The Truth

"Well it all started when I arrived in the City of Atlas, and spoke with a person who goes by the name of General James Ironwood." I slowly said to Lena who was attentively listening to me.

Fiddling with the edge of my cloak I continued. "Atlas was... Well it was a wonderous place. Everything over there was years ahead in technology, it was beautiful. But all coins have two sides, and that other side was the City of Mantle that was below Atlas. Stuck in Atlas's shadow. Racism, discrimination, criminal activities. You name it and it happened there."

I pictured Mantle in my head as I described it to Lena who was saying nothing. "Things weren't... Well things were bad. I went to Atlas to deliver something called the Relic of Knowledge, a mysterious and powerful object that could answer any question you asked it. And sadly the only way to protect it was hiding it in Atlas."

"Atlas was really nice, but it had its issues as well... Anyways me, my team, and my sister team all were tasked with bringing the Relic to Atlas for protection. When we arrived, we were met with... many problems. Open hostility, Mantle being squeezed out of recourses, and Atlas trying to play it all off."

Shaking my head I looked down to the ground for a second. "We brought the Relic to a man called General James Ironwood. A great General, a good person, and a good leader... But he had too much on his plate, and well... He broke."

My mind flashed with memories of how Ironwood was just trying to do his job, and how that job was too much for any one person to handle. "He shut people off, and started to go mad. He stopped assisting Mantle, and at one point even began to hunt me and my team down because we were interfering with his plans."

"It wasn't good to say the least... It was probably the biggest mistake I made in my whole life. My friends and I didn't want the good General to abandon the people of Mantle, so we told the world about what he was going to do... It caused panic, and mayhem... And in the end it didn't even help." I started to get visibly upset as I continued on with my story.

Lena getting slightly worried put her hand on my leg and gave me a comforting smile. Smiling back slightly I tried to finish the story.

"It was the biggest mistake I made. In the end we barely saved anyone in Mantle. We caused Atlas to fall down to the world. And we lost both Relics. We-no I... I lost everything that day. My friends, my family, Penny... Even now I don't know where they are. It was a miracle I even made it out." I started to cry slightly.

Tears dropped from my eyes onto my legs. I knew that team RWBY was okay through Masons memories, but that doesn't help if I can't reach them. 'Heh I really did lose everything I had. I even lost my sense of self...' I thought dejectedly.

Lena inwardly didn't fully understand what I was talking about, but understood that I needed comfort. So she decided to give me a big hug. Grabbing me she shoved me into her embrace and patted my back.

"Shh, shh. Don't worry love I'm here for you." Lena tried to calm me down as she made slow circles around my back.

Feeling Lena give me a hug I got slightly more upset. 'Here I go again, causing people to pity me...' I sadly thought while I was embraced by Lena.

Slowly but surely I stopped crying and pulled away from Lena. Looking at Lena she had a slight frown on her face and a worried look in her eyes. Looking away I quietly murmured "Thanks..."

Lena decided to take charge of the conversation because of what just happened. Lena in a determined voice said "Don't let the past grab hold of ya love, I know you went through a lot, and I will make sure to stand by your side through it all."

I turned to face Lena when she began talking. Looking at Lena she no longer had that pitying gaze in her eyes, but instead had a determined look.

"Even if you are unable to reach your friends right now, I am sure we can reach them some day. So don't get so sad over this, after all it is just another step you need to take." Lena spoke out while smiling and then added on "Also it ruins the happy feeling that you give off to people love."

Nodding gratefully I then got slightly confused and sent her a questioning glance. Lena seeing this responded.

"You really don't know? Everyone since meeting you has been in a better mood. It is something you give off love. I think it is one of the best things about you, personally." Grinning Lena stood up and dragged me up with her.

'Eh, what?' I thought as Lena grabbed my hand and dragged me up off of the couch. Lena, not saying anything dragged me to our room, and I simply chose to follow as I was in no mood to deny it.

Reaching our room Lena opened the door and pushed me onto my bed. Blushing slightly I watched Lena walk away and pull out a video games console. Hooking it up she sat next to me.

"Let's get your mind off of everything by playing some Fighter Of The Storm. We can talk more later, that is if you still feel up to it?" Lena looked towards me for my answer.

