Boss of Room Seven

As she entered she was confused to find Tang San attacking another boy quite a few heads taller than himself in an open space between some beds. Appearing behind him Tang San executed what looked like two simple movements in Xing's eyes yet so smoothly that it seemed as if he'd practiced them for years.

Landing a blow with his elbow to the youth's back and popletiteal fossa behind his knees he proceeded to arrange his free foot perfectly to trip and have him fall towards the open door of the dorm room. Thankfully he managed to stabilize his footing after stumbling, avoiding a clash between his face and the ground but Xing could see an expression of anger not relief before the boy was already charging at Tang San again not even paying her any mind.

"To actually think you'd strike me!"

The boy's indignant tone matched his furious pounce on her friend. Thinking about ending whatever squabble this was Xing reached out to stop the two but the words she wished to say died in her throat as Tang San advanced towards his opponent. Quickly taking a grounded stance as he received the boy's punch, Tang San strategically placed his hands at certain points along the boy's arm before using his own weight along with the rooted strength from his legs and back to flip the kid to the ground in a single motion.

Zhi Xing along with the surrounding student audience were surprised at how the seemingly smallest kid in the room dispatched what looked to be someone twice his age.

"Holy crap he actually managed to defeat Boss Sheng."


"What did he say his Spirit was again? Blue Silver Grass?"


"Woah he took him out so easily"

As the audible comments of his roommates pierced the air the boy on the ground looked at Tang San differently for a second.

Before Xing could make her way over to the two to ask what was going on, the boy on the ground released a sound comparable to a muffled beast's roar as his body was enveloped in a faint yellow light before disappearing from the ground.

'Shit he used his Spirit, fucking martial arts world'

Cursing her circumstances, quickly Zhi Xing reached for one of her throwing needles but paused in amazement at her own act of escalation, still, readying one in between her fingers with a low duration in the event things escalated further. Tang San had given her a few tips on how to throw them accurately but she hadn't really put in the time to practice, too busy increasing her cultivation.

As the two boys made contact the surrounding students witnessed them begin a contest of strength as they locked hands together as one pushed forward in an effort to crush while the other took a simple horse stance and stood his ground. Zhi Xing had seen Tang San forging from the early morning to the middle of the night, besides all his peculiarities the one thing she knew most about him was to never underestimate his physical strength despite his bite sized stature, especially in that stance.

Watching them struggle for supremacy for a few moments Xing lost interest, returning her weapon to the pouch around her waist. 'If they're just going to be lame and wrestle a little, what the hell is the point of me getting involved?' Moving over to a free bed to sit Zhi Xing patiently waited for Tang San and her new roommate to stop this farce. Not long after she got her wish...

In a blurr of movement unnoticeable to the surrounding children and herself Tang San used his almost gross level of dexterity to release his thumbs from their entwined form with the boy's fingers before forcefully poking certain vulnerable spots of soft flesh between his thumbs and index fingers making the boy wince in weakness.

At the first sign of this, Tang San proceeded to leap backwards with their hands still interlocked, using the boy as a platform to pivot and twist his body to deliver a devastating blow with his knee to the young man's face. Unfortunately the boy's earlier charge in his Spirit's possessed form meant that his momentum was his downfall, when Tang San leapt backwards his footing became destabilized and with his enemy's added weight the only direction his body moved was forwards.

Closing his eyes and preemptively wincing his face for an expected dislocated nose he was surprised like the audience to find that Tang San instead used his spring like bent leg to deliver a wicked but less permanent strike to his abdomen with the sole of his foot. The result was the young man gliding through the air with saliva sputtering from his mouth and preforming a disgraceful back flip before abruptly losing momentum and collapsing on the floor like a sack of potatoes, landing on his stomach with his limbs spread wide.

Unlike previously, he reeled loudly, grunting a few times before lifting himself back to his feet wearily. Looking at Tang San with fear and a lingering trace of anger, although he was only twelve he had enough brain cells in order for fear to overcome his other primal emotion.

