Lesson One

After eating what little rations he had prepared, they very quickly returned to the dining hall. This time they did not enter but instead stood by the dining hall gate quietly waiting. Of the passing students quite a few threw them curious looks, but the two ignored them.

After waiting as much as an hour, Grandmaster finally came out of the dining hall, and with him came a similarly middle aged person.

The middle aged person was dressed in a chang pao, his features gave off an intelligent air, on his face was a faint smile.

"Let's go, little San, Xing'er"

Grandmaster called in the direction of where the two stood by the dining hall gate.

The middle aged person at Grandmaster's side said smiling:

"These are your newly accepted disciples?"

Grandmaster nodded.

The middle aged person clapped Grandmaster's shoulder,

"Well then, I wish you success. I will leave first."

Having said so, he gave the two a glance and went in another direction.

Grandmaster's residence was a room on the corner of the dormitory building's top floor. The room wasn't large, only thirty square meters or so. The things inside were also very simple, only two bookshelves on one wall covered with different literature that attracted Zhi Xing's gaze, Tang San too was interested in what those books contained.

Grandmaster took two bundles of paper from his arms and passed it in to Tang San and Zhi Xing's chests.

"First eat. Even if I've carried it for a long time, the food should still be good."

Tang San was dumbfounded for a moment, then unfolded the paper bundle. Inside they saw two chicken legs and a steamed bun each, the food was still lukewarm.

"Teacher… "

"Go on, eat it quickly. When you've both finished I still have things to speak to you about. The time of youth cannot be wasted."

Grandmaster's expression was calm and serious, his voice cool.

It was not easy to eat one's fill on the coarse flat cake alone, and Tang San's appetite also wasn't willing to be held back. Very quickly he grabbed the food Grandmaster gave him and wolfed it all down.

Xing had already forced herself to stuff whatever the hell Tang San had concocted and fed her under the guise of "rations" earlier and didn't have the stomach to eat much more, only nibbling on some of the food.

Instead opting to summon Shí under the bewildered gaze of Grandmaster, kneel down and start feeding her calmly while stroking her carapace.

Grandmaster poured Tang San a cup of water, his attention not at all on the hands used during the action but the strange scene next to boy the water was for, of a girl feeding a huge insect reminiscent of a triliobite beetle but also sharing features of a lady bug, ant and worm. Shaking himself back to reality he made his way behind the desk.

"This year you are both six years old, one of you with innate full spirit power and twin spirits. Little San release your other spirit, and let me have a look."

Tang San nodded. Grandmaster already knew he had twin spirits and had pretty much blown the whistle when trying to rope him in as his discipline so Xing knew too, but she hadn't yet found him to talk about it afterwards. He was grateful that she gave him some time to think about it, in most other circumstances he would've killed her to maintain the secret, but currently he felt he had no reason to hide it after a day remembering what type of person she is. Lifting his left hand, black light surged out, coalescing into a not so large hammer.

Because between last time and coming to school he had been training, his physical strength had had significant progress. Right now he could hold the hammer with some effort and not feel overwhelming strain.

Xing's interest was immediately peaked. Moving over to his side to examine the hammer. 'Even though it's giving off a strange pressure it's size makes it kinda cute. But this answers one of the questions I had.' She thought absently.

Seeing the hammer in Tang San's hand, Grandmaster suddenly shot up from his seat to his feet, his eyes exuding an extremely agitated light. Unwaveringly staring at the hammer, murmuring:

"Tang San, Tang San, surname Tang… ok, you can put away the spirit. You must not lightly reveal it in front of other people that includes you as well Zhi Xing. Without my permission, hereafter you definitely must not give that spirit additional spirit rings. This part you have to remember well."

Tang San rather surprised looked at Grandmaster,

"Dad also told me this. Why can't I add spirit rings to this spirit?"

'That useless Tang Hao said something like that?' Growing curious Zhi Xing listened more intently, Shí staying still to watch the scene as well.

The agitated light in Grandmaster's eyes gradually dulled,

"What does your father do?"

Tang San said:

"He's a village blacksmith."


Grandmaster's gaze was rather strange, heaving a sigh he shook his head,

"Blacksmith, hammer, unexpectedly it's a perfect match."

"Now is not yet the time to tell you, you just need to remember: right now you are not to use this spirit and add spirit rings, only for the sake of your future development. You must properly keep this rule firmly in mind."

Since father said so, and Grandmaster also said so, this made Tang San's confidence in Grandmaster increase.

"I understand."

