the table.

"She is one of the nicest souls I have met, but she has that spark, we need her help Angela. Its out of my hands, Jack ordered that she is instated immediately into the fighting force." Anna exclaims with a small ounce of sadness mixed in.

Angela turns away from Anna and begins to walk away but stops and says "I will make sure that she is ready, just don't come searching for me if something goes wrong. "

And with that Angela left Anna's office and walks back to her lab.

Shaking her head Angela thought 'I just can't believe that Anna and Jack wants another soldier to help fight...' Filled with slight sadness Angela determines that she will help Ruby to the best of her extent, and makes her way towards her lab.

*Back with Ruby*

"Soo, what do we do now? We have about 4 hours until the so called welcoming party?" Ruby asked Lena as she was leaning against a wall.

Lena looked back at Ruby and then competitively said "Well we are in the trainin room love, so how about we do some more training. That is, if you are up for it."

I flicked my hair out of my face and smirked. "Heh well lets start off with fighting, I challenge you Lena Oxton!" I comically shouted out while pointing at her.

Lena smirked as well and then exclaimed "Challenge accepted!"

And with that Lena and I made our way to the big arena where I fought McCree earlier. Lena hopped in and then asked "Ok love, how about no weapons because I don't wanna be on the receiving end of your scythe. Alsoooo Angela isn't here right now so no fixing us up if we get hurt."

I smiled and agreed with Lena. "Hmm I think that would be fine, lets just try to keep it simple as i'm mediocre at fighting without my weapon." Inwardly I thought back to Roman and my memories from times in Atlas when I got folded without my weapon.

Even with Masons memories becoming more prominent I'm not the best at fighting due to my body size and everything. Mason was so good at fighting because of his muscle memory and size. 'Guess this is how Ozpin felt.' I thought as I got into a corner of the arena.

"Alrighty love, lets do this! First one to surrender wins." Lena shouted as she readied herself to fight with me.

'Ok lets do this!'

Slowly we began the fight, closing in on each other Lena suddenly blinked slightly above my head to kick me. 'Heh I'm happy Penny told me I could do this one.' I thought as I used my semblance to grab Lena and throw her out of the Arena.

Landing harshly on the matted grounds bellow Lena rubbed her bum and in a grumpy tone shouted "Oi that's not fair! I never knew you could do that one."

I smirked and responded while doing a small dance.

"Ohh and I never knew you could teleport upwards" I cheekily responded as I stopped doing my victory dance.

Lena glared at me and said "Rematch!"

And with that we begun fighting, constantly trying to get an upper hand on each other.

We were even for the majority of the fights that occurred, until I started to run low on aura.


I jumped away from Lena and looked at my scroll to see that I just had just under 10% aura. The thing with this fight was that Lena got in the majority of the hits, showing her skills over mine. Luckily I had aura, which tanked most of the hits and helped me when the duels.

'Shoot...' I thought as I quickly pocketed my scroll to prepare for Lena who was slowly approaching me. Approaching me she got in and tried to hit me on my chin, dodging I kicked her in the gut making her step back.

"Heh you hit hard love, but looks like you are finally getting tired!" Lena shouted as she wiped some sweat from her head and rushed me.

Dodging her attacks frantically I shouted "How are you not tired yet!? It has been almost an hour of us fighting!"

At the end I dodged a kick sent towards my shoulder, but stumbled slightly. Lena taking advantage of this rushed towards me and hit me directly in the gut with a heavy fist.

"Ooph!" Air escaped my lungs as I doubled over onto the ground. My aura flared but then gave out, turning into particles.


Hearing the beep I knew I was completely out of aura after that attack. Trying to will it into existence to double check, my aura flickered around me and dissipated.

'Yep I lost, I'm too tired to move...' I thought as I glared at Lena who was breathing heavily as well.

"Well seems like I finally won! Haha now what? Want another rematch?" Lena cheerfully asked me as she quickly regained her breath.

"What? I can barely move off the ground, let alone another fight..." I muttered tiredly.