Being thankful I nodded. Chuckling slightly I said "Only if you still want to hear it. Maybe I will even show you a video or two to help you better understand." I thought back to the videos on my scroll of team RWBY.

Lena patted my shoulder and excitedly said "Of course I still want to. Honestly it sounds like a really interesting story. And it can't be as bad as Reinhardt's? Eh Eh?" Lena elbowed me slightly trying to get a laugh from me.

Sighing out I remembered Reinhardts stories. His stories were probably almost as bad as Ports stories. Shaking myself out of my stupor I sighed out as I remembered how bad both of their stories were.

"Hah, yeah I guess you are right. I only knew one other person with stories like that." I chuckled slightly towards the end and sat up to play our new game.

Looking at Lena I grinned and challenged her once more to a game. "Oh yeah and this time I am not letting you win! I swear upon my name, that I will beat you!"

Lena's eyes grazed over me and she grinned. She slowly began to laugh only for it to turn into a slightly evil one. 'Eh?' I thought as I heard Lena suddenly stop laughing.

"Who knows love, you might beat me this time. But just remember how it goes, winner gets to command the loserrrrr" Lena said as she held the R while saying Loser.

Accepting the challenge I nodded with a determined look on my face.

*30 Minutes Later*

"Howwwww...." I said with tears comically falling from my face onto the floor. "How can I lose 3 times..."

Frown adorning my face I flopped back into my bed once more. Ignoring Lena who was laughing victoriously I shoved my face into my pillow.

"Gah!" I shouted out as I felt Lena flop onto my back. Removing my face from my pillow I tried to get up only to feel Lena's full weight on top of me.

"Sorry love, but this is whatcha get for not only trying to cheat, but also for ignoring my victor dance." Lena giggled out while laying across my back.

Struggling to get up due to the awkward position I was in I decided to ask her to let me up. "Pleaseeee you already won 3 times. What more do you need to take from me? My freedom of movement?" I asked.

Lena chose to not move even after I asked. "Ehh I don't know I think this is pretty comfortable." Lena lazily said like a fat cat that was sitting on my back.

Lena then suddenly got up off my back and instead laid down next to me. Blushing slightly I turned away. If I was looking at Lena I would see a triumphant smile on her face.

"So I want to use one of my so called 'Commanding Cards' that you owe me." Lena voiced out as she turned around and faced the other direction.

Turning around to see her back I decided to ask.

"What do you want to use it on?" I asked as I made myself comfortable in my bed. Lena sat up slightly and looked at the wall.

Hesitantly Lena said "Well... I want to use it do know more about you... Your story that is. I know from what you've told me that well, you are not really from here. Are you?"

Lena turned towards me with an expression on her face that I couldn't read. 'Well I did say I would tell her.... Come on Ruby woman up... Man up?!' I thought as looked away from Lena.

"I uhhh.... Yeah." I murmured in a quiet voice despite trying to say it normally. Thinking about my time in RWBY I stared off into the air.

"I'm not really... From here. From this world..." I slowly said hoping that Lena wouldn't hate me for not being from here.

Lena sent me an comforting glance but then questioned me further. "So you are like an alien then?"

'Huh?' I thought as I tried to understand what she asked. Sitting up quickly I waved my hands around in a flustered manner. "Nono! I'm not an alien or anything like that."

Lena squinted towards me by taking my flustered attitude as evidence of me being an alien. Seeing her squint in disbelief to me I quickly pulled out my scroll to prove her wrong.

"Look I swear I am human, here! This, is a photo of my family." I turned on my scroll and pulled up one of my only family photos.

Handing my scroll to Lena she stared at my family photo. Slowly she pointed to the people in the photo to know who they were.

"So that's your mom? She looks almost exactly like you." Lena voiced out as she stared at the photo.

Getting slightly sad I agreed with her. "Yeah she was great... Best super mom, slayer of monsters and baker of cookies. She is one of the main reasons that I fight now."

Lena smiled and began to ask me about the others in the photo. "So who are the two blondes?"

Starting of with Yang I said "Well, that's Yang, my sister. Blonde bombshell, but the best big sister one could ask for. She was well... Very protective of me, and practically raised me when my mom died."

Then pointing at Tai I chuckled slightly. "He would be my father. He had some issues, and was never really the same after my moms death, but he still tried his best. Right about now I bet he is worrying pretty bad." I thought sadly.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts I sent a smug grin to Lena as I proved her wrong. "See told you I'm not an alien."