Grandmaster continued:

"Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, the day after tomorrow the regular classes will start. However, from your point of view, this is only a delay, nothing more. Right now the most pressing matter, is to make your spirit able to continue cultivation. Early tomorrow morning you will follow me from the academy and I will bring you to go look for a suitable spirit ring, to let you advance up to spirit master title."

Tang San rejoiced due to what Grandmaster said. Only after having obtained a spirit ring could he confirm whether it was because of lacking a spirit ring that his Mysterious Heaven Skill was restrained. Grandmaster's method was what he wanted, and hurriedly he very happily agreed.

"Can I come along too?" Zhi Xing asked with a rather brave but faulty poise. 'Even if there's danger and I might miss school. I shouldn't miss an opportunity to learn from experience!'

Looking at her seriously, Grandmaster enunciated: "This excursion is simply to acquire a suitible Spirit Ring for Little San, there isn't much for you to gain other than experience. There will definitely be danger, and I can't say that I'll be able to protect you. I can barely say that I can keep Tang San safe let alone myself. If you come and something happens..." His face appeared pensive with what had to be said. "You can only rely on yourself to run away. If there's an opportunity for me to protect you I will but between my advanced spirit power rank and Tang Sans innate full spirit power, your half rank spirit power will more than likely have you end up behind us were we to run in the same direction at the same time."

Grandmaster continued speaking:

"For the academy side I can help you explain the absence, you need not worry. On the way there I can even instruct you in spirit lore. But upon entering the Spirit Hunting Grounds anything could happen."

'This... No. I haven't seen a Spirit Beast since I received that short memory after crossing over. I need to see one again, I need to know they're... really gone. Also I'm not as weak as I was that day, I could mention how far my spirit power has progressed but the dates of our awakening are blatantly on the cirtificates, what if he thinks I haven't come far enough in those three months to deserve being his disciple?'

"It's ok Teacher, I chose to walk the path of a Spirit Master. If there isn't any danger at the beginning of my journey how can I cope with it later on?"

Nodding at her words Grandmaster smiled genuinely for the first time without the edge of his lips twitching. 'she possessess the same spark for growth in her eyes that I once had' He thought nostalgically.

Shifting his gaze between the two. His heart was satisfied with the maturity and critical thinking of these two students of his. His knowledge and Spirit Theory would be wasted on most children of similar age.

"Tang San, what is your view regarding your blue silver grass spirit?"

Tang San thought for a moment and replied:

"Everyone says it's a useless spirit, however, I feel that everything has some form of purpose. Even the most ordinary blue silver grass should also possess unique traits."

Grandmaster, pleased with his answer, nodded and added:

"Not bad. Every spirit has its characteristics. In my research, inferior spirits constitute a very large portion of the population. I've always maintained that there are no trash spirits, only trash people over the years. Tomorrow I'll bring you to look for a spirit ring, so from now you must decide the direction of your spirit's growth on your own."

Tang San was somewhat dumbfounded.

Zhi Xing was also caught off guard.

"Direction of my spirit's growth? Teacher, what does that mean?"

Grandmaster patiently explained:

"For this we must talk about spirit classification itself. To broadly distinguish them, spirits only have two large categories: beast spirits and tool spirits. Plant type spirits are also included within tool spirits, so both your spirits are counted as tool spirits. The biggest difference between tool spirits and beast spirits is in their manifestation."

"When beast spirits are employed, the beast's power or attributes are superimposed on the user's own, it will also add traits from the beast to the body. Relying on one's own body with beast spirit integration to enhance strength, achieving human-spirit unity to launch an attack and subdue the opponent is the most basic goal of battle oriented spirit masters. But tool spirits are completely different - a tool spirit possess effects that can be used independent of the body. Consequently, the assisting nature of tool spirits are greater than beast spirits. Raising a simple example, if your spirit was our most common food a single blade of rice, just like that, your spirit could be treated as food. Furthermore because it is given form by spirit power, the effect can be much better when compared to ordinary rice."

Tang San was, quite frankly amazed:

"Spirits can also be eaten?"

Zhi Xing's brows furrowed at this confirmation. Looking over to Shí skeptically, receiving only a dumb cute twist of the creature's cervix and the clicking of mandibles as a response.

Grandmaster gave a confirming nod and said:

"Food category spirits can all be eaten. Therefore, talented and especially higher ranked food system spirit masters are always eagerly desired by the army. A single food system spirit master over rank thirty can supply enough food to feed a hundred soldiers, greatly reducing the  resources depleted by the army."

