All eyes focused on me as I enter the campus. I know that is it for the fact that my appearance suddenly change they didn't recognize me specially that I have 4 big man in black suit following me.

From an ugly face lowering his head every time he passes through the hallway, to a man filled with nothing but a straight face.

"Who's that? A new transferee?"

"Why is there some big men around him?"

"His body guards, I guess?"

"Is he showing his wealth?"

"Maybe but look. Isn't he handsome?"

"He sure is. Do you think he has a girlfriend?"

"Hitting right away? Aren't you in a relationship?"

I heard a lot of gossips around especially in girls. At the same time I run across the bullies yesterday. But since I am not in my old self I pass through them.

(Waiting for me huh? Let's see if you find me)

I signal one of my body guards from my left to come near me.

"What is it young master?"

I whispered something to him making him nod in understanding then he started to left with the other body guards.

When I enter the classroom everyone stops from what their doing. I only ignore them. I went straight to my sit near the window where I can see the campus outside not minding the stares coming from those stupid bitches.

"Go back to your sits. We're going to start our class but first of all I'd like to introduce your new classmate Mr. Sy Anderson. Please come in"

I am still facing the window when the teacher started to blabber. It's not that I don't want to listen, it's just that I don't give a damn.

"Hi my name is Sy Anderson. Starting today I'll be on your care"

The room suddenly filled with screams from the girls. I turn around only to find a handsome man standing in front of me.

"Is this sit still available?"

"What do you think?"

He lean closer to my ears and whispered with a flirting tone.

"Then are you still available?"

My eyes went open wide, speechless. He then turn around at sit in the vacant chair infront of me. Then turn around again.

"I'll be in your spacial care"

He said with a smirk still looking at me. An idea come into my mind.

(Playing with me huh?)

I lean closer to his left ear and whispered seductively.

"I'll be oblige to satisfy you then"

"I'll be waiting"

He whispered back.

A red pigment can be seen all over my face. I felt a burning sensation inside my body.

With everyone witnessed the scene, silent invaded the room. Some students were taking pictures while others recorded it. But most of them were in total shocked.


The class ended rather early.

Students started to head out  only leaving me and this annoying man which is currently smiling at me, almost tearing up his face.

"Stop it, it's annoying"

"But I want to look at you and I like you. Can you be my boyfriend?"

I swallowed my own saliva from the shocked.


"Are you okay?"

I cough a couple of times while waving my hand to stop him.

When I finally calm down, I face him with a sharp glare. Then a  faint smirk form into my lips.

I look at him with a fluffy and teary eyes while pouting.

(Damnit, this man)

"I like you too but I don't want to be your boyfriend. Not even a friend so don't bother. My parents are too strict. They only want me to focus on my study"

His facial expression suddenly change. From a worried face into a gloomy one.

(Is he a girl? He's mood easily change)

"Just kidding"

Then change again into a bright smile.

"Really? So do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"No, what I mean is the first sentence. Just 'kidding'. I don't really like you"

(Is he dumb? Who the heck will like someone he just met?)

And with that I stand up and ready to walk out of the room when he shouted some nonsense words again.

"I really like you. Hey wait"


3 months had passed. My life gradually becoming peaceful, ALMOST. My life at home started to change. I deliberately avoided my mother not to cause anymore scene. And the students who bully me are finally expelled. I can almost feel the warm air if not only for this idiot man who's following me around like a tail. From hallways, to canteen even in the comfort room. He spare no time chasing or following me.

"When will you stop following me?"

I look at him with an irritation.

"If you become my boyfriend, an official boyfriend to be exact. Then I will stop following you"

"Do you think I'll believe that?"

"Nope. But at least you know that  you're mine and I'm yours*wink*"

I felt a shiver through my spine.

(This man is the best definition of shameless. SHAMELESS)

"Can't you see? I'm a man and so you are"

"I know"


"I don't care"

"What the?? Is it possible for two men to be in a relationship? Isn't it too weird? Aren't you ashamed?"

"Why would I? It isn't weird at all. Infact it rather amusing. And besides it is INDEED POSSIBLE for two men to be in a relationship. Cuddling, kissing and making ou--"

I quickly shut his mouth before he finish his sentence.

"Stop it. It won't work"

"It will. Try me"




"Why not? You won't know if you won't try"


(This man is dangerous)

From hallway, I run as fast as I could just to get away from him.

"You'll never get away from me. Not even once. You're mine"

He shouted, earning a gossips from the students around.


Two weeks had passed and he no longer followed me. I wonder why? It's not I'm concerned it's just that--- okay fine I'm concerned. I'm just freaking worried about him.

We only meet at the classroom. He didn't even bother me like before. He just simple smiled at me. Then when the class is over, he will ran fast out of the room as if he's chasing a robber.

(I wonder what happened)

As I was running without direction, trying to find him, when I ended up in some unknown place but still in the school premises. This place is rather unusual.


To Be Continued