Lena looked down at me and laughed nervously while scratching her head. "Heh sorry love, seems I went a lil hard on ya. Wanna go back to the room to rest up until the party?"

I nodded and stood slowly. 'Ughhh I started this fight thinking I would win, who would expect that she would mop the floor with me.' I thought as I followed Lena back to the room.

Walking back to the room we entered. Lena pulled out some comics and started listening to rock as I just jumped on the bed and laid down. Looking at the clock I noticed I had some time for a nap so I decided to do just that.

Slowly I drifted to a quick nap without Lena knowing.

"Oi Ruby, want to get some lunch?" Lena asked as she put down her comic book. After some time of waiting for an answer she looked over to only see a sleeping Ruby.

Sighing out she shook her head and thought 'Oh well guess I really tired her out huh?'


"Ruby! Wake up you got to get ready for the greatin party love. Starts in about 20 minutes." Lena happily said as she shook me awake.

Waking up grogily I blinked a couple times and my eyes opened comically large.

"Holy grimm I have to get ready!" I shouted as I dashed off into the shower to freshen up. Lena sighed once more and began to dress herself.

I quickly got ready and put on my original huntress outfit from when I was exploring Mistral. Double checking I looked nice I saw Lena waiting for me outside of the bathroom door.

"Well let's go love! Don't want to be late to your own party!" Lena cheerfully said as she dragged me away towards a direction I haven't gone in yet.

Walking down the long hallways we soon stopped in front of a large room. 'Welp here it is. Wonder if I will meet any more interesting Overwatch characters?' I thought as Lena opened the door to the room.


A big thing of confetti fluttered down from the ceiling as I quickly looked surprised. Looking around I started and saw a big group of people from Overwatch jumping out and all yelling "Congratulations!"

'Huh?' I thought as I never would have imagined the party to be like a surprise party.

"Heh, thanks?" I muttered as I was dragged in by Lena who was excitedly jumping around. Slowly with the cheerful atmosphere my surprised look disappeared and a cheerful one took its place.

Looking around the room there were some people I never met before. Jack Morrison was in the corner of the room leaning on a wall. Reinhardt was boisterously laughing as he was recalling my surprised look. While Winston, Anna, and Mercy were all also in the room as well.

Someone who I didn't expect to see was the dwarf himself who was slowly approaching me with Winston.

"Congratulations on officially making it into Overwatch Ruby." Winston stopped in front of me as he patted my shoulder. Torbjorn hidden behind Winston, stepped aside and greeted me.

"My name is Torbjorn, and I wish to congratulate you into getting in to Overwatch. Just don't let this get to your head newbie." Torbjorn grouchily said as she greeted me.

'Rude.' I thought as I put on a smile and shook his hand ignoring my inner thoughts.

"Hah Torbjorn no need to be so rude, let Ruby enjoy this." Angela approached us while frowning slightly.

Torbjorn looked at her but then shook his head and walked off to the corner of the room.

"Sorry about him, he is well..." Angela trailed off as she tried to find the words to describe Torbjorn, but soon gave up.

I patted her shoulder and smiled. "Its ok! I think he is just well a little abrasive. And rude" I muttered the last part quietly to myself as I made my way around the room greeting the members of Overwatch.

Sadly McCree was only at the party to say hello and then had to go on a mission. Jack Morrison though, he was different.

'He reminds me of... Ironwood.' I thought as I approached Jack to greet him.

As I approached him he turned to look at me with uncaring eyes until he stopped leaning from the wall and completed the distance between the two of us.

"My name is Jack, Jack Morrison the Commander of Overwatch, and it is great to have you on the team Ruby." Jack held out his hand for me to greet him.

Taking his hand I shook it and smiled slightly. "Its great to meet you too Commander Morrison." I proudly said as I tried to ignore my inner thoughts of Ironwood.

Jack's phone went off and he sighed. Looking down he pulled out his phone and shook his head. "Sorry Ruby, but I will have to leave abruptly as something needs me." Jack politely said as he began to walk off.

"Its ok! See you around maybe?" I asked Jack as he was walking out, stopping for a moment he turned around and nodded towards me and then left.

