A Normal First Day

"So who of you will explain the Academy's situation to me? I'm a new student after all."

Sitting on the bed between Tang San's and Zhi Xing's. Xiao Wu playfully swung her legs looking between the many boys remaining silent in the room.

No one was quick to answer her due to the shock that had yet to subside. She dispatched Tang San, their new boss, so quickly and with so little effort that they were all rather fearful.

Stoically it was Wang Sheng who stepped forward to answer her inquirie.

"We working students are responsible for cleaning around the academy, between sweeping and other specific chores the teacher arranges for us. The academy is composed of six different grades with their own corresponding classes. Tang San, Boss and um-" looking over to the girl who had applied medicine to his arm he realized he hadn't learned her name. Upon noticing she hadn't actually introduced herself, Zhi Xing bowed slightly before calmly presenting herself.

"My name is Zhi Xing, my Martial Spirit is a variation Insect Beast Spirit."

Slowly the pale yellow-green glow of her spirit power pulsed and a small filament separated from her abdomen before Shí appeared on the floor next to her. A few of her peers had mixed reactions due to the appearance of her Spirit. Xiao Wu went so far as to scrunch backwards further on the bed away from the huge bug, although Shí was by no means horrifying to look at you couldn't really call her cute. Recalling her spirit Xing gestured for Wang Sheng to continue.

Giving her a queer look after seeing such a strange spirit, he continued speaking. "You three will be registered as first year students while most others in the dorm are in the third year, I myself have recently become a sixth grader and will soon be departing the academy.

Generally classes begin in the morning, covering Culture and Spirit Studies respectively, most of us have work scheduled in the afternoon where we earn the income needed for food"

He went on to introduce them to their fellow dorm mates, among them it was Wang Sheng who possessed by far the strongest Spirit. In terms of combat effectiveness his Battle Tiger greatly complemented his brawny physique and in conjunction with his Rank 9 Spirit Power allowed him to lord over everyone else present rather easily. When he bridges the gap and steps into the tenth rank he'll be eligible to form a group and hunt down a Spirit Beast to obtain his first ring before graduation.

Having heard him finish speaking, Xiao Wu looked to Tang San rather suspiciously.

"Tang San what is your current Spirit Power Rank? Earlier when we fought I got the sense that you were rather strong."

Smirking slightly Tang San didn't conceal it from them, after all, as far as they're aware he simply possesess a useless Blue Silver Grass.

"I have Innate Full Spirit Power, which is why I'm comparatively powerful."

"Innate Full Spirit Power!"

A few students cried out in surprise. Wang Sheng's agitated heart suddenly calmed down after hearing these words.

'So that's why'

He thought disparagingly to himself. Since his Spirit was stronger than his own it made sense that he lost. Since it was too rare for children their age to posses a Spirit Ring, Spirit Power had a decisive effect on battles. This simple revelation made Wang Sheng's heart peaceful, it still meant he had the advantage! So long as he possess a Spirit Ring himself then the diffrences in strength between Tang San's Blue Silver Grass and his War Tiger would remedy itself. It is commonly accepted that Beast Spirit Master's have an advantage on the same level as Tool Spirit Masters, this is due to the enhanced physical attributes bestowed upon them by Spirit Possession along with the physical enhancement that comes with each ring that they obtain.

Xiao Wu was astonished by his Spirit Power and was quietly muttering something to herself while Xing tightly clenched her fist. 'I need to cultivate faster!' She thought desperately to herself.

As they were talking a teacher in his thirties entered the dorm room. Clearing his throat for their attention.

"Have the new students arrived? Step forward please."

The  three simultaneously got up from the beds they were on and made their way to the teacher.

His hair held a faint green hue and his face an average middle age appearance. In his hands he held a few sheets and a pair of pillows.

"Which of you is Tang San and Zhi Xing?"

Stepping forward the two looked up at the adult curiously. Seeing their approach he introduced himself in a bored tone.

"I am Mo Hen, you can call me Teacher Mo going forward. This is a gift prepared for you by Grandmaster" He said handing the clean sheets to the two.

The quilts were unbelievably soft and smelt fresh while the surfaces sported designs that easily caught the eye. Groping them with her hands Xing thought appreciably. 'their brand new, even the pillows.'

Coughing lightly to draw their attention back to him he looked between all three of them and instructed lightly. 

