Chapter 156: We both lost.

" Can you please help me with her address ? " Alyssa asked.

" Sure..." The guard said,pulling put a pen and a sticky note to write for something. They would escort May or drive her to her home so it was obvious they knew where May's house was.

" Thank you. " Alyssa said and then left .

Calcel came put when she was already put of the gate. He wasn't understanding her irrational behavior at the moment. He went to talk to one of the guards.

" Where did the new maid go ? " Calcel questioned.

" She asked for Ms May's home address sir

" Responded the guard.

Calcel shook his head. " Give me the car keys . " He requested.

The guard gave in the keys and Calcel went and picked one of them. There were three family cars that all the family members would use if they wished and there were also individual cars. Calcel had left his keys so he had no choice but to use the family car

Alyssa had gotten a cub to May's place.

Cynthia's House....

May was starting at the outside balcony in tears and thoughts while her luggage was brought to the house.

Cynthia came to her and said.

" My daughter...forget what has happened. It's useless to continue crying for a man who never loved you. " Cynthia came and said.

" No Mom. When Alyssa died he fell in love with me. He has been loving me. " May argued.

" I know. But It's over now. Get ready for divorce and forget him. " Cynthia said and left May there.

' I know he still loves me..'

She thought and dried off her tears.

May was about to turn and go back inside when she heard someone call other name loud.

" MAY ? " The familiar voice was heard and when May turned around to it's direction she saw Alyssa.

" Marvis ? What the hell arduous doing here ? " May asked as she knew her as the maid at the Mansion.

It was getting dark already by this time.

Alyssa walked to May in hurry and stop right before her. May have her a perplexed look but Marvis looked very angry at the moment.

" What brings you to my house ? " May asked rudely.

Alyssa immediately slapped May across her cheeks.

May touched her slapped cheek in disbelief.

" How dare you ? " May yelled raising her palm to pay Alyssa back the slap but Alyssa caught her hand in space stopping the slap from reaching her.

" You have no right to slap me back.." Alyssa declared looking more serious and angry than before.

" That was for killing Alyssa and my baby.." Alyssa said and let go of May's hand.

" ...W...wh...what the hell are you talking about ? " May stuttered looking away in fear.

" The day Alyssa had an accident, I was in the car too. You are the one that made me to lose my memory and my baby..." Alyssa said now in tears.

May swallowed hard as she was now in trouble.

Alyssa then grabbed her hair and begun pulling it hard.May begun crying and struggled to push Alyssa away but Alyssa's grip was strong enough.

Cynthia who was in the house heard the noise and went back outside to find someone fighting with her daughter.

" My God !! " She screamed and hurried to pull away Alyssa from May and then she saw her face.

" You aren't you the new maid at Wong's ? " She asked.

Alyssa kept silence and her gaze was still on May who was now organizing her hair.

" How dare you come and start fighting with my daughter ? " Cynthia questioned trying to keep calm otherwise she would have beaten this girl already.

Alyssa chuckled and finally looked at Cynthia.

" So...You are hurt just because i pulled daughter's hair ? " She asked.

" What's wrong with you ? " Cynthia barked.

" Just came to warn your daughter that once my memory comes back, She will pay for killing my child ! " Alyssa declared and walked away.

Cynthia turned to look at May in confusion.

" What is she talking about ? " Cynthia asked May.

" That is the girl Alyssa had an accident with.." May declared

" Then you mean ? She was pregnant too ? " May asked

" I guess Mom..." She answered.

" Let's go back inside. Rightnow she has no proof against us. " Cynthia said as she watched Alyssa leave.

When Alyssa reached outside she burst into tears instead not believing that these people had killed her child.

At the moment all she knew was that she was Marvis. And Alyssa a friend of hers who had rescued her from the hospital had been killed by these people . She was understanding the story as Marvis not as Alyssa.

She begun walking slowly as she cried softly.

She was like this when a car stopped before her and when she lifted her head to see she saw Calcel coming out and he came to her.

" What are you doing here ? " She asked drying her tears.

" I am the one who should be asking why you came to May's place ? " He said looking angry and in a loud voice.

Alyssa sighed and said. " I ran here with many expectations. I thought i would beat up that woman to death and revenge for by baby's death. But I couldn't do anything. Because i don't remember anything. " She said in tears.

She had told Calcel that she was the woman Alyssa got the accident with.

" You think you are the one who lost alone ? " He yelled.

" Look , I lost a baby and Alyssa too. But I couldn't do anything either.. apart from divorcing her. " Calcel said to her solemnly.

Alyssa's tears increased when she heard him say this and she was trying to dry them now and then.

He saw her struggling and then held both her shoulders looking down at her.

" Let's just be patient. Time will come and the truth will be out. " He said as Alyssa looked up at him too.

" Can you do me just one favor and take me somewhere ? " She made a request.