Slowly, Tang San walked over to a nearby bed before retrieving his School uniform and turning to face the hesitant boy.

"Will you get out of my way now?"

Walking towards him the supposed Boss Sheng hurriedly moved out of the way, as Tang San found a free bed near the door to the room. Like most beds in the room his own was bare of any sheets before placing his uniform neatly on the edge.

"Littl-, uh, Tang San was it? Was what you used just now a Spirit Ability?"

"Spirit Ability?

Having heard this term for the first time Tang San inquired.

"What exactly is a Spirit Ability?"

Scratching his head slightly confused the boy responded:

"It's literally a technique you execute using your Spirit only... Is your Spirit really Blue Silver Grass?"

Quirking an eyebrow Zhi Xing moved over to the two boys deciding on a free bed that was relatively close to Tang San since he was the only person she knew here currently.

Hearing the mention of a Spirit Ability the restless audience that was spectating moments ago moved over in a wave trying to discern the truth of the matter.

"Did he really use a Spirit Ability? It was so vicious Boss Wang Sheng was helpless" One kid postulated out loud.

Shaking his head he turned to his new dorm mates while a bright blue light radiated from the palm of his hand. What appeared was a larger than average stalk of Blue Silver Grass.

"That was no Spirit Ability, it was only a kind of fighting technique. By the way are we allowed bedding?" He said shifting his eyes along the numerous beds in the oversized room, unsummoning his Spirit. There was nearly fifty beds lined up orderly but only eleven or so actually had any sheets.

One of the students a few years older than him spoke up with a pitiable expression.

"We're only working students, the only things we're entitled to is a roof to sleep under and excemption of the ludicrous tuition fees."

Looking around at the other children with sad expression and eyes of resignation he shook his head offering a small blanket in his hand.

"The few that we do have were brought from home, we take turns sharing them every so often since your new you can borrow mine if need be."

Joining their discussion, Zhi Xing took the meaning out of Tang San's gesture of refusal. "Its appreciated but we can take care of ourselves."

She had expected this after all the information Grandpa Jack and Mo Jun had given her, opting to bring the blanket and pillows Aunty Li had made for her and Shí. Nodding his head in agreement Tang San was about to sit but was stopped by the older boy from earlier.

"Wang Sheng right? You're not looking for another beating are you?" Moving in his way Xing crossed her arms refusing to deal with anymore drama today. Her Spirit Power churning slightly, as to empower any necessary punishment.

Shaking his head quickly with a few beads of sweat falling through his hair line, the young man quickly denied the short girl's conclusion. Opting for the truth rather than the usual harsh response he would normally give a junior.

"N- No I just wanted to ask... Why did you show mercy?" Looking past her, his eyes locked with those of Tang San. Having studied at Nuoding Primary Spirit Master Academy for over five years now, Wang Sheng was bewildered at this boy who was obviously younger than him showing such skill yet restraint.

Tang San moved past Xing and responded with a bit of mirth.

"We are peers. Not personal enemies with life or death vendettas against one another."

A look of understanding and guilt marred Wang Sheng's expression before he nodded and apologized, bowing his head slightly.

"I'm sorry for earlier, the students in other dormitories bully and ridicule us working students and the only way to get through such daily abuse is to put up a united front. We can only hope that the two of you can join us." He said looking at the two with an earnest expression.

"Are you sure you didn't just want to show off how 'powerful' you were?" Xing asked with a disarming smile.

Blushing slightly in shame, Wang Sheng shook his head repeatedly. "It was Brother San who showed how powerful he was. For a six year old, he's truly ferocious."

Looking over her shoulder at her harmless neighbor, her skin gained a few goosebumps. "We can agree there." She smirked lightly in response.

Moving past Zhi, Wang Sheng sat on the bed right beside Tang San.

"Tang San! You managed to defeat me so from now on you're the Boss of Room Seven!"

