Arc: 1.2

Ye Mingyu looked up from his plate to his father who had just spoken, he squinted his eyes slightly before verifying his question, "yes father" after answering he lowered his head again.

Ye Father clenched his fist and slammed it on the table "How Dare He!"

Ye Father was seething in anger, he looked up at Ye Mingyu and yelled " Ye.Ming.Yu! How Could You Let Something Like That Happen!"

Ye Mingyu was nervously fiddling with his fingers, he then mumbled out an apology "I-I'm sorry father."

Hearing this Ye Fathers' anger rose even more "Do You Think An I'm Sorry Could Fix Anything! Y-"

Before Ye Father could even finish his sentence his Ye Minfan stood up from his chair and yelled "Father!"

Ye Father turned his attention to Ye Minfan, when he saw his favorite son, his anger quelled down a little "What is it Minfan?"

Ye Minfan looked at his father and said "don't you see you're scaring Yu'er?" after saying that, Ye Minfan frowned "It's all that bastard Zhu Yanlin's fault! If he hadn't found himself a mistress, none of this would have happened!" Minfan then looked down at his trembling younger brother and then back to his father "think about it father if Yu'er stayed together with him despite that, wouldn't that be a shame on our family? We all know he doesn't love Yu'er and only has that omega Yan Xueqin in his heart."

"Your right," said Ye Father, "we don't need someone like that in our family, he would only bring us shame" Ye Father then looked at Ye Mingyu and said "you may excuse yourself"

"Y-yes father" with that Ye Mingyu took his leave and went back to his room.

"What's the use of having a useless kid like that? Filthy omegas" Ye Father said coldly not even bothering to lower his voice.

Mother Ye who was at the side listening didn't say anything to help her son Ye Mingyu, she just kept her head down and continued to eat ignoring everything else around her.

'I failed you...I-I'm sorry I'm such a failure...Yu'er' those thoughts ran through Mother Ye's head, her left hand that was under the table tightened into a fist.

'If only I could be braver... If- If only I could break free from my shackles and stand up for you, I want to be the mom you've always wanted, but it's hard... It's so, so hard... Please don't ever forgive me... Just leave, the farther the better... As long as you're gone, he won't be able to get his hands on you and destroy you as he's destroyed me...' silent tears ran down from Mother Ye's eyes to her cheek and then onto her clothes.

'I WILL save you! I WILL get you out of this hell hole! I just need a little more time' determination flashed in Mother Ye's eyes 'just wait for a little more Yu'er, mother will save you.'


As soon as Ye Mingyu closed his room door from his room, he threw himself onto his bed "Tch! What a hypocrite"

As he lay on the bed, his thoughts ran back to Mother Ye "hmm... Interesting" he mumbled as his drowsy eyelids finally shut closed.

For the rest of the week, Ye Mingyu tried not to show himself much and instead focused on the company and the new games he was developing.


Saturday night at 7:35 pm

The full moon illuminated the sky as a cool soothing breeze gently blew in through the window,


Ye Mingyu was on his bed doing the last bit of work on his computer, he already bought the gaming company that he will be using, he also made sure that he owns all the shares in the company, so that when he finds a suitable and trustworthy shareholder, he will give that person 20% shares max! Now, all that is left is for him to finish with making the game that he will be released in a few weeks.

[A/N: I know in the last chapter I probably said 'make', but in this chapter I said 'buy', there is a reason! making a company will take many years! while buying one doesn't take as long. Also according to brother google, it is possible to own 100% of the shares in a company. What I write might not be accurate business-wise, but oh well!]

Tomorrow is the day Ye Mingyu has decided to tell his parents about his pregnancy and move out to his own house which he has been preparing through his free time.

The faster he can get out of this house, the better.


"It's time for dinner 2nd young master," said one of the maids.

"Come in!" answered Ye Mingyu.

With that, the maids started walking in with trays of food.

"I'll be eating with my family tomorrow" Ye Mingyu calmly said to one of the maids, the maid looked slightly surprised before nodding and walking out the room to inform the Master, head maid, and chefs.

That night Ye Mingyu slept really well.

The next morning when Ye Mingyu woke up he lazily stretched before going to the bathroom to take a shower and brush his teeth.

Ye Mingyu had already packed his bags from Friday evening, which is just his electronics and probably a few things the OG owner considered important.

When Mingyu came out of the shower he quickly got dressed, he wore tight ripped jeans with a light blue T-shirt and a pair of blue-green high-top sneakers, as for his hair, he just tied it in a messy bun.

He then took his bag (which isn't that big, that's to show there isn't much the OG owner considered important) and went to the dinning room where his 'parents' and brother are.

The dinning room is filled with silence both Father Ye and Mother Ye are quietly eating there food, Ye Minfan is also eating his food quietly while taking small glances at his younger brother.

"Father, Mother, Brother..." Ye Mingyu who had his head down the entire time suddenly spoke "I.. I have something to say" everyone around the table turned to look at Ye Mingyu, taking a deep breath he blurted out with his eyes close "I'm Pregnant!"

Ye Mingyu stood up and took his bag, he then looked Ye Father directly in the eye, "I know you probably don't want anything to do with me anymore, as someone who doesn't even know the father of my child is" with one last glance at his brother Ye Minfan, he left, not giving anyone a chance to speak.

Ye Father, Ye Mother, and Ye Minfan all looked at each other.

Ye Mother suddenly got up and yelled with tears running down from her eyes "It's you! It's all your fault! My baby... You took everything from me! Because of you I had to ignore him all those years! Now... and now he's gone..."

Ye Mothers legs felt weak, and after a little while, she plumped to the floor, with both hands covering her face she wept bitterly "why..."