Chapter 65: Tears of passion ( 2 )

From work , Calcel drove to a bar. He wanted to drink because he was thinking about many things that day. When he reached the bar , He ordered for a Jack Daniel's whiskey and vodka .He mixed the two in a glass and gulped it down. In no time he had finished over five glasses and the two bottles were empty. He ordered for more bottles and gulped them down and in no time he was already drunk.


At Wong's Mansion.

Alyssa returned home but today David hadn't arrived yet. She looked tired and exhausted so she had a quick shower. After that , She went the living room and watched TV while she waited for the family members to come back. She had wanted to go to visit her mother but Herman told her that running away from the problem wouldn't solve it so she got the guts to return home. Though she didn't know how she was going to face Calcel and David at ago.

She composed herself when she saw David come back. She got up from the sofa as a sign of respect to welcome him back him.

" Welcome back sir. " Alyssa said with a smile.

" Thanks. Where's Calcel ? " David's mind was on his son

" I am..." Alyssa said in a stammer. " he hasn't returned yet. " Both Alyssa and Jenny said in chorus.

David sat down on the sofa.

" Sir , How was the meeting with the parliament ? " Jenny who knew very well where David had gone asked.

" Yes. We were just discussing about the construction of the new hospital. " David told Jenny.

" That's was a great idea. The citizens will be happy to hear this. " Jenny smiled.

" Sure. First get me some water. " David said to Jenny who nodded and left.

David turned to look at Alyssa who was quite all long. " Aly , How is work ? " he asked her to break the silence.

" It's quite good. " She replied.

" I want to ask you something by the way. " David's expression suddenly changed as he said this.

" Ask anything sir ? " Alyssa smiling still.

" Do you think that there's any woman that Calcel likes ? " David surprised Alyssa . She already had her problems and this question was another burden to her.

" How would I know that sir ? " Alyssa stupidlised herself.

" You work with him at the company . You must have seen him with anyone or heard some rumors. " David said.

" I haven't sir. The person he interacts mostly with is his Secretary May. " Alyssa said.

" That's why I want the two to get married. What do you think about them ? " David inquired.

" I...I....I...of course they match. She will really be a good wife to him. " Alyssa said.

David smiled hearing this. " That's true. Everyone sees the good in May but I don't know why my son is blind to see that only May deserves him. " David complemented sadly.

Jenny was back with the glass of water which David gulped down.

" Sir , Why do you look troubled ? " Jenny asked.

" It's Calcel giving me headache. " David said.

" Is it about May ? " Jenny knew everything already .

" Yes. " David nodded.

" Are you really going to force Calcel get engaged to May yet he doesn't like her ? " Jenny asked.

" If it needs force I will. " David swore.

Jenny moved her head to look at Alyssa who was pretending to watch the tv.

" Sir , Supper is ready. " Jenny said and left them again.

The two were having supper when David noticed Alyssa's silence. She was always silent bit she never looked worried the way she looked like at this time.

She got a jar of juice to pour in a glass but her minds were very far that when the glass was full of juice she continued pouring the juice and it all poured on the table. David saw this and became amused , Alyssa was pouring the juice on the table.

" Aly ? " David called.

Alyssa opened her eyes wide in shock realising what she just did . She immediately put the jar on the table again and rose up.

" I am sorry sir , I will clean it up. " She gasped and turned to leave but David stopped her by calling Jenny.

" It's okay , Sit down. " David said and immediately called.

" Ms Jenny ? " He called loud enough and Jenny was fast enough.

" Yes sir. " Jenny said.

" Get someone to clean here ! " David commanded .

Alyssa say down feeling embarrassed. " Am really sorry . " She apologized.

" It's fine. What's wrong with you ? You don't look fine at all . " David said.

Alyssa heaved a breath. " It's just that I was thinking about something. But I am fine . " Alyssa lied.

David didn't insist on that. He also had his problems already. He got up and left the dinning table having eaten half of the food. Alyssa didn't have appetite too so when David left she also got up to leave. She went to the refrigerator to get some cold water when she heard the house landline phone ring. She walked to it and recieved it. At the same time Jenny had heard it and she came along to receive it when she found Alyssa with it already.

" Hello , This is Mr Wong's house. " She said.

, Whatever was told to her through the phone put a frown on Alyssa's face .

" Okay sir , We will be there soon. " Alyssa replied and turned when she saw Jenny who had been watching her.

" What is it ? " Jenny asked.

" Calcel is drunk. We need to send someone to pick him. " Alyssa said.

" My Gosh ! I will call driver William . " Jenny said and got her phone to ring William.

After some time of anxiously waiting , Calcel was led in the house by William. He was so drunk that he couldn't even walk so William supported him by holding his waist and making his arm get support from his shoulder.

The two watched Calcel who was really stinking of alcohol.

" Oh my God , What made him drink to this extent ? " Jenny asked covering her nose with her hands.

" Ms Jenny , That's not important. We need to get him out of here before his father notices that he is drunk. " Alyssa suggested.