"Tang San, Xiao Wu and Zhi Xing you are all first year students and as such you will be responsible for sweeping the garden to the south of the training grounds. You'll receive ten copper coins for your work each day but remember it must be cleaned every day! Even litter and junk should be properly disposed of, or else your wages could be reduced. If you go around acting like hoodlums keep in mind the academy can expel you at any time. Do we have an understanding?"

Nodding to his words the three shared a look.

Smiling gently at their approval Mo Hen continued:

"Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, the day after that normal classes will begin. The first year classes are on the first floor of the school building, so when the day arrives don't be late! On that same day you will begin your duties, be aware that we very often do non-scheduled spot checks but for now you all should rest." Looking over their heads Mo Hen spotted Wang Sheng.

"Wang Sheng you're the oldest here, make sure they're aware of the academy rules."

As the teacher left, Xaio Wu wouldn't remove her eyes from their chests. "Bedding? It would appear this is an issue..." She muttered to herself. Looking between the numerous beds many appeared empty and lacking any comfort, even her own.

Looking at the sheets held in their hands Xiao Wu's expression became rather embarrassed. A few of the other students, all from poor backgrounds soon noticed her plight and began offering up their own bedding.

"Boss for the time being you can use my mattress, we can make a divider and we can share my old blanket between us."

Another boy saying just as quickly:

"Boss I may not have any sheets but I brought this soft cotton padded mattress from home that you can sleep on!"

Looking between all these working students items Xiao Wu frowned. It was hard to tell how old all these items were, not to mention how dirty and ragged they looked and how disappointing they felt against her skin.

"All of you stop calling me Boss! You're acting as if I'm some old geezer."

Getting some courage Wang Sheng retorted. "But that's what we're supposed to call you, its the dorm rules"

Narrowing her eyes at him Xiao Wu responded loudly. "If I really am the Boss then my words are. The. Rules." Looking to all her dorm mates Xiao Wu's expression softened becoming playfully mischievous. "From now on you will all address me as Xiao Wu jie!"

Looking away from the rest of the student body, Xiao Wu's eyes focused more so on the bedding held in Tang San's arms than the boy himself.

"Tang San, can we talk for a little bit?" She said acting innocently.

Tang San's mind was rather perturbed, if there was anything he could gleam from his current circumstances it was that this girl was interested in the gift he received from his new Master. In his heart he was rather against the idea of giving it away.

"If it isn't that much of an issue why don't you take my bedding Xiao Wu? I brought some from home so it isn't an issue."

Tang San stared at the foul mouthed girl in shock. 'It's possible for a witch to show kindness!' He thought rather laconically.

Stepping forward Zhi Xing stuffed the blanket and pillow into the girl's arms. Craning her head slightly she winked at Tang San before moving over to the one she had chosen for herself right next to Xiao Wu's.


Xiao Wu was stumped, initially she simply wanted some sheets but in the moment couldn't help but forget the last time she'd actually slept alone. Besides the time after her mother left, there had always been someone by her side to watch over her.

She had the idea of proposing the same solution one of the other students had brought up earlier to this fellow girl but immediately rejected the thought when she began unpacking and summoned her creepy Martial Spirit on the bed.

Seeing Shí skitter across the mattress she recoiled in abject repulsion, pushing her bed far away from Xing's towards Tang San who could only lament his fate of sleeping next to her even when the issue was resolved. Destiny can be rather cruel.

Paying the two no attention Zhi Xing focused on her barren resting place. She had only brought a small bag holding the pillows and bedding she and Aunty Li made together, along with a few notebooks Mo Jun had bought for her. Throwing the sheets and blanket over the bed she had Shí grab a corner while the two worked together to quickly get the bed dressed in pink floral patterned bedding.

Right after their beds were made Wang Sheng strode towards them with a genial smile. "We're all going for food now if you three would like to join us."

As soon as Xiao Wu heard the word food she sprung up from her bed like a person who's been famished for days. Appearing in front of Wang Sheng immediately, asking with a slight yearning in her tone:

"There's a cafeteria right? What is there to eat?"

Wang Sheng forced a smile infront of her but shared a dismayed look between the students going with them behind him.

"As working students we don't really have options. We all usually buy the cheapest food available, sometimes not all of us get the chance."