Tang San dully said:

"I still don't understand."

Grandmaster elaborated:

"The principle is actually very simple. Food, for any living organism, is treated as replenishing energy- a resource. Spirit power is also a form of energy. Just as spirit power can transform to be absorbed by humans from the enviroment as energy, then from this simple perspective, it is certainly no different from genuine food. It's the same energy the human body requires to function." Looking over, Grandmaster gazed meaningfully at Zhi Xing and her insect martial spirit.

Xing nodded at this conclusion. When Shí eats, only a fraction of the energy generated from whats consumed ever makes its way to her. The rest she supposed goes into maintaining the spirit's existence after leaving the range of their connection and the various changes that occur when she molts. This was also one of the reasons she fed the food Grandmaster prepared for them earlier to her. That bit of energy she receives can be used to cultivate or simply to nourish her pangs of hunger if she's unable to continue stuffing her face.

Tang San listened and only faintly understood a bit, but he recognized the general idea.

"So basically, tool spirits are for the most part used to give assistance, right?"

Grandmaster nodded.

"Nothing is definite, some tool spirits can become battle oriented spirits. For instance, if your tool spirit was a sword, it could be regarded as a weapon. And just like that, you could become a spirit master oriented solely towards combat, like what is spoken of among commoners and those without spirit power. Legendary weapons of old with ridiculous power or special abilities, they're actually just battle oriented tool spirit masters with their spirit cultivated to the pinnacle. Although tool spirit masters and battle spirit masters are different, there are some similarities between them. Every spirit master has a growth direction: food system, detection system, attack system, healing system, controlling system and so on and on. Right now, before obtaining a spirit ring, you must decide on your spirit's future growth direction. A spirit master's spirit cultivation, must have a direction in which to develop."

"So to speak, when obtaining spirit rings in the future, it's most advantageous to obtain spirit rings with similar abilities. Not necessarily completely the same, but a similar general direction, in order to avoid spirit rings conflicting with each other and instead restricting a person's overall power and cultivation."

Speaking of this, on Grandmaster's face appeared a grim smile."Very many people all think blue silver grass is a useless spirit, but as a result of my many years of research, I believe blue silver grass similarly has its own purpose. If blue silver grass was not too small and weak at the time of awakening spirit power, even becoming a battle spirit is definitely not impossible."

Tang San nodded, saying:

"Teacher, you are the spirit research Grandmaster, since you have researched blue silver grass with such analytical eyes, then please give me some pointers."

Grandmaster also did not stand on ceremony. After all, in his eyes Tang San was only a child, consulting his opinion was also only symbolic.

When speaking of spirits, Grandmaster's mood clearly became excited. Slowly nodding, he said:

"On the basis of my analysis of the concept and personal blue silver grass research, I suggest that you cultivate your spirit in the control system direction in the future. Control system masters can be said to be battle spirit masters, they can also be said to be tool spirit masters. They themselves freely waver between the two categories."

"Control system?"

Tang San asked:

"Teacher, what are the control system capabilities?

Grandmaster said:

"What we call control system refers to relying on one's own spirit to restrict the opponent, with the goal of assisting an attack. For example, take your blue silver grass. Although blue silver grass is inherently small and weak, it is not without advantages."

"Blue silver grass also has advantages?"

After awakening his blue silver grass, Tang San as well as Xing had especially observed the natural form of this kind of grass, discovering nothing as a result. It just had a comparatively vigorous life-force, it was ubiquitous, and that's all.

Grandmaster raised his right hand, extending one finger, and said:

"First of all, the spirit power consumption of using blue silver grass is considerably small, compared to food system spirits the consumption will still be smaller. This means you can depend on its great quantity of spirit power to use it."

Tang San nodded. Grandmaster's words were not wrong. When using blue silver grass the spirit power consumption could practically be neglected. If he began pouring spirit power into the spirit, then his blue silver grass could grow just beyond ten metres before feeling the slightest spirit power drain.

Grandmaster also extended a second finger,

"Next, blue silver grass is ridiculously common, therefore, its confusing nature will be much greater when compared to other spirits, especially against low intelligence common spirit beasts. Even if you call out your spirit next to them, they may not be able to notice any difftences in the enviroment."

Extending a third finger,

"Third, blue silver grass can grow in boundless ways. Because it's in itself low-end, it can conduct growth in many directions, and since blue silver grass is in itself small and weak, it cannot reject any evolution brought about by a spirit ring's attributes."

