Chapter 66: Tears of Passion ( 3 )

" Ms Jenny , That's not important now. We need to get him out of here before his father finds out. " Alyssa suggested.

" That's right. " Jenny agreed and she walked to help William take Calcel to his room.

Before she could touch Calcel whose head had been lowered raised his head and opened his eyes when he set them on Alyssa. He stupidily smiled and released himself from William's grip pushing him away from him.

" There's Alyssa. " Calcel said in slur.

Alyssa looked at him confused as he staggered towards her. When he reached where she was , He smiled foolishly and hugged her wrapping his arms around her tiny waist tightly.

" Alyssa ...My loving step mother. " Calcel said again in slur.

Jenny and William looked at the two in disbelief. Alyssa tried hard to remove Calcel's hands from her waist but the grip was too strong for her to let go. Though she he stinking of alcohol , Alyssa felt good being in his arms. Though this was not the time to enjoy this , William and Jenny are watching. And she had to show Calcel that she wasn't interested in him.

" Calcel , What are you doing is wrong. " Alyssa gasped.

" Is it bad to hug my mother ? " Calcel asked .

" Driver William , Do something. "'Jenny tapped William.

William walked to them so that he would pull Calcel away from Alyssa.

" Sir , You are drunk. " William said calmly.

Hearing this , Calcel released her and glared at William. He pointed his index finger at him and said as he staggered.

" No one should interupt me when I am talking to Alyssa. " Calcel said coldly and then smiled like a stupid kid.

He looked back at Alyssa and smiled again before hugging her.

" Alyssa , persuade him to go to his room. " Jenny realised that Alyssa was the only person who could help them at that time.

Alyssa nodded and pulled away from the hug slowly . She wrapped her arm around his waist and held the other one with hers on her shoulder.

Calcel didn't react so she slowly walked to him . Jenny escorted them and opened the door so that Alyssa wouldn't have hard time opening the door.

She entered the room with him and made him lie on the bed. After that , She helped him remove his shoes and socks and then covered him with a blanket.

When Jenny watched this , She smiled and decided to leave .

Alyssa after doing that , She stood up before Calcel and watched him . He had closed his eyes and he looked relaxed. She beamed seeing him like this and then switched off the lights. When she almost left she heard a voice ask.

" Are you really going to sacrifice your feelings for me because you are my step mother ? " Calcel asked.

Alyssa thought he had slept already. She turned around to look at him to find that his eyes were open but he was looking at the ceiling.

" I meant whatever that I said. " Alyssa lied.

Calcel chuckled. " So you can't love me because you are married to my father ? " He asked.

" Exactly that.." Alyssa said. " It will a shame if i did. " Alyssa said.

" You your self told me that you and I had nothing owing. " Alyssa reminded Calcel each words that he told her .

Calcel laughed at himself. But Alyssa was right , He's the one who declared to her that he would never be friends with his step mother. He slowly got up and sat on the bed . He turned his head to look at her.

" I started liking you the day you took me to the hospital when I had a wound. From that day I hoped that I would see you again but to my shock when you appeared to me again you had already become my step mother. In order to kill the feelings I had for you , I tried my best to create hatred between you and me but surprisingly the more I pushed you away is the more I fell for you. " Calcel said and then looked away from her.

" Whatever you continued doing made the little feelings that I wanted to kill grow even stronger than they were. " Calcel bit his lower lip and a tear dropped from his eye.

" One day you asked why I kissed you ? " Calcel reminded her and now she became more attentive.

He looked at Alyssa again. " And the day I kissed you , I did that because I couldn't take it anymore. I had wanted to do that very many times but I always controlled myself. " He said as Alyssa listened carefully.

" I couldn't control myself any longer. Even about Herman, I was jealous because I didn't want to see you with another man. " Calcel talked.

Alyssa was starting to release tears slowly because of what he was saying.

" Then why did you kiss me back that day ? And why didn't you stop me from kissing you ? " Calcel asked two different questions.

But today he was on a wrong person. Alyssa had the answers for all his question.

" That day , I kissed you back because I was tempted. " She said nonchalantly.

" What ? " Calcel couldn't believe it

" Yes ! It was a temptation. You looked dangerously handsome to me and I'll couldn't resist kissing you. " Alyssa said.

" So you mean the kiss meant nothing to you ? " Calcel asked.

" It would have something. Bjt I am afraid it didn't . " Alyssa said confidently.

Hearing all this , Calcel heaved a breath.

" Anyway , I am not forcing anything. I just wanted to tell how how I feel about you before getting engaged. "

" I am going to marry May. " Calcel said.

Alyssa hearing this from Calcel made her release a tear.

" I just hope that...I will love her one day. "

He said and lied back on the bed.