Shaking his head, Tang San stayed where he was. "You guys can go, I'll stay here."

Tang San could admit his home was rattled with poverty. All of the money Tang Hao earned was funneled into his alcoholism, to survive here Tang San had brought his home made: Course Flat Cakes, filling his stomach for the day wasn't an issue, tomorrow he'd find a smithy and begin earning a wage.

Observing his clothes riddled with patch work repairs. Wang Sheng faintly understood he'd be fine and didn't bother forcing him.

"Ok then, Xiao Wu jie, Zhi Xing let's go."

However the bubbling excitement in Xiao Wu's expression drained rather quickly, her lips suddenly chaped with anxiety.

"Do we really have to spend money to eat? How much money is it for a meal that actually does the job?"

Having already turned around, Wang Sheng became quite aggrieved, his eyebrow twitching slightly. Isn't it obvious food has to be paid for? There's no free lunch in life so weren't such questions being needlessly painful? Unfortunately it was rather obvious that between her and Tang San, both their pockets should be filled with nothing but lint and emptiness. Although Zhi Xing seemed to come from much better circumstances, he wasn't holding out any hope.

Shaking his head, Wang Sheng turned around, heroically gazing at the three and saying with a benevolent tone:

"It's fine. For now let's just do this, the next two days I can cover your food expenses, from now on were all dormitory companions so this little gesture is the least I can do for new students. If worse comes to worst you can ask me for money again."

"Well, I'm in!" Hopping off her bed, Xing swiped her hand out, absorbing Shí back in her body. Noticing Tang San's slight hesitation she spoke loudly while stretching and walking over. "Free food is free food!"

Walking past Wang Sheng she tapped his shoulder and spoke softly "I hope you can keep up"

Confused by her words, Wang Sheng soon realized he'd be paying for three meals in total when Tang San agreed and got up as well to join them. While Xiao Wu skipped past him with her arms behind her back looking at him meaningfully with an innocent smile stretched on her face. Remembering her Soft Skills he kept his distance, earlier when she tossed Tang San her face held such an innocuous smile, who knew when she'd get excited again and throw him around effortlessly for fun.

Including the three newcommers a group numbering twelve left the dormitories making their way to the dining area under Wang Sheng's lead. Located at the school building, they would have to cross the training grounds to reach it. Coincidentally many of those occupying the area all dressed in the academy uniforms were finishing their exercises and making their way to the school building in tandem aswell. Clearly everyone wanted to eat.

Arriving at the dining hall, Wang Sheng smiled a little at Xiao Wu's gobsmacked expression. As a Primary Spirit Master Academy they needed to be capable of accommodating many students and even teachers during meal times. Divided into two floor the first alone had over 300 tables to meet the brunt of the demand.

'Although the chance of awakening Spirit Power is relatively low, with students studying here for a period of six years this much space makes sense I guess.' Zhi pondered while looking around for any clichés.

"Hey isn't that Wang Sheng's group of beggars?"

Just as they had entered the bustling hall an annoying voice was directed towards them. Looking up, Xing noticed a group of seniors looking down on them from the middle of the stairs connecting the two floors.

The one whom spoke was a handsome and energetic young man roughly the same age as Wang Sheng, eleven or twelve. Clad in academy garb his eyes held nothing but disdain for them while he continued to point and jeer.

"Beggars can't be choosers, whether it's now or later on in life they probably won't ever be able to afford to eat on the second floor" He said with sarcastically pitying tone.

On the way over Wang Sheng had already discussed the responsibilities of the Boss and the underlying situation of Working Students in the academy to Xiao Wu as well as how they should behave when out in public. However now someone was publicly provoking her and her new henchmen-erm dormmates, of course her temper got the better of her.

"Then what type of creature does that make you?! What's so special about a second floor?"

One of the other working students next to her explained in a whisper. "The second floor has chefs on duty who will cook custom orders for those who can afford it. It really is too expensive for us, he's right we can't actually go up there for food."

Considering that they all entered under Wang Sheng's lead, his larger and burly frame obscured both Xiao Wu and Zhi Xing. When he moved away slightly those students on the staircase naturally caught sight of the two, the boy who spoke earlier went wide eyed at their appearance.

"Oh a beautiful loli and striking vixen, such a pity they're both working students. Either way, Wang Sheng your father has to go fill his stomach now so I'll let your little group off today."

