Past Mistakes

After the party, Torbjorn and I both left to our own rooms with the promise of meeting again to help build a joint weapon that we both came up with. Going to sleep I woke up the next day still tired only to get a message from Angela. Now I somehow found myself in a meeting with Mercy which she says is mandatory.

Sitting in her room on a small couch, Mercy was sitting on a chair across from me. Her room was like any other room in the base but well... More sciency?

Lots of random papers and science materials were spewed around the room on tables. Her room was mostly bland and clean if you left out the science reports everywhere.

"So Ruby, during your test fight I noticed that you paused while fighting, that in itself isn't worrisome but its that you did it while being shot at." Angela asked me as I was fidgeting on the couch.

'Ughhh how could I get dragged into this...' I thought as I was looking down towards the ground trying to come up with an answer.

Angela glared at me as I was coming up with a lie to her question.

'What how did she know?!' I thought as I shook my head and fidgeted more.

Sighing I chose to answer her question. "Well I uh... Had a memory of a time when I was fighting things that looked very similar, and paused for a moment."

Angela deadpanned at me and exhaled a breath she was holding. "I need you to explain more about this memory of yours. I know it might be difficult but I want to help you."

Getting slightly agitated I stopped fidgeting and instead glared at Angela lightly. "I don't need help! I am doing just fine and will continue to be fine."

Listening to my reply Angela had a small frown appear on her face.

"You do need help Ruby, you might play it off but I know the signs." Angela said as she tried to calm me down.

After our short back and forth we both stared at each other for a moment and I calmed down. Leaning back into the small couch I relaxed myself.

"I'm sorry for getting mad, it is just that I am doing fine. The memory was just a lapse in my ability" I told Angela as I was staring up at the ceiling.

Angela looked towards me and asked "I know that much Ruby, but I need you to tell me more about why it was a lapse."

'Can I really tell her the truth... There was an omnic crisis so I can just play it off as that.' I thought as I came up with an answer.

Looking towards Angela I frowned as I tried to explain the memory to her.

"Fine I will tell you... It was at my time in school, me and my team were competing in a fighting tournament and minding our own business until it happened..." I paused as I was contemplating on telling Angela the full story.

Angela thinking that I paused because of the bad memory she patted my shoulder.

Shaking my head I chose to only tell part of the story. "Well during the competition the droids that were guarding us suddenly turned on everyone. And well... They pretty much gunned down civilians and unexpecting huntsman alike."

I abruptly finished the story while I clenched my fist at the memory of Ruby watching people die. 'I hated Atlas for that, but I knew it wasn't there fault.' I thought as I looked to the floor.

Shaking myself out of my stupor I put on a smile and hopefully asked "That was pretty much what happened, just a bad memory. Am I able to leave now?"

Angela looked towards me and then back to her wrist where a watch laid. "Ruby, it has been 10 minutes, we have 35 more to go..."

'Danget!' I frowned and started to fidget with my cloak, looking anywhere that wasn't Angela.

"Look Ruby, if you want we can talk about something else? How about you tell me about your team that you just talked about?" Angela asked me.

Hearing Angela's question I switched my thoughts of leaving into telling her my great stories with team RWBY.

"I had a team of 3 other people named team RWBY. Here look I will show you a picture of them." I pulled out my scroll and pointed to a team photo.

"It is a couple years old but this right here is Weiss, she might be cold but once you get to know her she is nice. Right here is Blake, the silent and quiet type, and this is my sister Yang who is the best big sister." I pointed to team RWBY and talked a little bit about each one.

And like that time passed. Instead of talking about the robot issue, we talked about team RWBY and our adventures. I told Angela about all of the fun things I did with team RWBY until she brought up an depressing question.

Angela was laughing after I showed her a video of our food fight, but then harmlessly asked the question.

"Hah, you have great friends Ruby but that leaves me to question how you ended up here? Why leave your friends and join Overwatch?" Angela asked me as she was curiously waiting for my answer.

At her question I paused. Memories of Mason and Ruby conflicted against each other. Memories of watching RWBY and memories of being part of RWBY.

I looked at Angela and tried to come up with an answer but couldn't. The memories that conflicted each other flashed through my mind. How Ruby... How I, never had the choice of leaving or not. How I was forced upon the role of entertaining some God, so I would be able to see...

