The Big Bad Boss

It has been a couple days since we convinced Anna to talk to Jack about Null Sector. Honestly even only a few days is too long as they are taking over more parts of Britain even now. Anna has finally called us back to a meeting, where Jack would be the one addressing the issue of Null Sector. As for the other heroes of Overwatch they have prepared well for the fight to come.

Reinhardt well... He was Reinhardt, Torbjorn actually prepared us some high caliber bullet proof armor. Most of us already had that, but he upgraded some for people like Mercy, Tracer, and I. Mercy prepped her medical arsenal to the fullest and did some light exercises.

As for Lena and I, we mostly trained while checking up on the others. We tried to help other people but...

*Flashback to trying to help Torbjorn*

Approaching Torbjorn's workshop, I entered and began to look around for him. Hearing banging coming from the corner I saw Torbjorn hammering away a piece of metal.

Getting closer I saw that Torbjorn was hammering away at something that looked a lot like a knee pad. Thinking of how to get his attention I decided to just say his name and greet him.

"Hi Torbjorn! Can I help you with anything?" I cheerfully exclaimed.

Torbjorn hearing my sudden shout, turned around as he was hitting the piece of hot metal. His hammer flew towards whatever he was working on, and due to me startling him he accidently applied too much force.


The sound of metal falling on the floor sounded out in the now quiet room. Torbjorn lifted his mask and glared at me but quickly went back to what he was working on.

"Yarhhh! My work! Don ya know when not to scare someone!" Torbjorn shouted towards me in an accent as he held his hammer menacingly.

'Oh sht!' I thought as I jumped up slightly and backed away only to run into something. Turning around I saw that I ran into his tool box, and that it was falling...

Clattering sounded throughout the room as dozens of tools fell from his toolbox, looking at the ground that was now covered in tools I stepped back. 'Oh no...'

"ARrrhh! Get out! Get out I tell ya! Don't come back again today!" Torbjorn shouted as he approached me while swinging his hammer.

Turning around and stepping away I nearly fell on a tool but caught myself on a now falling table which was covered in a multitude of different items. Slowly those items fell and shattered, or broke on the floor of the workshop.

Quickly apologizing I exhaled in fright. "Ohmygosh I am so sorry! I didn't mean too!" I shouted as I waved me hands around.

Torbjorn took my apology and my destruction of his workshop as an insult as steam seemed to raise from his head. 'Pleasssseee im sorry!' I thought as I watched him approach me.

"Why I outa! Arrr get over here!" Torbjorn shouted as he held his hammer up to the sky. Looking like a smaller and much meaner version of Thor, he ran towards me.

"Ahhh! I'm sorrrrryyyyy! I will fix this later when your less mad!" I shouted as I ran out of the room, only to be followed by Torbjorn.

Torbjorn somehow almost catching up to me, began to shout profanities at me. "You d**** idiot! You don't go into my workshop and **** everything up! Get back here and let me teach you a lesson!"

"PLeeaseeee I'm sorrrry!" I shouted as I began to pick up my speed to dodge a hammer that was thrown at me. Watching his hammer fly past my head, I quickened my pace even further.

Anyone who was watching could see a very small angry man, chasing a small girl in a cloak around the base. Surprisingly no one chose to stop as they all knew of Torbjorns anger issues.

Shouts could be heard around the base as Torbjorn chased a poor innocent girl. A big gorilla and a person drinking tea were calmly standing in the hallway.

"Hmm Anna, do you know who made Torbjorn mad?" Winston asked as he heard Torbjorn's shouts approaching closer and closer.

Anna looked over at Winston and took a sip of tea. Shaking her head she stayed silent only to see a red blur fly past her, causing her to spill some of her tea.

"Oh my, it seems Ruby angered Torbjorn! We should help!" Winston exclaimed as he saw Ruby flash past them.

Winston not hearing a response from Anna, turned around to see her covered in tea. A tick mark was visible on her head as she calmly placed her tea cup on a nearby table. With an evil grin she muttered "Yes... We should help shouldn't we."

With that Anna began to chase Ruby with Torbjorn. Winston chose to simply shake his head as he watched this happen.

*End of flashback*

'Yeah... I still have bruises from that...' I thought as I felt my sore arm, that was caused by Anna and Torbjorn beating me up, luckily I had aura or else I might have actually died. After that I was told to just train up and prepare for the upcoming meeting with Jack, which happens to be today.

Looking at the time I saw that I still had 2 hours to go until the meeting. Looking away from my Scroll I decided to go get some food before the meeting. Something interesting with my new body is, well I don't gain weight permanently really.