"Spirits can still reject spirit ring evolution?"

Tang San asked, astonished.

Grandmaster said:

"Of course. If the spirit itself conflicts with the spirit ring attribute, when looking to add spirit rings to the spirit, it can cause a rejection phenomenon. As an example, for beast spirits it is very difficult to add spirit rings that possess poison. Although the spirit can have a physical body, so to speak. And may even possess a living body, it is all just another form of manifestation of the host's life. If a poison spirit ring is forced on it, they will probably be poisoned first before completing the assimilation. Among beast spirits only a few have the ability to assimilate poison and not transfer it to the host. But blue silver grass is different, it is in itself a plant, small and weak. Things like absorbing poison is not the least bit difficult."

Speaking, he again raised a fourth finger,

"In your body, there still is a fourth advantage, precisely that innate full spirit power. On our Douluo Continent the reason why not one formidable blue silver grass spirit master has appeared, the chief cause is just that after awakening blue silver grass spirit the spirit power attached to the host is truly too small. Innate spirit power has a deterministic effect on a person's future spirit power cultivation speed. When innate spirit power is too small and weak, it's very difficult to cultivate to even higher levels, and at the later stage of cultivation, hunting and killing a spirit beast is also an even more difficult task. But you are different, you have innate full spirit power. Regardless of whether this spirit power was granted by blue silver grass or your other hammer spirit, neither influences your use of it on blue silver grass. Therefore, from your point of view there are absolutely no disadvantages to cultivating blue silver grass."

Tang San's heart was secretly full of praise. Truly deserving of calling himself Grandmaster; opting to recognize him as master had not been a mistake at all. A common blue silver grass like his could reveal so many advantages through his analysis. This showed the thoroughness of his spirit research. Those teachers speaking about this profound spirit researcher as only a theory peddling eccentric, were simply comical.

Grandmaster's mood was clearly somewhat agitated, continuing speaking:

"After my careful research, growing blue silver grass spirit in the control system direction is most advantageous. Grass is lithe, and it can at will grow into various forms. At its simplest it can be used as rope, tangling the opponent."

Tang San thought it made sense but quickly noticed the underlying issue.

"But blue silver grass is so fragile, it will split in a struggle. How can I actually hope to pin the opponent?"

Grandmaster smiled calmly walking over and patting Tang San's shoulder.

"This is exactly what growth direction is. With respect to growth in the control system direction, your spirit ring can be chosen to focus in two aspects, first is toughness. The other is poison. Following spirit power promotion, the spirit will also become stronger and tougher natrually. When you have poured large quantities of spirit power into blue silver grass, it can also become much tougher compared to natural blue silver grass. After you have recieved the effects of a spirit ring, pinning your opponent will be trivial. And speaking of the possibility of your blue silver grass obtaining a poison effect, it will naturally also be able to evolve its own form of attack."

This time Tang San at last thoroughly understood. Restricting the opponent, supplementing poison. If blue silver grass truly could achieve this, then, if his hidden weapons can't hit a moving target, he could just stop the target and rain hell until they were snuffed out.

Of course, to possess all this he must first clearly establish a more thorough understanding of spirit power, spirit rings and their relationship with the Mysterious Heaven Technique. After all, his innate full spirit power could've been produced by his Mysterious Heaven skill cultivation, and not come from his spirit awakening.

Grandmaster drank a mouthful of water to help the arid wasteland he called a throat whilst Tang San was in a daze going over all the information he had just been taught.

"Would it be possible for you to tell me which direction I should develop my Spirit in, Master?"

Although he had explained a lot and she was missing quite a few memories, Zhi Xing still had a couple dozen or so franchises bouncing around in her head, most of which possessed much more intricate and profound power systems governing their respective universes and worlds. What he patiently explained to them were things she had already concluded herself, the missing factor at play really was Spirit Ring's and that they triggered evolution in ones spirit. She understood that they held some significance to a Spirit Master's cultivation but to think that in order to progress past each bottleneck one would have to go out and hunt for progression and change sent an ecstatic shiver down her spine. Even Shí clicked her mandibles in excitement feeling her mother's intent to grow.

Shaking his head, Grandmaster responded flatly. "It's not that I don't want to, it's that to do so reliably is currently beyond my means." Moving away from his desk he walked over to one of the bookshelves before removing a rather worn down book, coming back and placing it down.

"This is a record of all known Beast Spirits even the ones who's Bloodline we know of to be extinct, although I've read it hundreds of times, I still went through it thrice more since I last saw you both off at the registration office." Placing his palm on the cover and sighing slightly he turned and faced his first and likely only students in this life.

