Arc: 1.1

"Ugh!" Li Wenyan sat up from the king-sized bed, he was feeling weak all over.

"003 send me the information of this world" even though he's feeling like shit he still needs to know his current situation.

003 transferred the background information of this world to Li Wenyan's head as soon as he was ordered.


This is an ABO World, The protagonist shuo this world is Yan Xueqin an omega, who was born in a poor family, his father left when he was but a toddler. Even though Yan Xueqin never had a fatherly figure while growing up it never bothered him because to him his mother is his everything, she was his only light in the dark world, when she passed away his light disappeared, the only thing that made him like he was worth something.

The empty Yan Xueqin managed to get his hands on a scholarship to a prestigious high school where he met Zhu Yanlin who showed him that he was worth everything and that his mother also wouldn't like to see him in that state. He fell in love with Zhu Yanlin, and Yanlin also loved him back, not long after Yan Xueqin confessed and they started dating. Ye Mingyu, a Dominant Omega and the fiance of Zhu Yanlin had found out through his best friend was that Zhu Yanlin was cheating on him.

Ye Mingyu was furious! so he tried everything to get rid of Yan Xueqin but nothing worked, every time he did something someone would always come and rescue Yan Xueqin. Zhu Yanlin later broke off their engagement which made Ye Mingyu depressed. After their engagement was broken off Ye Mingyu decided to have a one-nightstand with a random dude, a few weeks later he found he found out he was pregnant. Even though Ye Mingyu was scared at first he tried to make things better for the baby. Ye Mingyu wasn't that bad of a person to just abort an innocent life for his mistake. Mingyu then decided to tell his family that he was pregnant, though...that was something he regretted not long after.

There are 5 major families in ABO China, with the Ye family being the 3rd major family.

Ye Mingyu was born into the main family, his parents were always cold to him because he was an omega, to his parents Ye Mingyu's only use was to be married off to a rich young master and bear his children, whereby his older brother Ye Minfan was his parent's favorite because he was a dominant Alpha.

Despite the favoritism, Ye Mingyu never hated his older brother, instead, he loved him, because he was the only one who truly cared for him, he was also the only one who grieved for him when he died.

When his parents found out he was pregnant for an unknown guy's kid they were so furious, they denounced him as their son and cast him out of the family, not long after he was murdered by one of Zhu Yanlins men. Ye Mingyu's death didn't affect Zhu Yanlin and Yan Xueqin's love life, as a matter of fact, Yanlin proposed to Xueqin and they got married two months after graduation, they had a happy life, had three kids, and died of old age.


After he finished reading the plot Li Wenyan ask 003 "who's body am I in?"

[003: Host Li Wenyan is currently possessing Ye Mingyus body]

Li Wenyan frowned and then asked again "what time period are we in?"

[003: Host Li Wenyan is currently in the period after Ye Mingyu had a one night stand]

Li Wenyan frowned again and then demanded in a frustrated voice "what's my mission in this world?"

[003: Host has 3 missions: 1: Find The Father Of The Baby 2: Get Revenge On Zhu Yanlin and Yan Xueqin 3: Live A Fulfiling Life]

Li Wenyan looked at the missions he has to complete for this world and then sighed, he got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower, when he was done he walked out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror.

Ye Mingyu has quite the beauty, he does look a little like me after all, he had a tall slender body, nice mermaid lines, black neck-length hair, beautiful peach blossom eyes with golden orbs, a straight nose, soft cherry lip, and milky white skin. After Wenyan was finished admiring himself he sat and wait for the clothes he had ordered before showering to reach.

As Li Wenya was waiting he ordered the system, "003, enhance this body's strength by 5%, flexibility 5%, looks 5%, IQ 5%, EQ 5%, genes 5%" as to why 5% only? well, this world can only take a 5% enhancement, any more than that will make the world unstable.

[003: Preparing Enhancement...3...2...1...]


[003: Enhancement in process...3...2...1...]


[003: Enhancement Complete!]

The doorbell rang as soon as the enhancement was complete, Li Wenyan then walked to the door and took his clothes 'that was quick' he thought.

|| Li Wenyan will now be called Ye Mingyu||

Ye Mingyu tied his hair in a messy bun and wore a grey t-shirt with black leather jeans and on his feet were a pair of black and white high-top leather street sneakers.

Ye Mingyu walked out of the presidential suite he was in and called his driver. When his driver came and park in front of the hotel Mingyu got in the passenger seat of his $12.5 million black Bugatti La Voiture Noire. Ye Mingyu took one last glance at "Ángguì de" hotel, the most expensive hotel in ABO China, 'looks like the baby's father isn't that simple to be able to afford a presidential suite in Ángguì de hotel.

[A/N: Ángguì de literally just means expensive in Chinese, lol]

"Take me home," Ye Mingyu said in a cold tone.

The driver respectfully answered, "yes young master"


The black Bugatti La Voiture Noire parked up in front of a big traditional-style siheyuan mansion [A/N: to be exact it's a mixture of both modern and traditional].

Ye Mingyu told the driver to go and park the car in the attached garage building as he was coming out. The servants opened the gate as they were alerted of his arrival earlier.

When Ye Mingyu entered the mansion he went to greet his parents and then went straight to his room.

Ye Mingyu sat on his bed and opened his laptop, in order to have his revenge on Zhu Yanlin and Yan Xueqin he first needs to start his own company.

The Zhu family is the 4th major family in ABO China, they own a lot of large Gaming Companies, but in Ye Mingyu's opinion, it's pretty easy to go against them. Ye Mingyu smirked 'their gonna regret ever coming on my revenge list'

Ye Mingyu has traveled a LOT!! of worlds, so of course, he knows about buisness! of course, he knows how to set up a company! of course, he knows about making games! 'I just need to make something simple that could blow their little minds, easy as that' Ye Mingyu thought to himself while typing on his computer.

later that evening Ye Mingyu was called down for dinner.

"Father, Mother, Elder brother" Ye Mingyu greeted them respectfully before sitting down. The table was full of different kinds of delicacies [A/N: Just imagine anything you want, cause I ain't gonna search google for nadas].

"I heard Zhu Yanlin broke off your engagement!"