With his eyes wide, Tang San flailed his hands in the air to disarm the bomb being dropped on him.

"No-no I'm only here to study" He kept muttering

Shaking his head gravely Wang Sheng gave Tang San a serious look, saying sternly: "These are the Room Seven rules, the strongest fist is the one in charge. Do you think I'm not being serious, look closely."

Rolling up his sleeves, they revealed multiple green and purple bruises.

"Oh- goddamnit" Moving over to his side Zhi Xing got a closer look, there were atleast 8 different swollen places along his forearms, most injuries were recent  but it appeared as though certain bruises were targeted after being given a small amount of time to heal.

Moving to the compartment behind her knives and needles, Xing removed a small jar containing her own medicine. It was simply a herbal paste most adults in the village were aware of, from its effects it could reduce inflammation and swelling and was the perfect antidote to complement her rough training ala falling off trees constantly, especially when mixed with Shí's poison, it seemed to greatly enhance the effects of the paste but also added her signature paralysis.

With a wry smile across his lips feeling the pain disappear as she quickly applied the funky smelling paste with a select few fingers to his arms. Wang Sheng noticed Tang San's frown, answering the question on his mind rather bitterly.

"This is simply from arriving yesterday for the new semester. Us working students all come from poor households so the more extravagant students of the other dormitories ruthlessly bully those of us from Room Seven. Every acting head of the room is responsible for standing up and protecting their fellow roommates, this is the duty I honestly wish to pass on to you"

The other students around them nodded and looked to Tang San and Zhi Xing with hopeful eyes, its not everyday you come across a fellow student capable of besting the strongest person in the room and a another who knows the art of healing.

A sense of justice and righteous morals are elements intrinsic to any traveling knight and hero, protecting those who can't protect themselves natrually falls under these basic attributes. All of these fundamental lessons on morality were taught to Tang San as he grew up as an outer disciple in Tang Sect, having already understood the underlying issues presented to him he couldn't find any reason to refuse. Especially with his inflated attitude towards the mission for his Sect's restoration.

"Fine, I accept this duty. I can't just sit and watch my fellow peers be mistreated."

"I'll help too, no way in hell would I let someone do such things to me or my friends. You all deserve the right to come to a place of learning and not be mistreated because of circumstances completely out of your control." Xing chimed in.

As she finished speaking a faint melodious voice echoed from outside the room.

"Hello is this Room Seven?"

The eyes of everyone in the room instantly shifted to the entry way. Standing at the door was a young girl roughly the same age as Tang San and Zhi Xing. She was pretty with a certain rosy tint to her cheeks, about as tall as Tang San she appeared even more delicate and soft. Her clothes like those of everyone present, ordinary yet appeared very neat and suitable on her dainty frame.

Her hair was longer than Xing's but carried the same brown hue, it was combed into an intricate scorpion braid that hung slightly past her waist. While she held a new uniform that Tang San and Zhi Xing knew of, bundled in her arms.

Looking around slightly Xing noticed that aside from her and this new girl there weren't any other female students in the dormitory.

Nudging Wang Sheng with the hand that wasn't paralyzed she spoke with a hushed voice. "Ar- Are there no separate rooms? Are us girls and boys supposed to share the same space?"

Wang Sheng looked at her seriously for a second before answering in an equally quite voice:

"We're all still children so the school doesn't really enforce separation of genders. They say this changes after we graduate and enter Intermediate Academies but personally I think it's just so they save money. Though this situation is a bit weird-. He mumbled looking between Zhi, Tang San and the new girl. " Last year and the year before we didn't get any new working students but this year we bagged three" He smiled, somewhat confounded by the situation.

Moving over to Tang San he nudged him with his shoulder before whispering: "Boss go give her a show of strength, it's up to you to enforce the rules now."

"Eh?... I shouldn't have to right?" Looking back to Wang Sheng and Zhi Xing for answers all he received in response was a shrug from her along with the two's giggling.