"Your Spirit is something entirely new, there have been recorded cases of Insect Beast Spirits. And perhaps even a few mutations throughout history that led to the circumstances you find yourself in whereby Spirit Possession isn't outright achievable. No, what I mean is there has never been a recorded case of a Spirit with these seemingly ridiculous attributes."

Zhi Xing could only blink dumbly, not understanding what he meant. After all he hadn't consulted her about anything nor has he spent any time around Shí, what attributes could he be speaking of. Perhaps he noticed her intelligence or something else?

"I- Abruptly raising his hand to cut her off he continued his reasoning after having her and Tang San's full attention. Walking behind his desk he retrieved a small cloth bag from a drawer that gave off a strange odor which made Xing's nose twitch and caused Tang San to raise a single eyebrow before making his way over to the aforementioned spirit.

"Whom I referred to earlier when saying "we" is most of the Spirit Master community. In my youth I traveled almost everywhere, saw the most dangerous Spirit Beast habitats up close and visited some if not all of the secluded clans and schools of thought throughout the continent and spent time in their libraries."

His eyes glazing over slightly with nostalgia when reminiscing about the past. "But in all my years as a Scholar nay, a Spirit Master, I have never seen anything like this before." Throwing the small cloth bag up in the air in front of Shí he continued.

"First of all, it's intelligence. Its quite frankly terrifying considering you only awakened a few months ago. But the capacity to learn, adapt new behavior, and even communicate with you albeit not at the level we're conducting ourselves currently, is astounding." He said while throwing and catching the bag a few more times.

"Second of all, it consumes whatever material you feed it. The ability to assimilate all attributes is not unlike Tang San's Blue Silver Grass." Sitting down cross-legged infront of Shí he proceeded to remove the contents of the bag and place them on the floor. There were pebbles, various colorful flowers and a few very small wooden containers with stoppers instead of lids.

Zhi Xing could feel a sense of curiosity through her connection to Shí so she let whatever was happening play out. Perhaps he knows something she hadn't figured out yet?

'As if. I spent months alone with her, there's nothing all that unique besides her appetite and ability to learn and grow. Besides the odd new pair of legs she's sprouted recently there isn't much different about her from the awakening ceremony besides the increase in size and kaliadascope pigmentation.' Crossing her arms over her chest she simply watched in anticipation as Grandmaster continued whatever lesson this was supposed to be.

With the contents of the bag finally out in the open, Shí's piqued interest made itself known to Tang San and Grandmaster. Huddling closer towards the objects she looked over towards her mother, asking with her eyes for approval while clicking her mandible at Grandmaster and the creepy gleam in his eyes.

"Master what exactly are you trying to get her to do?" Although she doubted he would harm her martial spirit to prove something, she needed to know if what he placed down was expendable.

"Is she asking for permission to eat it all?" He said with the corner of his lips forming a small arch. "It's fine, I simply wish to observe her reaction before you both leave."

Receiving the green light from both of them Shí scooped up everything with her mandibles. Swallowing it all in one go. Grandmasters eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when he saw this, he scrambled to his legs running to Zhi Xing as if the worst situation had occurred yet- "What's wrong Master?" She said worried 'was there something there that Shí ate accidentally?'

Hearing her calm voice and seeing nothing wrong with her body. Grandmaster stopped panicking and sighed ruefully, moving his gaze between the large insect and It's spirit master, he could only shake his head in defeat.

"It's nothing Zhi Xing, just an experiment. For the moment let's do it like this, you both go back first. Early tomorrow morning I will come look for you at the dormitory."


"Yes Master"

Departing Grandmaster's room, the two couldn't not be calm for very long. Grandmaster's explanation about spirits made them both understand things more clearly than before. This afternoon, by way of Grandmaster's simple explanation of Blue Silver Grass, their understanding regarding this spirit master vocation had reached a for more solid level.

Spirit masters were divided into the two main categories Beast spirit masters and Tool spirit masters, and under these two main categories, they were also divided into smaller categories of food system, control system, attack system, healing system and so on. A spirit master's actual strength was closely related to their spirit rings and spirit power. They themselves supplemented and complemented each other in the growth process.

Tang San understood this completely. He knew that if he wanted to get even more spirit master lore, he must follow Grandmaster to continue to study. And Grandmaster deciding to quickly bring him to go obtain a spirit ring honestly made Tang San's day. Waiting until after having his first spirit ring, regardless of how he said he felt currently, he could confirm what connection there was between his Mysterious Heaven skill and this world's spirits.

