Chapter 74: His tie

Alyssa went to Clere's room and found her with a maid who was helping her organize her clothes in the ward robe.

" Hi.." Alyssa called and went to sit on the bed where Clere was playing some games on her phone.

" Aunty . " She called Alyssa back with a smile and put the phone on the bed.

" Would you like to jazz with Aunty ? " Alyssa asked.

" Of course. I missed talking to her. " Clere gasped.

" So how was the states ? "

" It wasn't bad on my side. Just that missed Dad and big bro alot. "

" Don't worry , They will be here very soon. "

" Tell me Aunty , Is it true that big brother is going to marry ? " Clere asked.

" That's right . I thought that Mommy told you that you already . "

" I just heard her talking on the phone. "

Alyssa touched Clere's cheeks lovingly. " Big brother is getting married very soon. " She said.

" Is his bride pretty and kind like you ? " Clere questioned Alyssa putting her in daze.

" Yes. She's more kind and prettier. " Alyssa answered the little girl.

Then Clere remembered something and got off the bed. Alyssa looked at her . She pulled out the drawer and got a small tin of sweets from it. She came back to Alyssa.

" I brought for you this. " She said.

" Really ? " Alyssa couldn't believe it.

" Yes Aunty. I hid them away such that Mommy couldn't see them. "

" My g , Thanks dear. " Alyssa said and hugged Clere with so much happiness that some tears fell from her eyes.

They were still hugging when the door was opened and Calcel got inside. Clere was the one facing the door side so she was the first to see him.

" Big bro .." She called still hugging Alyssa and on hearing this Alyssa released Clere and she ran to Calcel.

Alyssa quickly dried her tears before Calcel could notice them.

" How have you been dear ? " He asked after hugging the little girl and squatting down to reach her height.

" I missed you . " Clere said.

" I missed you more. "

He then stood up and looked at Alyssa .

" I just came to say hi to her , I will take my leave. " She said and left immediately.


That night , The family had dinner together when David had returned. Clere kept on talking of how nice she has been doing as the rest kept smiles on their faces.

Calcel made a call to Juliana that night before sleeping.


The next morning ,After having breakfast Calcel got his brief case to leave for work when Alyssa stopped him on the door way.

" What is it ? " He asked her coldly.

" Today by noon you have to meet May so that you try the clothes and take shoots for the cards. " She said to him.

" Gosh ! I almost forgot that you are one organising my engagement party. " He Chuckled

" Huh.."

" Forget it. I will be there. " He said and turned to leave when Alyssa stopped him again.

" Wait ! " He raised her voice.

Calcel turned to look at her again when she walked closer to him and brought her arms to his neck tie. That's when he realised she was helping him organize the tie .

Though , Her being close didn't make him stay the same. Her scent was sweet to smell and just her breath on his skin was enough to make him crazy. He gazed into her beautiful face and then her glossy lips. At the moment he felt like kissing her again. He really missed the feeling of tasting those calling lips.

' Why does she keep on becoming more beautiful everyday ? ' Calcel asked himself.

After organising the tie , Alyssa also looked at his handsome face and the same thoughts begun running through her mind again. She was still holding the tie and she was now staring at him back.

David came from his room and the two didn't notice.

" What's going on there ? " David asked seeing the two staring at each other.

That's when they came back to reality and Alyssa immediately released the tie.

" I am..His tie. " Alyssa stuttered.

" I...was just helping him organize the tie. " She squealed.

For Calcel , He was out of words.

" Wow , What a good mother you are. " David commented ignoring the situation.

" Are you leaving already ? " He asked Calcel.

" Yes Dad. Have a nice day . " Calcel said and left.

Alyssa went and sat opposite her husband. She was still on her leave to organise the party.

" Where so far with the preparations ? " He asked her.

" They are trying the clothes and taking shoots for the invitation cards. " Alyssa said.

" That's a very good job. I want my son's wedding to be the best ever. " David muttered.

" Sir , We are still on the engagement. " Alyssa reminded.

" Whatever , As long as it's the best. " He said.

Alyssa laughed at David's thought but she didn't want to show it.