"Huh, I guess you aren't love, but what about the rest of your story? If it isn't too much to ask about that is." Lena asked me.

'Man this would be so much easier if this world had the RWBY show...' I thought as I tried to formulate my story. Instead I chose to show her some scroll videos to help explain things.

Opening up the initiation video that Beacon sent me I showed Lena. Lena scooted closer to me to see the video.

"This right here will help explain what I did, but let me explain some things first. I'm what you would call an Huntress, licensed by Atlas. Huntsman and Huntresses are people with their aura unlocked, aura is the manifestation of the soul by the way, kinda like a forcefield. "

Playing the video to the start of the launch pad scene I continued on. "Anyways Huntsmans are people who are trained to fight the creatures of grimm. This video right here is a video of my initiation into a Huntsman training academy, called Beacon."

Pulling up the video that was taken secretly by Ozpin, I began to play it. Starting off with people launching off into the Emerald Forest. The video showed off weapons of different sorts, including my beautiful Crescent Rose.

People spread out in search of the relics, while constantly fighting the creatures of grimm. After about 30+ minutes of watching the video soon came to end. Turning to Lena I saw her gob smacked.

"No way that wasn't a movie... Right love?" Lena looked towards me expecting me to prove that I was joking.

Shaking my head I began to show her other videos, pictures, or bits of information left on my scroll. I even pulled up the Grimm Wiki that Weiss gave me electronically so help me catch up with the others.

Slowly but surely Lena began to get immersed in everything that I showed her. The face of disbelief was long gone from her, and in its place was an unreadable expression. After showing more videos and images, I was feeling slightly nervous.

'I wonder if she will rat me out...' I thought as I looked to Lena who was just staring at an image of the Grimm Wyvern ransacking Vale.

Deciding to turn off my scroll, I pocketed it and waited for her answer. Looking to me, she noticed my gaze.

"So..." Lena began, not knowing how to phrase what she was going to ask.

'Make it or break it Ruby. Let's hope I didn't mess up.' I thought as I was getting increasingly worried.

"You really aren't from here... How did you get sent here then? What are you going to do here?" Lena asked off.

Fiddling with my cloak, that seemed to give me comfort no matter what, I began to answer her questions. "I fell... Not much else to it. Fell into a void and heh, woke up here in a middle of a field in Britain. As for what I am going to do here? Well I am going to help people, and make my way back home."

Feeling a tinge of pain in my head as Masons memories made them selves known, I flinched slightly. Pushing down the memories I looked to Lena to see how she reacted.

Lena's mood seemed to brighten up after hearing what I said. Suddenly she gave me a side hug and happily said "Well then I guess I will just have to help you out. I will stick with ya love to help you get back home."

Inwardly I was racking my brain on what to do. Emotions of sadness and relief hit me full force, and some emotions of guilt about not telling her Mason's side of the story hit me as well. Shaking myself out of it I returned the hug and smiled.

"Thanks. It means a lot to hear that." I murmured as I tried to enjoy her hug for a moment until I stood up.

Lena looked confused at my actions and also because I ended our hug session. Deciding to address the issue I put my hands on my waist and shook my head.

In an accusing voice I said "Look at us, we have been letting the others prepare for Null Sector while I told you about my life. Later we can continue but for now, now we need to get ready."

Lena's eyes hardened and a look of determination flashed across her face. 'She looks good like that' I randomly thought until I just noticed what I thought. Quickly I shook my head and a light tinge of red showed itself.

'Not now! I just said we need to get ready to fight Null Sector.' I angrily thought. Looking away from Lena I made a little speech like I did with team RWBY.

"Well now that we have relaxed enough, it is time for Lena and Ruby to fight the evil Omnic terrorist group that is attacking Britain! Banzai!" I shouted out as I raised my fist to the air.

"Banzai!" Lena laughed out and followed me out the door to prepare for our fight with Null Sector.


Authors Note.

Ayy its me, sorry for late update. Last week I was extremely busy with school in general, and then a thing called procrastination hit me. Worry not I figured out where to go with this story in the weeks time of no updates, and if you stick with the story it will surely be interesting. Anyways updates are back to every other day. Ciao.