Maybe it's Danctrum's work or maybe it is just Ruby's metabolism, but eating a lot of food is now possible. Feeling a sharp pain for a moment, I shook my head and went back to more Ruby like thoughts.

'Hmmm hope they have some cookies, but lunch won't take 2 hours... Oh how about I check on Rienne as well.' I thought to myself as I happily approached the cafeteria.

Upon entering I was met with a mostly empty cafeteria said for staff, and a man with a cowboy hat. Smiling cheerfully at seeing someone I knew, I grabbed their pasta special and a dozen cookies and then sat down next to the resident cowboy.

McCree ignored me and kept eating his food. "Hmph" I stared at McCree as he continued to ignore my presence. Coughing a few times to gain his attention, he still ignored me.

Pouting I took drastic measures. Grabbing a cookie from a mountain of them, I placed one on his plate and he took it. Hearing a chuckle I listened to McCree's response. "Pleasure doin business with you." as he tipped his hat.

'Really...' Fed up by his actions I began to eat my food as he finally looked at me. "Ahhh if it isn't Ruby, heard you all are going to have a meeting with the big man soon."

Slurping up some pasta quickly, I nodded to McCree and tried talking only to see it wont work. Swallowing my food I turned back to McCree.

"Yep! We are finally going to do something about Null Sector." I said while popping the P of Yep.

McCree nodded and tried to make small talk. "Ya know, it's good work that you all are trying to do. Very few people would actively seek danger to help others, I know I wasn't like that at first."

Nervously I chuckled slightly. "Hehheh, yeah I wasn't like that either at first. When I was first training with my Uncle, one day he paired me up against my first opponent which was a Beowolf. I ran so fast that it couldn't even catch up to me. Sadly or maybe luckily Uncle Qrow trained that out of me."

McCree smirked and chuckled slightly. And with that both McCree and I started to spend more time with each other. Even after eating all of our food, we continued to talk while I occasionally went back up for more cookies.

*Beep, Beep, Beep*

The sound of a ringer was heard and McCree grew a serious look on his face. Pulling out a pager, he checked it and saw that he was needed for a non emergency. "Well Ruby, it was mighty fine talking to you. Sadly I must end our talks here as I am needed elsewhere."

Nodding to him I returned the gesture and said "It's alright, we can always talk later. Oh yeah one more thing before you go can I get your phone number? I am trying to get phone numbers of people I normally talk with."

McCree raised his eyebrow but relented and gave me his number. Entering it in on my phone I thought 'Hah! Finally more people to my ever growing friend list!'

Smiling I watched McCree grab my plate that was left with a singular cookie. "Wait! Hey!" I shouted in disbelief as McCree grabbed the plate with my last cookie and ate it.

"Sorry Ruby, but treat it as equivalent exchange. I will talk to you later, incase I don't see you before you leave, make sure you keep safe. If things get too dangerous, run. After all surviving is winning, and there is no shame in surviving." McCree seriously said as he munched on my cookie.

With a frown on my face I shook my head and smiled again. "Heh, oh well I will make sure to survive. Bigger and worse people have failed to stop me, and this? They're not going to stop me." I grinned in vain as I waved him off.

McCree simply shrugged his shoulders and began to walk away but stopped. Turning around for a second he murmured "Good luck kid, you'll need it..."

'Hmm, I will make it back right?' I thought to myself but then remembered how much stronger I am than normal people. 'Yeah I will, I have a semblance, I have aura, and I have my Scythes. I am trained by the elite ops, and I have faced worse.' I arrogantly thought.

Shrugging my shoulders I stood and left the cafeteria. Walking for awhile I approached my shared room and entered to find it empty. Checking the time to see I still had 40 or so minutes, I began to text Rienne.


2:10pm Ruby: Hey! I heard Null Sector is acting up more, and I haven't heard from you much. Are you all good?

2:12pm Rienne: Yeah, I am fine if you call losing your customers fine. Other than that I have mostly just been staying off the streets and working on some new outfits for people, one even for you as those pictures motivated me a lot.

2:12pm Ruby: Good to hear you are doing fine. Between you and me I will be over there pretty soon, and also what pictures?

2:13pm Rienne: Oh did I say pictures? There is nothing, but if you do come over here soon, make sure to bring a bag as there are a couple outfits I made for you, including your surprise.

Pouting slightly after reading what Rienne typed, I began to respond.

2:14pm Ruby: What surprise, and you definitely typed pictures of me? I don't think I sent any recently.

Rienne read Ruby's message and began to sweat a little bit as she tried to come up with a plausible answer.

