temporary JEALOUS

After coming back to my home I was going to my room but suddenly my mom stop me and she said " yueyue, junpiyo came and he was asking about you " I replied her" really, I search him after school but he was gone"

my mom" maybe you were searching for him and he was searching for you "..... " Yah... maybe, let it be I will call him"... after this conversation I went to my room and straight went to have shower.....while changing my clothes suddenly Kim Tan's face came to in front of my eyes... His smile, His silly jokes..... "Ewww! What are you thinking Yueyue " I shoke my head and grab my phone to call Junpiyo as I have to him truth as early as possible so that bi**h can't use him more... As I was about to call him but his message popped in my phone.....

£££££On the message£££££

Junpiyo- Hey yueyue, I have something important to discuss with you Please meet me at XYZ Cafe....

Yueyue- Yahh, I also have very important to discuss with you....

Junpiyo- Okh..... Come fast....

Yueyue- Yahh... I be there within 10 minutes..

£££££££... END OF THE CONVERSATION... £££££££

....I dressed up simply and grab my wallet and phone and went toward cafe.... I reached there.... I identify Junpiyo and went toward him. he was sitting with a girl.... I thought it would be Gandi Or Gauyel but when I reached there I saw that bloody bi**h... Alice

..... "Alice, you..... what are you doing here I told you not to show me your face again"..... " Yueyue, please calm down! "Junpiyo said

Me- No... Junpiyo, she is a bi**h, you know what she has done,.... you are still here just go away from here!"

Junpiyo - for god sake yueyue please calm down.... It was first time Junpiyo yeald at me only because of that bitch ass...

me- junpiyo you are shouting in me because of this girl... is this you call friendship...

junpiyo- please, now you will teach me what is friendship is? Haa! now that girl teach me who is just temporary jealous of my girl friend..... look who is teaching me....

Me- wait what did you say..TEMPORARY JEALOUS.. no I am not, and why I will. get jealous of this girl..... you know very well that I have lots of fanboys in campus...



®©®®®®©®To be continue©®©©®®