Lena suddenly teleported behind me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Whooo love you met the Commander! Ignore his stiff attitude, he is a nice guy." Lena said as she was talking to me. "Now come on let's go party with the others!" and with that Lena dragged me to the others.

Luckily there was no alcohol as many would be drunk, but it seemed Reinhardt brought a big case of beer anyways for himself. Sitting down with the members of Overwatch brought a warm feeling that reminded me of my mixed memories of being with team JNPR and team RWBY.

During the party, Reinhardt told his tales of heroism, which were surprisingly nice to listen to. Albeit he did sound slightly like Professor Port. Mercy was trying to get Reinhardt to stop drinking so much beer.

Anna sat and simply enjoyed the atmosphere as Lena stayed by my side for almost the whole party. Winston left a little early after congratulating me a few times so he could work on finishing Lenas watch.

After a few hours the party slowly died down with Torbjorn and Reinhardt drinking all of the beer that they brought. Mercy and Anna left already leaving only Lena, Torbjorn, Reinhardt, and I. Time passed as I enjoyed the atmosphere while I talked about my stories of fighting villain's.

"And there I was, the battleship was falling from the sky as I was barely hanging on. Neopolitan, lunged at me with her weapon as Roman Torchwick backed her up. Getting shot I almost fell off the the ship." I paused and watched as all the party goers all paying close attention to my story. Lena even gasped.

"Luckily I didn't as my trusty Crescent Rose caught me, but I was left dangling off the edge as monsters tried clawing me down. Neopolitan slowly walked towards me and prepared to stab me through until I noticed a button to open her umbrella, and open it I did. She was dragged away by the wind leaving me and Roman Torchwick alone to fight." I continued with my story of fighting Roman.

After continuing the story of my fight I ended it with "And then that was it, Roman was gone. Eaten away and I was left on a plummeting battleship."

"Haha! That was a magnificent story young Ruby! That was quite heroic of you to stop that Roman Torchwick fellow!" Reinhardt laughed out as he patted his leg.

Torbjorn simply shook his head and bitterly said "That story sounds almost as fake as my arm reappearing. But was I'm more curious about is this Crescent Rose of yours."

I pouted slightly but then smirked and pulled it out from my belt. Handing it to Torbjorn he grabbed the folded Scythe and inspected it.

"Hmm fine craftsmanship, but I don't see how this can unfold into a Scythe." Torbjorn said as he inspected the Sniper Scythe.

'Heh I will show you.' I thought as I took it from his grasped and unfurled it.

Clunk, tink!

The sound of Crescent Rose extending echoed throughout the room as Reinhardt and Lena simply stared. Torbjorn though, he was different. He immediately grabbed the Scythe from my hands and started to inspect it thoroughly.

"This is a masterpiece if I do say so! I never have seen anything quite like this! The way it unfolds is magnificent, and how the gun barrel doesn't hinder stability!" Torbjorn ranted off as my inner weapon smith exposed itself.

Excitedly I jumped up and down and said "I know right! This is my precious baby! It took me almost four years to perfect this."

Torbjorn and I then quickly got into a groove of him asking me questions about the weapon and me answering him.

Lena and Reinhardt were left out of the conversation as Torbjorn and I began to talk about things they couldn't understand.

"Hah! Rein I told ya they would make great friends." Lena happily said as Torbjorn and I both geeked out over weapons.

Reinhardt scratched his head and soon agreed. "I guess so, who would have ever thought Torbjorn would enjoy a newbies company. Lets give them there space, I am all partied out."

Lena looked at Reinhardt and then back at me talking with Torbjorn. She sighed and agreed with Reinhardt and left as well for bed.

Not even noticing Lena and Reinhardt leaving I continued my weapon talk with Torbjorn, soon forming a great friend with him as we came up with a new weapon.


Authors Note: Hey guys sorry for late chapter. Spent some time with my family ending winter break causing a late update.

As winter break is over, I will now be changing my update schedule a little bit. I plan on trying to keep it daily but with school it might change to every other day based on how busy I am. Anyways hoped you enjoyed.