Chapter 73: Howcould he replace me with such a little girl !

" It's fine , Please sit down. " Alyssa requested.

Juliana sat back on the sofa and Alyssa sat besides her. Truth be told , Juliana looked young and someone couldn't expect that she could be Calcel's mother. She was as well beautiful , No wonder Calcel was dangerously handsome. Alyssa thought.

" Let me get you something to drink. " Jenny said and left the two.

Alyssa didn't know what to talk with Juliana . She decided to watch the tv but she could feel that Juliana's gaze was on her. She was feeling uncomfortable so she decided to start a jazz between her and Juliana.

" I forgot to welcome you back from the long journey. " Alyssa said softly with a smile.

" Thank you. " Juliana simply replied.

" So Ms Alyssa , What do you do ? " Juliana asked.

" I am an actress. " Alyssa replied.

Juliana nodded. " I see that . "

" So how was the life in the states ? " Alyssa asked to break the silence.

" Quite good. " Juliana answered.

" Sorry for delaying.." Jenny came back with two cups of coffee and some passion juice for Clere.

" It's okay. " Alyssa said.

" It's good to see you interacting. " Jenny said sitting back besides Alyssa.

" We were just trying to know more about each other. " Juliana said and they all smiled.

They started taking their coffee. And then Juliana noticed the photos that were spread on the walls. David and Alyssa's photos. She got up from the seat and walked to where the photo was such that she could get a clear view of it.

Alyssa felt a little scared. Jenny was just enjoying what she was seeing.

" You look beautiful in photos. " Juliana commented.

" Thanks Ms Juliana. " Alyssa said.

Then Juliana turned to look at Alyssa and crossed her arms around her chest.

" You are too young and if I am not mistaken you are almost my son's age. " She said.

Alyssa looked at Jenny before answering anything. She felt like she being insulted by Juliana.

" Calcel is just two years older than me. " Alyssa muttered. She was an actress so knew the right answers.

" What made you marry David at your age ? I I am not trying to insult you but I really want to know. " Juliana muttered.

" He was kind to me. " Alyssa simply answered.

" Only that ? "

" When we really love people , We don't always need a lot from them . That was enough for me to like him. " Alyssa answered .

" I didn't expect you to be that bold. " Juliana sat back in her position.

" I forgot that I had some work I didn't finish. Please have a nice time. " Alyssa said and decided to leave .

Juliana glared at Alyssa while she left.

" Ms , Don't you think that you asked her a lot ? " Jenny inquired.

" Did I ? "

" Of course. "

" I am sorry. I just wanted to know which kind of person she is. " Juliana said.

" She's just a fine woman the way you were. She treats everyone well and loves everyone. " Jenny said.

" Okay. " Juliana nodded and took another sip. She looked up at the photos again and Jenny noticed this.

' How can he replace me by this little girl. What does she even know about marriage. ' Juliana thought innery.


Alyssa came back to the living room after some good time and found it empty. A maid was cleaning up the mess Clere had caused.

" Where did everyone go ? " She asked.

" Ms Juliana left and Jenny went to see her off. "

" I thought that she was going to stay with us.." Alyssa said.

" She was to but the boss refused that. " The maid explained.

" Did Clere leave too ? "

" No , She's in her room. "

" I will go see her. " Alyssa smiled and went to Clere's room.

She had really missed playing with her. And this was her chance to be with her .