2:14pm Rienne: Hmm don't worry you didn't. Also I hope you do like this surprise I am making for you, as I put a lot of work into it. Anyways I have work to do, so talk to you later bye!

Staring at Rienne's message I shook my head. Sighing out "Ughh what pictures!? That surprise better be worth it." I said aloud to nobody.

Still on my phone I began to read up on some news articles or new weapon ideas to spend my time. Time passed by quickly and I saw that I had about 8 minutes to make it to the meeting.

Pocketing my phone I stood up and began a light run to the Commanders meeting room. Engrossed in worrisome thoughts if Jack Morrison would be like Ironwood or not, I soon made it to the door of the room.

Checking my scroll for the time, I saw I had 3 minutes to spare and entered. Upon entering I was met with a dark room with a very large oval table. Holograms were popped up everywhere showing different pieces of information on Null Sector, while the big man Jack was sitting at the end of the table.

Anna, Reinhardt, Mercy, and Torbjorn were already seated. 'Huh where's Tracer?' I thought as I chose to sit in an empty seat.

Jack Morrison stood and greeted me. "It is good to see you again Ruby, I have heard that you are quiet the fighter from your training matches."

Chuckling nervously I greeted him back. "Heh, yeah I guess I am pretty good at fighting. I have been training since I was around 6."

An awkward air formed around us as the room was mostly silent. Jack Morrison smiled slightly and sat back down. "It surely shows. Now then we are only waiting on Tracer."

Everyone around the room was silent as we waited for the last member of the meeting. Taking this moment I looked closer at Jack, and inspected him. In front of me sat a man who looked like he was just tired. Eyes that looked like they were making a difficult decision and an exhausted look was shown on his face, as he smiled warily while looking through tidbits of information.


The sound of the door being burst open grabbed everyone's attention as Lena ran in. "Hah, sorry I'm late loves! Got I little bit held up." Lena sighed out as she quickly closed the door and sat down next to me.

Jack Morrison chuckled out a little bit and stood. Tapping a few buttons on his table, all the holograms except one disappeared. In their place, one large hologram showing a video of Null Sector.

"I have called you all here today, as you all brought to my attention that you wish to fight Null Sector despite my previous decisions." Jack then pointed to a video.

Sighing out he shook his head. "And I believe that you all are... right. I more than anyone want to fight Null Sector, but the British Ministry is blocking us from interfering." Jack then played the video of British soldiers being pushed back by Null Sector.

"Luckily, I guess we won't need to worry about them much longer, as two hours ago they have been taken hostage. Null Sector is demanding the surrender of armed forces, and demanding a multitude of well... other things that would not be so good, such as nuclear launch codes."

My eyes widened in disbelief. 'What!? No way... I don't remember it getting this bad from the story.' I thought as I heard the outrageous demands of Null Sector.

Lena stood from her seat and shouted "We can't let that happen!". The other residents of the room all seemed to agree as they all nodded in agreement.

Jack turned to Lena and motioned for her to sit back down, and reluctantly Lena did. Taking a second Jack frowned and pulled up more holograms. Maps were shown with different colors showing Null Sector and British forces.

"Currently, Null Sector has taken over many factories as well, and are creating hundreds of soldiers. They are effectively pushing back the British soldiers using a multitude of different soldiers such as Bastions and Orisa units. If these factories are stopped, then Null Sector will practically be overrun."

Reinhardt seemed to seethe with hate as he gripped the table after hearing they had Bastions. Taking a moment he calmed down and Jack continued.

Jack pointed to 3 different factories and then a red line of defenses on the hologram. "These factories are heavily guarded by anti-air cannons, as such we can't drop anyone off nearby. On ground, they are at the disadvantage due to the multitude of different buildings blocking sight of the factories."

Jack then turned off the holograms and sat back down. Sighing out he shook his head and solemnly said "These factories might be at the disadvantage, but there are hundreds of armored military units. I am going to... take a risk if I let all of you go. Not only could Overwatch be dismantled if you are caught, but you could very well die."

Everyone in the room took a minute to think about their own answers. Reinhardt was the very first to respond to Jack.

"I have fought those things for my whole life! And I will not stop now due to some extra dangers. I will fight." Reinhardt gallantly said to the whole room.

Next was Lena who had a cheeky smile on her face. "Well I might be new, but this is my home. Who would I be to let it get destroyed by some terrorists? I'm in."

Torbjorn stood with a frown and muttered "I too will go. You will all need someone with my expertise."

Mercy smiled and gracefully stood. "You will all be needing a doctor so I will go as well."

Finally Anna slowly stood from her seat. "It was apparent but I too will go. I can't just watch this happen, so I will be watching your backs."