Shaking his head in a lamentable fashion, he and his cohort continued up the stairs before disappearing on the second floor.

Xiao Wu was about to sprint up the stairs after them, fury burning in her eye. Tang San however held her back and gave her a serious look.

"We're here simply to eat, forget about them." He said before letting her go.

Turning back to face him with a scornful expression. "Are you actually that timid?!" She barked with her fists clenched tightly.

Without explaining himself Tang San made his way over to the line to purchase food. Ignoring her completely.

"He's right. There's no point in wasting time on someone who can't actually talk trash, let alone actually say it to our faces within drop kicking distance." Zhi Xing stated matter of factly while punching the palm of one hand with the other,  before following after her fellow disciple.

'It's just kids being kids, what's the point of getting expelled on our first day here when I don't even know the fucker's name?' She rationalized.

Despite nothing actually happening Wang Sheng was more than pleased with Xiao Wu's temperament. This brief scene put his heart at rest and increased the adoration he felt for her strength and courage. As for Zhi Xing's words, he could only keep his anxiousness hidden when around the only girls in the dorm, each with their own violent tendencies.

As they walked Zhi Xing and Tang San soon noticed a certain adult entering the dining hall after them. "Master! You've also come to eat?" She asked, it was Grandmaster who'd arrived.

Nodding at them both he asked:

"How were the things I sent along? Were they comfortable?"

Both of them bobbed their heads appreciably. "Yes, thank you for the bedding-" Thank you Teacher for the bedding" they said

Grabbing each of their shoulders Grandmaster looked at them with a thin barely discernable smile. "You two should accompany me to the Second Floor to eat, afterwards I can show you the place reserved for me here on campus."

Tang San shook his head slighty, looking to Zhi Xing for confirmation before turning back to Grandmaster. "Actually Teacher we would like to eat with our dorm mates."

Gazing at them both Grandmaster didn't bother insisting, simply nodding his head in understanding. "If you believe it's appropriate than so be it. After you've both finished your meals, come find me at the entrance to the dining hall." Saying his piece, he made his way up the stairs to the second floor.

'Even when discussing food he seems to have such a solemn tone. Perhaps teaching is his only remaining passion in life?' She thought, somewhat worried for the man who'd already shown such care for them on the first day.

"You both know Grandmaster already?" Wang Sheng spoke as he made his way next to them.

Zhi Xing nodded while Tang San spoke:

"He's our Master."

Wang Sheng responded in a strange weary tone.

"That can't be. You recognized Grandmaster as your actual Teacher? He isn't strong at all, at the Academy his position could at best be summarized as a visiting official or something of the sort." The confusion in his tone and eyes didn't hide the bewilderment strewn across his face that someone stronger than him would choose to learn under such a useless person.

"Some of the other students heard certain teachers say that the only reason he's here is because he has a good relationship with the current Chairman. But if anyone paid even slight attention to his activities and listen to most teacher's opinions on the matter, then in not so simple terms he's just a freeloader. The most shocking thing I've heard students discuss is that he's almost already fifty years old and hasn't stepped into the Spirit Grandmaster boundary, with a Spirit Power Rank of 29 a lot of people speculate that he will never breakthrough in this lifetime."

Tang San lifted his head and stared daggers at Wang Sheng.

"If you don't wish to exchange pointers with me again then I suggest not sharing such presumptuous evaluations of my Master so openly. This is the first and last time I want to hear any of it ok? I appreciate your generosity but you don't have to treat me to a meal anymore." Finished speaking he immediately disregarded the others and walked out of the dining hall.

Wang Sheng didn't believe Tang San's reaction to his words would be so huge. Standing there dumbly, Xiao Wu and the other students off to the side also couldn't decipher why Tang San's reaction had been like this.

"Hmmph, of course he'd be upset. Master is probably the only person besides my Grandpa to actually give him guidance and take care of him, even his own father couldn't accomplish something so simple. The wastrel." Ignoring the wide eyes of Wang Sheng, a few others and Xiao Wu's thoughtful expression she followed after Tang San's receding figure.

Catching up to him they both shared a look. Zhi Xing smiling cheerfully while Tang San blushed slightly when his stomach grumbled. Brooding over a choice with some trepidation in his mind. 'Do I have to share my coarse flat cake with her?'