The scenery is so beautiful and calming. The air is fresh. There are also different kind of flowers. The trees are tall and wide that you'll feel cool when you stay underneath. Even the bushes are well-maintained like someone is really taking care of it. Butterflies landing in each flower. Birds chirping around, even a cicadas.

(I never thought this school has this kind of place)

Walking forward to the nearest bench I saw.  I slowly took a light steps, when I sit down comfortably, I close my eyes indulging myself from this breathtaking scenery.

"Beautiful isn't it?"


"You like it?"


"I'm glad"

I quickly open my eyes when I realize I'm not alone in this place. I even answer his goddamn question. But I suddenly regretted it knowing that it is this annoying man smiling at me with his almost ripped face. He then sat down beside me.

(Why can't you spare me? Is god playing with me?)

"What are you doing here?"

"Why? Am I not allowed to come here?"


"But this is my place"

"What place? You mean here? This is you place? Come on. Don't joke around"

"I'm not. This is indeed my place. I even plant those flowers 2 weeks ago. This place was a total chaos when I first found it you know, and since this place is hidden and amazingly peaceful, I renovated it. And look, this is the results of my hard work"


"You did quite well, I see"

"Is that a complement?"

"No, you heard it wrong. Don't flatter your self"

"No taking back. You said I did quite well. Thank you"


"Haha. You know what, I planned of surprising you. I planned of showing this to you when you become my boyfriend but since you already found it, well I guess I need to think of another way"


"You heard me. This place is meant for you"

I looked at him with confusion.

"So what you're saying is this place is meant for me and you're not actually avoiding me?"

"Avoiding you? Why would I? I wouldn't do that"

"You always run out the classroom every time the class ended. And then you only smile at me, not like what you usually do"

"It's because of--- wait a minute, are you perhaps concerned about me?

"Wait what? me? Concerned about you? Hah! No way"


"No, i mean yes, no"

"Tell me then"

I stay silent for a second. Avoiding his gaze.

"Okay fine. I am indeed concerned about you. It was just too sudden that you suddenly change then I--"

"You what?"

"I...I.. I missed you. There happy?"


"Don't get me wrong. I.. I only misses your annoyance, that's all. Don't get the wrong idea"

"I don't think I got the wrong idea. Do you like me?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Are you insane?"

"Am I?"


"Why don't you be honest with me. Just this once. I won't make fun of you"


"Trust me"

My heart is beating faster and faster. There's a lot of things I wanted to say but my mind won't function well. I can even felt my blood running to my cheeks. I felt so nervous not knowing what to say. I lowered my head and close my eyes tightly before answering him.


"Yes what?"


I burst out with mixed emotion. I waited for him to react but nothing happened. I still lowered my head but with my eyes open. Tears started to fall.

"Please say something*sob*"

I can't help my tears from falling. This is my first time liking someone and my first time confessing my feelings. I'm glad because I can finally told him about what I really feel but at the same time I'm scared because it might be too late. He might already found someone else. Even if he said that this place is meant for me, I doesn't mean that he  isn't allowed to like someone better that me. Someone nicer that me. Someone who will treat him right. With all of my hidden secrets. I bet he will  regretted knowing me.

"What happened? Why are you suddenly crying? Don't cry, don't cry. Did I scare you?"

He pulled me in to his embrace trying to comfort me. His touch is warm and cozy. The feeling of touching his body is a nice. I want to keep it.

(I indeed like this man)

He's still wiping of my face softly even when I finally calmed down.

(Shit my make up. How much did he wipe off?)

I grab his arms tightly, not letting it go making him stop.

"You don't need to hide it. I already know"

"What do you mean?"

"You're wearing make up right? It's okay. I've known it a long time"

"What? When?"

"Remember the time when I introduced myself? I was actually looking at you. You were looking at the window without realizing that the sun ray was hitting your face. I was wondering why your face is shining like there's a glitters stick on it. But when I lean closer to you , I only realize that you're wearing a make up"

"But you still--still--"

"Still chasing you? Following you around?"

I nodded. When the students learn about my sudden changes. They started to feel disgusted. Like I'm some kind of incurable disease. I don't really care about them but they started making rumors about me. About how I put make up just to seduce the new transferee. It hit me big time. They're already making a conclusion without prof. But the rumors suddenly stops when the principal announced about my real identity. That I am the legal owner of ZNY COLLEGE. Most of the students want to transfer specially the boys who even cursed at me. But since ZNY COLLEGE is one of the formidable university, they're force to stay and continue to study until they graduate.

What concerned me the most is because that annoying man might heard and believe those rumors and might started to hate me. Even though only 1% of the rumors were true. That's why when he suddenly avoided me, I started to get panic. The thought of him leaving me is too much.

"It's because I don't care about it. I don't care if you're wearing make up or not. I don't care if you're ugly or not. As long as you're happy. I don't mind accepting all your flaws. The day I said that I like you is the day I told myself that I will spend the rest of my life to this man, to you"

I stay silent for a moment. He stand up and kneel down before me. He grabs my hand and kiss the back of it. He look at me straight in the eyes. I can see and feel his sincerity.

" Please accept my heart and I will offer you my everything. I will make sure to fill you with my love. I'm not scared of what they're going to say about me or about us. As long as I am with you, everything around me didn't matter. I will show them that I am a lucky man to have you. That I am blessed to be with you.  Zhen Niever Ysher, Will you be my boyfriend?"

I stared at him,speechless. With mixed emotion. I don't know what to do. All I can think of is that I want to own this man infront of me. That I want him to only belong to me.

"Yes yes"

"Really? Are--are you serious?"


I pull him into a hug.

"Thank you. I love you"

"And so am I"

And without a second thought, I initiated a kiss. My very own first kiss was given to this annoying man's soft lips.

(End of Flashback)


To Be Continued
