
Next day I planned to took a revenge from those bullies I planned to took a delicious lunch box🍱 from.

a restaurant but orders to add more and more spicy chills.. I headed toward a restaurant and order most spicy food and give them instructions to pack it as a lunchbox they handed me my parcel and I went to my school with my imagination.... and thank God that Junpiyo was absent if he would present on that day he probably stop me from taking revenge... same as always I go to our senior's classroom and as according to my calculations those bullies stop me and took that lunchbox from me... I was happy from inside and wanted to see their expressions after eating soo much spicy food but I didn't show my happiness on my face because if they came to know about my plan they will not eat that.... one of them ask me"what? today will you not try to take thus lunchbox? " I replied with a innocent face "you told me to took lunchbox for you also , that's today I bring this lunchbox for you guys"... One of them open that and they all jumped on the food like they have never seen food in their lifetime... After taking one bite first they all were like yahh! it's delicious but after some time they realise spiciness of that food... they all goes crazy and started searching for water and watching their expression I was laughing so hard... one of them took water for all of them and they have water after that I realize that they all were in anger and one of them hold my wrist and looking at me like he will kill me but suddenly a voice come from. halfway" what are you boys doing with this innocent girl?" he was our biology professor he came near us and that senior leave my hand... one if them spoke "sir, she is not innocent she gave us-" he stoped by professor by his words.." I know you guys very well what do you guys do with other students so I don't need your explanation, nobody complain about you guys it doesn't mean that we staffs doesn't know what you guys do or what not... one day if we got your any complaint we will not let you goo, now just go back to your class reassess time is already over " they all nodded and I also thanked to the professor and went back to my class and there was a relief😌 on my face I was felling very good that felling can't explain on words...my revenge is now completed...