Chapter 64: Tears of passion ( 1 )

" Calcel , By law I am your mother and you are my son. " Alyssa reminded him.

" we can't be together. " She added.

" Why , it's just a contract marriage. " Calcel argued.

" That's right. It's a contract marriage . But it doesn't change anything. You and I can never be together. " Alyssa attered out.

Calcel grabbed her hand and held them tightly.

" Alyssa , You can't do this to me. " Calcel cried out.

" Calcel , I can't lie I ..... And I appreciate everything you did for the first day we met. But you have to know that things changed the day I got married to your father. I am your father's wife and the step mother you hate most. The woman who completely broke your father's marriage. Don't forget that. " Alyssa blurted.

" I nolonger care about that Aly. All I want is you to be by my side. " Calcel begged.

Alyssa shook her head giving him a no and she released her hands from his grip and said.

" I also no longer care about what I ever felt for you. What's important now is making my husband happy and if you marrying May will make your father happy , Please marry May. She's the only woman who is worth it . Even if time comes and I am no longer with your father , I still won't be able to be with you. " Alyssa declared and left Calcel.

For the first time Calcel felt rejected . It was understandable that Alyssa was his step mother. He also hated her at the beginning but he didn't why the more he lived with her is the more he fell for her. He hadn't realised that he was in love with her till the day he kissed her in her room . He had never been so attracted to any woman apart from Alyssa and this time he was able to reveal his feelings for her.


From the roof top , Alyssa rushed to her office which she locked with the key and immediately leaned onto the door.

She started crying bitterly feeling her heart swollen . She had really liked Calcel but she hadn't expected him to like her back. This shocked her and amused her at ago. She felt her knees weak so she decided to go have a seat.

She then stopped crying and went to sit in her office chair. After settling down , She remembered the words May had told her the day she asked for a talk with her.

" I like Calcel so much. And I wouldn't like you to become a barrier between us. " Those were the words May emphasized the day they had a talk.

Alyssa sighed again and stared at the ceiling.

" Father , What do I do now. Why did I have to fall in love with my step son amongst all people in the world ? " She asked hoping that her father who she believed to be in heaven now could hear her.


That evening after work , Alyssa was about to leave for home when she remembered the words that she told Calcel.


Alyssa had stated the words her self. She didn't know how was going to face Calcel that evening so she decided to grab her phone and made a call to Herman.

" Herm , Long time no talk. " Alyssa said when Herman had received her call.

" Alyssa , is that you ? " Herman was surprised to hear from her.

" Yes dear , How are you ? " Alyssa asked

" I am fine. What happened ? Your phone is always off.." Herman said from the other side.

" Let's meet and talk. " Alyssa said.


At some Hotel.

Herman was anxiously waiting to see Alyssa after not hearing from her for a week now. She finally came and she forced a smile. The moment Herman saw her he rushed and the two friends hugged. After the hug , They sat back down to talk.

" Alyssa , How have you been . Do you know how I've been worried about you ? " Herman asked.

" I am sorry for making you worry. But I have been doing well. " Alyssa said.

Though she was trying to show Herman that she was happy , He could notice that she was lying.

" Alyssa , You are lying. " He said.

" Huh.."

" You are not fine. Tell me , What's wrong ? " Herman asked.

" Nothing much. " Alyssa lied again.

" Alyssa , I know you very well. Talk to me please. " Herman begged.

" Herman , I don't know if I should tell you this but...." Alyssa stuttered.

" But what , Tell me ? " Herman was concerned.

" Calcel confessed to me that he likes me. " Alyssa said her tears coming up again.

" Oh my ! Are you serious about this ? " Herman asked.

" Yes. I don't know what to do ? " Alyssa said solemnly.

" You do like him too . " Herman commented.

" How did you know that ? " Alyssa surprised to hear this from Herman. How would he know that she also liked Calcel.

" I could tell it from how shocked you were you found out that he was your husband's son on your wedding day. I could also tell from how you two used to look at each other. Alyssa , I know you more than anyone else does." Herman said with a corner of a smile.

" Was it really that obvious ? " Alyssa burst out in tears again. " What will happen if David or May and the public find out that I fell for my step son ? " Alyssa cried .

" Alyssa , Why are you troubled by this ? " Herman asked.

" Herm , I really don't know but I never expected that Calcel would ever like me back. And this has really put me in panic. " Alyssa cried.

Herman couldn't take it anymore to see his friend like this so he extended his seat besides her and decided to hold her allowing her to lean on his shoulder.

" Don't worry dear. Nothing wrong will happen to you as long as I am here. " Herman said.

Herman was also in love with Alyssa just because he hadn't told her yet. He was waiting for right time to tell her when she was finally free from David. He had also not expected Calcel to be bold enough to confess to Alyssa though Herman knew it very well Calcel was also in love with Alyssa. He had known that the day Calcel became jealous of Herman for touching Alyssa's lips on Herman's birthday when some ice cream was stuck on get lips. The way Calcel reacted toward Herman that day was enough to tell Herman that Calcel really liked her .