I racked my mind for an answer and thought 'So I would be able to see what? The mutliverse or team RWBY? Definitely team RWBY, I must help them.'

My mind and eyes hardened at the desire to help team RWBY. Angela grabbed my hand and tried to comfort me after she saw my reaction.

Unknowingly during my inner monologue a pained face formed on me, and Angela chose to comfort me.

"I apologize for asking that question." Angela sighed out as she let go of my hand.

I looked towards Angela and gave her a smile tinted with slight sadness and shook away her worries. "Its okay, you didn't know. They are okay, or I think they are. it's just that I am currently separated from them and it might take awhile to get back to them..."

Angela nodded towards me after she scooted away and went back to her own chair. She looked down at her wrist and checked the time.

She pulled out a clipboard and wrote some things on it.

"Ruby I have chosen that we will continue meeting, you might not see it right away, but meeting me will help. Ah ah ah!" Angela stopped me as I was about to cut her off.

Closing my mouth I listened to what she had to say. "You will continue meeting me, you say you don't have any issues but I see differently. I know it sounds forced, but I want to help you and you need the help."

I simply nodded at Angela as I was inwardly conflicted about talking about my problems. Past mistakes flew into my mind and I just sighed and pushed the thoughts into the back of my mind.

Angela put away the clipboard and kindly said "Well Ruby, the time is up. I will meet with you again tomorrow, but please come talk to me if you have any issue's. I know it might be difficult but I promise that talking about your problems will help ease the pressure on you."

I smiled slightly. 'I guess it won't be that bad, Angela is a nice person...' I thought as I stood up and thanked Angela.

After thanking her I exited her room and made my way back to Tracer's room. Walking down the hallway, my mind was littered with past mistakes of both Ruby and Mason.

Chuckling slightly I sighed. "Guess I really do need help huh?" I said aloud to no one in particular as I continued my walk.

Approaching Tracer's room I entered and saw that she wasn't there. Shaking my head I frowned and chose to occupy myself by working on the blueprints that Torbjorn and I came up with.

Crescent Rose might be perfect right now, but it is always better to have a back up weapon. And considering I can hide Crescent Rose in my soul, I chose to make a new weapon. A weapon that I would use in the open, and then if I need to I can switch out for my main weapon.

I went through a bag of mine and pulled out multiple blue prints. The difficulty of making this new weapon was the parts needed for it. According to Torbjorn, he would have to help make some parts but it would be possible.

The most difficult part to get would be a hard light projector. Similar to hard light dust, it forms an energy field that creates a solid shape of your choice. Usually it is used in shielding because of its durability, but I think it can do more.

I always had plans of making something using hard light dust crystals, it's just that I didn't have the money or time to do so. But now with costs being payed by Overwatch and taxpayers, I had the opportunity.

Pulling the blueprints and a pencil onto the table, I turned on the small tv in the room to listen to the news as I planned out my new weapon.

*2 hours later*

The sound of my pencil scratching away on the papers in front of me drowned out the TV. Crumpled balls of paper were scattered around the room as I did calculations for my weapon.

'Nope this would use too much energy...' I sighed out and threw away another ball of paper on the floor and continued my work not noticing the door opening.

Ignoring the door I continued my calculations. Restarting over at using my aura and a small battery, I tried to think of something that could help power my new weapon so I wouldn't strain my aura.

I tuned out everything around me until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Ahh!" I screamed out and nearly fell until the person caught me. Looking up I saw Lena laughing away as she made sure I was steady.

"Jeez love, I was callin your name for a minute now. You were completely in a trance." Lena cheekily said as she stepped away from me.

I shook my head and ignored Lena as I tried to go back to my work.

"What's with all these papers? Trying to junk up the room are you?" Lena asked as she opened up my latest crumpled paper only to blank at what she was seeing.

Lena inwardly was thinking 'What is this?!' due to how much math was on the paper.

Sighing out Lena approached me and looked over my shoulder as I tried to come up with something to help power my new weapon.

Lena stared at my blueprints and tried to see what I was doing. Asking a few questions only to go unnoticed by me she frowned. Noticing I wouldn't budge or answer any of her questions, she decided to grab my paper.