He didn't suspect for a moment that becoming the so called 'Boss' of Room Seven would immediately implicate him in a situation he wasn't at all interested in, he had no desire to randomly bully a girl.

The girl blinking her large eyes innocently noticed everyone in the room ignoring her. Turning her head to the side she gazed at the plate hung on the door registering this as Room Seven for acknowledgement and so her lips bloomed into am adorable smile. Turning back around she spoke with a lightness to her voice that soothed everyone's ears.

"I am Xiao Wu, Wu for Dancing. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

Shoving Tang San lightly, Wang Sheng secretly reinforced the new leader's role, customs are sacred! Faced with no choice, Tang San walked forward seriously, approaching the girl shortly in a single stride.

"Hello! I'm Tang San I'm this room's ah- This place's..." His face held a faint smile but it was rather pursed at the moment.

He couldn't bring himself to shamelessly say Boss like Wang Sheng had. Instead a wonderous thought floated through his mind.

"I'm this Room's Senior student in charge, you were looking for confirmation earlier. If I may ask, what is your Spirit?"

With a smile she replied quickly. "My Martial Spirit is a Rabbit, a very adorable Rabbit! What's yours?" She looked him up and down, blinking innocently as a smile graced her small lips.

Shaking his head with some helplessness Tang San responded rather meekly. "We couldn't be any different, my Spirit is your Spirit's food. Blue Silver Grass."

Seeing him fiddling with his fingers,Wang Sheng and Zhi Xing facepalmed.

It's not my fault!'

Tang San expressed with his eyes in the direction of his comrades. He had grown up in Tang Sect's outer court his entire life, he had been completely engrossed in Hidden Weapons and learning the dual art of alchemy and poison. Majority of his time was spent in isolation, honing techniques or combating his peers during examinations or for practice. He had never really had the opportunity or will power to converse with the opposite sex. Zhi Xing was an anomaly in this equation, but her personality and maturity reminded him of the many peers in his Sect who, like him, strived to learn and develop themselves.

"Is that why you're not letting me enter? Are you afraid I'll eat you?" Blinking quizzically at the statuesque demenour of her senior, this 'Xiao Wu' merely looked over his weirdly frozen physique.

"This-" Stumped by her appearance and question Tang San could only fumble for the right words in his mind. The girl infront of him was too soft and cute, he couldn't imagine himself willingly hurting her. Finding no solution in the impatient excited expressions of his new dorm mates, Tang San leveled his gaze with that of the newcomer, imitating his teacher's tone to explain things after a tense exhale.

"It's like this. You see our Room Seven has particular rules stipulating new Working Students to show their martial prowess at least once. For this, you and I will have to share a few pointers."

'Yes!' Celebrating in his mind, Tang San managed to convince himself that as long as they're simply trying to 'learn' from one another, he won't have to injure her too badly and can walk away without the memory of bullying a little girl clouding his days of study.

"You're sure of this?" She said, looking him over once more with an unpredictable glint in her eyes.

Taking a fighting stance Tang San responded with a stern nod. "I'm sure"

As Tang San finished his response the young girl had already acted, her thin slender leg lifting off the ground with a quickness that many in the room knew they couldn't respond to, including Zhi Xing. Targeting his chin, Tang San dodged in fright out of the strikes path. Grabbing her outstretched ankle, he was intent on simply having the girl fall over to end the bout before things got dangerous for her health but was surprised to find that not even mere moments after grasping her leg she would retaliate by kicking once again with the leg most would assume she'd use for support.

Seeing the leg aiming for his shoulder, her opponent released his grasp, attempting to deflect this unexpected blow with his left arm while using his now freed right hand to push her away and gain some distance. Many in the audience going wide eyed as she blocked his hand with her own before using the counter force to bend backwards with her hands on the ground while her leg bent slightly avoiding Tang San's arm. Snaking it's way over his shoulder, her other leg followed suit in almost perfect synchronization, now the situation was undoubtedly strange to anyone just now beginning to watch the spar.

