~~~~Ohh! shit... ~~

I was walking halfway and saw Alice with A boy I thought that he was with a boy and they were kissing First I thought that it would be Junpiyo but.... No he was another boy.....

Kim Tan " Seriously this scene is so good, I am glad that I am here "

Me" Can you shut your mouth.. she is f**king girlfriend of my best friend and that boy is not Junpiyo"

Kim Tan" ohh it means that she is cheating him... "

me" Of course you idiot ".... I drag him with me toward Alice and shout" WTF! YOU ARE DOING ALICE YOU ARE CHEATING HIM WITH THIS F***ING BOY "

Alice"so what ❓"

Me " How could you do that he loves you with all his heart and you are just using him"

she smirked and said," so what will you do now... let me guess.. Ummmm! now you will go to Junpiyo and said all this stuff to him.. Right✔ "..... "Of course" I replied and she said with a smirk, " and you think he would believe you".."Yes" I replied with full confidence and again drag Kim Tan with me he said " so what are you going to do next ".... " I will go to Junpiyo and tell him all truth"

Kim Tan " will he believe you? "

"Yes, he will...I am his bestie and we are friends from childhood and that girl is just in his life a few times before"..... I said with a full confidence

Kim Tan " love make blind to people,.... love has same effects as cocaine... Be careful ".... he said those words to me and put all papers to the staff room and headed toward his class........ I want behind him and and stop him while holding his hand ✋...

he saw that I am holding his hand he said" what....do u also want kiss? "

I released his hand and said " stop thinking nonsense and what do u mean by your previous words"

Kim Tan "which one that about kiss"...

Me" No Idiot, about be careful ".......

" you will know about it soon " he said those words and again left me dumbfounded.....

{ A/N= OUR hero left out heroin dumbfound 😅😝😝 but they are cute sometimes}

I Came out of my thoughts and ran to find Junpiyo because now school was over and everyone was going back to their home, I couldn't found him I thought that he left in hurry because of some stuff or urgent work he usually left school in middle time because he is Heris of out city leading business Man so sometimes because of board meeting he used to do it... And that Alice was with him. because of his money and power.... "Ohh! God how a girl could be like that".....

... " What couldn't found him, From now on he will not talk to you so don't put your efforts ".... Alice speak... I just wanna beat her but I controlled myself after all she is my best friend's love but she cheated him I will show her what she have to pay for cheating my best friend... I didn't respond her and went to my home.......