Everyone around the room then stared at me. 'Eh?' I thought as I just now noticed that I didn't stand yet.

Standing up I grinned. "What did you all expect? I will fight too! Worse people have tried to stop me, and I know for sure that I can't just watch Null Sector destroy people's lives."

Everyone smiled and nodded to me and each other. Jack took a moment and looked around the room and then stood up again.

"Very well. You will be leaving tomorrow at 0700 hours. I will now go over the plan for your team, as yours will be the most dangerous." Jack motioned for us to all sit down.

Everyone sat down and watched Jack begin to explain our plan of attack. "This factory right here, is the first one they took over, as such it is the most defended. You will all be approaching and doing a hostile takeover on the factory to shut it down. If this factory is shut down, it will severely cripple the others as they won't be receiving back up or support from their main base."

Jack then continued with his plan for our team 'Alpha' to take over their main base. He would then send others to take over the other two factories as soon as we destroyed the first one. Afterwards we will quickly evacuate and leave the remaining forces to the British soldiers.

After some time Jack concluded the meeting as he asked if we had any questions. Lena raised her hand and asked "What about the British Ministry? Who will help them?"

Jack took a moment as his eyes hardened. "We won't need to worry about that as the SAS will take the opportunity to retake the Ministry building. Any other questions?"

He looked around the room and saw many people shaking their heads. Clapping his hands he then nearly shouted "Alright! I hope you all are ready! Remember you will be leaving at 0700 hours tomorrow, and will meet in Hangar 3. Prepare everything you will need for your mission, and prepare some more after that."

Everyone stood up as their eyes hardened. "I wish you the best of luck. I will see you all at Hangar 3. Dismissed!" Jack shouted as the occupants of the room began to stand and leave.

Reinhardt and the other occupants were chatting away as they left the room. Standing up I began to leave with Lena only to be stopped by Jack.

"Oh, Ruby. Please stay behind for a moment." Jack kindly said as he motioned for me to sit down again. Lena sent a questioning glance at Jack but then exited the room.

Scratching my head, I nervously sat back down. "Uhh do you need me for something else?" I asked.

Jack smirked and looked towards me. "No, but I wanted to give you another role on your team. I have checked the training footages of you, and have seen how efficient you are. As such you will be given an extra mission."

Raising my eyebrow I thought 'Hmm I wonder what he wants me to do?' . Jack taking this as my question, then continued on.

"What I didn't tell the rest of the room was that there might be a possible God program. If there really is... well I want to give you a weapon to fight it." Jack took out a hand sized object and put it on the table.

Looking towards the object I was wondering if it was an EMP or something similar.

"This right here, has been developed to cause an error in any God program or any omnic. It is well, quite difficult to produce, but it is similar to an EMP. If there really is a God program, you will just need to set this on top of the main processor unit and turn it on, you will then be given 30 seconds until it will activate and fully turn off the program." Jack pointed to the circular object.

"I am giving this to you as not only are you now one of the fastest people in all of Overwatch, but also one of the most skilled. I have never seen someone so fearlessly and so efficiently take down opponents. So despite you being new, I will be giving you this. Use it only, and I say only, if there is a God program."

I looked at the object and then back to Jack and nodded. But then I questioned Jack. "I thought Tracer was the fastest though?"

Jack took a moment to answer my question but then scratched his head. "She might be, but the issue is that this device would short circuit her Temporal Anchor, and cause many other problems. But as long as she isn't within 5 feet from the object when it goes off, then she will be fine."

"Hmm okay, I won't fail you if there is a God program, I just hope I won't need to use this." I smiled and pocketed the object. Standing up I began to leave only to hear Jack say one last thing.

"Good luck Ruby, or should I say Rose now as that is your team name? Anyways I am looking forward to you doing good out there." Jack shrugged his shoulders and waved me out.

Walking out all I could think about was the feeling of the small circular thing in my pocket. Mumbling out to no one in particular I said "Really hope I don't need to use this..."


Author note:

Some of you question why a story about Mason is now a story about Ruby. The answer is that Ruby is the more prominent personality, and the reason for that is that in general Mason had a boring life, and compared to Ruby's more action filled life, his life in general can't really compare.

Add onto the fact that they were extremely different in the first place, caused a divide of sorts among both personalities, thus causing them to not merge fully. Their memories are trying to mix together, but its like oil and water. Due to Ruby's memories/personality being more dominant, she has been the more prominent, but Mason's memories still try to find a way to affect her and regain control to fully merge.

This will be solved towards the end of the Null Sector arc/Before first world travel, so you don't have to worry as the MC is still Mason and not Ruby. I am hoping you all enjoy to see where this goes :P