Both of Xiao Wu's legs were wound around Tang San's neck, resting on his shoulders. Her upper body was bent back with her open palms keeping her firmly planted on the ground. Her soft legs were like springs, wringing Tang San's neck and making him tumble backwards.

Tang San could've of course responded to this strange but effective fighting style in the moment, unfortunately he had very little experience fighting opponents of the opposite sex. When Xiao Wu's legs raised to lock him in a strangle hold he had inadvertently witnessed her smooth inner thighs making him lose focus for a second while the cool bare skin of her legs coming into contact with his neck had immediately made him embarrassed. His reaction to her technique lagged as a result.

Pushing off the ground with her hands, the resulting weight and strain around his neck brought Tang San back from his reverie, having noticed the similarities between the grounding strength her hands and arms provided the rest of her body compared to the lower body emitting power stance his father had taught him for forging.

Alas whether he noticed the similarities or not it was too late to respond. Although Xiao Wu's strength was nothing in comparison to his own in addition to the buff provided by the Mysterious Heaven Technique, due to his sects method he wasn't hurt but he still landed on his back. Staring up at the ceiling in a daze.

Felling Tang San, Xiao Wu preformed a graceful flip before returning to a proper standing position with her neat little shoes close together and her hands clasped behind her back, staring at Tang San with a smile.

Clambering to his feet wearily like Wang Sheng before him, Tang San shook his head in defeat. Accepting this loss regardless if it was due to his own negligence, it was already apparent to him that, that simple throw was already a leniency, otherwise with her legs wrapped around his throat other outcomes would be longer lasting.

Coming into contact with such a method of fighting for the first time made him reevaluate the martial arts utilized in this world, compared to his past world there were few similarities. This technique itself while dubious and effective was also dangerous, had he acted more swiftly in striking her body during certain points when she was least prepared it would've not only ended the fight but if it was a true battle, ended her life.

"I concede, but if possible would you mind telling me the name of this technique?"

Tang San's face was slightly flustered while his heart rate perturbed. In his mind he couldn't help but think his time as Room Seven's Boss was the shortest in history.

"I've termed it as Soft Skills, utilizing the body's innate lightness and stretchability to it's utmost potential!"

During these tense moments, the other working students in the dorm had been thoroughly engrossed in the bout between these two, in particular Wang Sheng's mouth was wide in wonder. Tang San who had beat his ass, already gave him a somewhat hot blooded feeling but now this same person had been defeated in a single blow, by a girl who appeared even younger than him no less! In his heart he couldn't help but wonder why this years working students were so fierce! Although...

Looking over to Zhi Xing besides him he asked in a whisper. "Are you not going to challenge her? It is tradition..."

Shaking her head quickly, Zhi Xing's trembling voice made its way to his ear. "Not at all, I concede as well, if Xiao San couldnt beat her neither can I."

Raising an eyebrow Wang Sheng asked spitefully "Does that mean you think you can beat me?!" He spoke with a little resentment in his tone.

Grabbing his shoulder Xing shrugged her shoulders in helplessness. "Not a snowballs chance in hell."

If Shí was still small and agile she would be more confident in defeating him and Xiao Wu, but fighting isn't about 'ifs' its about action and reaction. Knowing Wang Sheng's speed after Spirit Possession she knew that in her current state she had no chance of victory.

Tang San not even having the chance to learn of the responsibilities of Room Seven's Boss said with some confusion:

"In accordance to dormitory rules, you are now the senior of Room Seven. Which also mean you are hereafter the Boss of this group of people." He said, waving his hand in a grandiose manner towards the child spectators.

Her expression was one of surprise before becoming jubilant, her eyes twinkling with delight. 

"Boss? It sounds very interesting! It seem like becoming a working student was a wonderful thing after all."