Chapter 157: Did we know each other before ?

It was a very place whose beauty could be seen in that dark. Alyssa looked at the view before her and smiled as she felt the fresh air kiss her face. The tall buildings with different colors of light coming from them made the city look really good. They were on top of one of the building which gave them a very beautiful scene.

" This is beautiful ! " She exclaimed look at Calcel who was standing besides her.

" How do you feel now ? " He asked seeing her cheerful face.

" Better.." Alyssa muttered.

" Has it been able to chase away your wild thoughts ? " He questioned.

" Somehow.." She answered.

" Let's burry everything about Alyssa and out babies here. " Calcel suggested.

" If you can..." Alyssa said now standing before him and looking at him.." I can too. "

" Don't worry. I will.." He assured her.

" Yeah, It's good start afresh..." She said as the walked closer to the Balcony.

They both stood there in silence and watched the city as they inhaled there's air.

" So, What will be your next plan once you and May are divorced ? " Alyssa asked to break the silence.

" It will just be me and work. " He answered putting his hands in his pockets.

" Don't wish to fall in love again ? " Alyssa asked making Calcel to look at her.

Her gaze was still fixed onto the buildings.

She turned to look at him when she didn't hear his immediate reply and found his eyes on her.

" Love is not something you go for anytime...with anyone. " He answered and looked back but Alyssa's gaze remained fixed on him.

" I can see. You really loved Alyssa.." Alyssa mumbled.

" We promised not to talk about that again. " He said.

" Just one more question.." Alyssa stopped him midway as she positioned herself where she could now give him a dequestion

" What ? " He asked after a sigh.

" I just want to know , What was special about Alyssa that you liked. I mean...there are very many beautiful girls and she was step mother ? " Alyssa asked not knowing that she was talking about herself.

" I just loved her...." Calcel answered and walked away.

Alyssa shook her head and followed .

" Hi..wait for me..!! " She shouted while she ran after him until she caught up.

They sloped downstairs and when they reached the exit door from the rooftop floor it was locked.

Calcel opened several times but all in vein. Alyssa came and stood behind him.

" What is going on ? " She asked and saw him shake the door handle harder.

" Is it locked ? " She asked while her face got a frown.

" It was locked..." He said and begun banging the door.

Alyssa came and tried to help but all in vein.

" What do we do ? " She asked looking at him.

" Do you have your phone ? " He asked.

" No , I left the Mansion in hurry. I couldn't carry it. " She answered.

" I don't have mine either.." He spoke and cursed by kicking the door hard but it was strong.

He gave up and sat down leaning against the door. Alyssa also sat down beside him.

" So we are going to spend the whole night here ? " She asked.

" There's no other choice. " He mumbled.

They were just in the small corridor that had the door to the roof top and then the other one to the stair case.

" I wonder why they closed so early like this. " She said.

" Things just happen sometimes. " Calcel replied.

" I forgot to ask. Why did you follow ? " Alyssa asked giving him a glare.

" I was still in shock that you are the girl Alyssa stayed with at the hospital.." He answered.

" So...did you know me by then ? " She asked.

" I had forgotten completely until you reminded me. " He chatted but wasn't looking at her. His gaze was to the front.

" I saw you at Alyssa's like twice or thrice." He said.

" Which kind of person was I ? " Alyssa asked.

" I can't. Maybe Doctor Thormas can tell. " He responded.

" Doctor Thormas ? Who is he ? " She asked and now Calcel looked at her.

" You don't remember him ? " He asked.

" I really don't..."

" Oops, i forgot that you lost your momery.." He said and looked back.

" I should look for him maybe. I think he knows how i got im touch with Alyssa." Alyssa said.

" Do as you wish..." Calcel and leaned against the door.

" I haven't slept well for the past two days..Let me try to rest. " He said and closed his eyes like that.

Alyssa decided to keep her mouth shut and looked at him.

She remembered that they were organizing for the party the other night and then the previous night he was at the hospital. And here was today.

" He must be so tired.." Alyssa thought and then sat with her legs on the floor.

She slowly held Calcel by the shoulders and made him lie his head on her lap.

Sleep had consumed him already do he didn't wake up. He slept more comfortable on her soft and warm lap and she removed her sweater to cover him and give him some warmth.

She looked down at hin and he looked so handsome in his sleep. Alyssa smiled and got the urge to careless his hair that was smooth.

' Calcel , Why do I feel like i am already used to you. I have just known you for only a week and see what has happened to us already. Oops, Did we know each other back then and you don't want to remind me ? '

She asked herself and continued to caress him until sleep took her like that with her back and head leaned against the door.

It was in the middle of the night when Calcel started talking in his dream.

' Alyssa...Alyssa...Don't leave me ? ' He asked in his dream and his head was moving which made Alyssa wake up as she felt him on her lap.

" Alyssa...please don't...don't leave me..." He cried.

" I am here..." Alyssa decided to speak just to comfort him.