"Hey give that back!" I yelled out as I tried to grab the paper only for Lena to teleport away.

"No can do love, not until you tell me what it is! My curiosity is killing me!" Lena held the paper high over her head and tried making sense of what she was looking at.

'Ughh, she wont give it back will she...' I thought as I just decided to give her what she wanted.

"Its my new weapon, a hard light energy scythe, but I can't find something that will help power it. I have one energy source but it's limited, and I need something that can really give it the juice it needs." I sighed out and answered Lena's question.

Lena put the blueprints down and put her hand on her chin. Scratching her chin she thought of something to power it until a lightbulb went off in her head.

"Oh I know! Have you tried using an Omnic core? Some of the advanced ones can run for years without needing a recharge." Lena asked me as she pointed out something I overlooked.

'How could I have not thought of that!?' I thought as I quickly grabbed the blueprint and redid some calculations.

Looking up some information about the different kind of cores, I did the math and found exactly what I wanted.

"Yes!" I shouted out as I finally completed the math. Standing up quickly I went to Lena who was now sitting down on her bed and hugged her.

"Oh my gosh thank you! I have been stuck doing the math for hours now, and I couldn't find anything to power it." I said in quickly while hugging Lena who was sitting down on her bed.

Falling over I completely ignored the position we were in and thanked Lena a hundred times until she tried pushing me away.

Wondering why Lena was pushing me, my mind finally clicked as I noticed the position we were in. I was on top of a blushing Lena who was trying to get me off of her. Blushing slightly I jumped off of her and ran back to the table.

Chuckling nervously I murmured "Sorry." and continued my work while Lena blushed and looked at the news. And like that I did my work as Lena was watching the TV, occasionally we talked about my weapon or the news but it was mostly silent.

After about 25 minutes of silence, I smiled as I looked at the now finished prototype blueprints for my new weapon. Standing up I did a little fist pump and sat down next to Lena to watch the news.

Lena turned to me with a frown and pointed to the TV. Looking at what was playing was a video of London.

"Breaking News! Null Sector Acts!" The TV blared out as it showed parts of London being attacked by rioting Omnics and Omnic militant groups.

'So it's time...' I thought as I remembered the history of Overwatch, and how Null Sector started off with small attacks until they finally took over the British Ministry.

Lena who was frowning turned off the news and sighed out. "Ya know I actually know some of the areas shown on that video just now. I can't believe Null Sector is doing this!" Lena gripped her fist and looked down towards the floor.

Trying to comfort her I put my hand around her and gave her a slight hug, calming her down.

'How can I help her...' I thought as I racked my mind to cheer up the person who has helped me the most so far. Coming up with an answer I decided to tell her a bit of my past.

Chuckling slightly I recalled my time at Beacon "I know how you feel. I experienced something similar as well, but don't worry we can fix it!" I tried to cheer up Lena who leaned slightly into me.

She nodded her head and sadly smiled. "Yeah I know we can fix it, I just hate seeing my home town lookin like that."

Deciding to distract her I got up and grabbed my blue print and handed it to her. "Well I guess I have an opportunity to test my new weapon then, but I can't test her without a name and I want you to help name her."

Lena was pulled from her sad thoughts as she looked at my blue prints. She inspected each blue print and looked at the finish picture, which was a masterfully drawn scythe.

"Weapons help cheer me up, and that might sound a tad bit violent, but I have always found that working on a weapon cheers me up." I said as I looked at Lena inspecting my blueprints.

Lena smiled slightly and responded with a chuckle. "Yeah that does sound a little violent love, but I can see why you enjoy it so much. This thing right here looks like a real piece of machinery!"

I smiled at Lena's answer and began to explain some of the more difficult parts of my new weapon. Slowly but surely Lena began to cheer up back to normal and tried to come up with a name for my weapon.

"Hmm so it needs Rose in it's name..." Lena murmured as she thought of a name. Like a lightbulb going off, she looked up from the paper and looked towards me.

"I got it! How about this for a name?" Lena asked as she wrote down something onto the paper and I smiled at the name.

With a massive smile plastered on my face I thought of two words.

'It's perfect.'