5....Her Evil Smile

A one week passed and Alice( new girl) get close to us she is a good girl but sometimes It seems like she have an second face too... let it be until she don't do something with me and my friends I don't have any problem with her... I was walking towards my school and my neighbor Mrs. James called me "yueyue stop! would you please give this lunchbox 🍱to my daughter"... honestly I don't want but as I can't say no to peoples so I nooded and headed toward my school in the way Alice join me and ask me" how's lunchbox🍱 is in your hand " I tell her whole story she nodded and we reached school while talking and our group joined us... I again went to our seniors classroom the same view but I was not scared... why should I? I didn't done anything wrong..... I give my neighbors daughter her lunch box and on of those bullies say" from tommorow please bring lunch box for me also" I rolled my eyes and want to give him a tight slap but Junpiyo took me from there to cafeteria I shout on him " what's wrong with you Junpiyo let me teach them a good lesson... how to respect peoples specially girls" Junpiyo "I told you to stay away from them... I don't wanna you to get in any fight.. Please for me stay away from those guys for me.. please for your best friend.... promise me you will not get in any fight with them" I was angry but happy also because Junpiyo was the person who really cares about me on this earth I replied to him "ohk I promise you that I will not get any fight with them" He smiled I said "but only On one condition" he give me a confused look and ask" what condition? " I replied "you have to get me Ice cream" he smiled and nodded...."what about us" Jandi, Gauyel and Alice join us.. Junpiyo nodded and said "ohk I will get all of you ice cream" we smiled and headed toward our class..... But I was planning to get my revenge from that senior and I say sorry to Junpiyo to break my promise in my mind... I got a brilliant idea and a evil smile came on my face...

TO BE CONTINUE... ☁ 👋🚀 ☁☁


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