Returning to the dormitory, the other people were not there, and they did not know where on earth they could have gone. They had both eaten plenty already so even though the sky was growing rather dim neither felt inclined to go out in search of another meal besides Shí of course.

Lying on the bed closing her eyes to rest, she carefully recalled the things Grandmaster had said today, letting this first impression deepen even more.

As the day hurried to its end Tang San was also somewhat tired, unconsciously, they already passed into sleep.


Not knowing how long, a voice out of nowhere brought Tang San out of his light sleep. Although right now he hadn't rested much, his alert nature still was not small. Subconsciously opening his eyes, looking straight at her lovable pretty face.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San,

"It still isn't late enough to sleep, will you still be able to sleep at the actual curfew?"

Tang San hurriedly somewhat awkwardly clambered up. Right now, Xiao Wu bent over the boundary in the middle of their two beds, looking at him with a charming smile.

Tang San discovered that all the working students had already returned even Xing was awake but she appeared to be cultivating. Sitting up on the bed, pointing to the dividing boundary, he said:

"You're crossing the border."

Xiao Wu happily laughed, and said:

"What crossing the border? I'm a girl. You should invite me, isn't that right? Of course, you absolutely cannot cross the boundary."

Looking at her flushed little face, Tang San truly wanted to pinch it, but in the end he didn't have the heart to.

"You wanton. Xiao Wu, tomorrow I probably have to leave for a while, I also don't know how late I will return. I'm telling you in advance."

"Go out? Go where?"

Xiao Wu asked, full of curiosity.

Tang San did not hold back,

"Teacher said my spirit power is already full, and should as soon as possible obtain the first spirit ring, in order to continue cultivation, he intends to bring me and Zhi Xing to look for an appropriate one."

Xiao Wu was considered room seven's senior student, and he did not know how many days he must be gone, so making it clear to her was naturally necessary. Of course, this was also related to today's clash with Wang Sheng at lunch. Right now he still did not have the mood to interact with Wang Sheng.

Listening to Tang San speaking of going to obtain a spirit ring, other than Xiao Wu the other students' faces suddenly all revealed envious expressions. Regarding the spirit master topic, there was no matter as significant in comparison. Tenth rank spirit scholars only differed one rank from eleventh rank spirit masters, but regarding positions of actual power and status they were both worlds apart. Not to mention achieving this kind of seniority was also a distinct point in one's life.

Xiao Wu frowned and said:

"You haven't even started attending school yet you are about to leave. Is a spirit ring really so important?"

Before Tang San had started to speak, Xiao Wu discovered the atmosphere around them was peculiar; the other working students were all looking at her with a monstrous expression in their eyes, were spirit rings important? Having to ask. Regarding the spirit master topic, there was practically no matter more important than spirit ring.

"Get going then. However, what's to be done about our allocated student work? If you both leave, I'm the only person doing that work."

Xiao Wu angrily looked at Tang San.

Tang San had no alternative response but:

"Can't have that, so these days I will trouble you to work hard for a bit, and when I return later, count the remainder of this term's work as mine. Half the wages are yours as usual, how's that?"

With his physical strength, sweeping the flower garden simply did not count for anything, and Xiao Wu's Soft Skill astonished him greatly, so afterwards he still wanted to find an opportunity to continue exchanging pointers. He also was not a person fond of profiting at other people's expense.

Xiao Wu then showed a trace of a smile,

"Fine, then it's settled like this."

Tang San's dinner as before was coarse flat cake. Just after the sky had darkened, all the working students already sat on their beds starting spirit power cultivation.

Different from ordinary students, working student's cultivation was much more painstaking, even though their aptitude was probably the same, cultivating spirits could be said to be their only way out to an actual future.

By observing Tang San discovered, that these working students' posture for cultivating spirits was about the same as his only Zhi Xing would make weird movement every so often, on the body faint pale spirit power waves appeared, only he did not know how they truly carried out cultivation.

Only Xiao Wu was a person refusing to stay idle, she also was not cultivating. When Tang San just finished eating his rations, she pulled on him insisting to go out for a stroll.

If it was before, Tang San certainly also would have cultivated Mysterious Heaven skill. But right now he had long since reached the bottleneck, and Purple Demon Eye also could only be practiced in the early morning. Unable to bear Xiao Wu's repeated urging, he had no choice but to follow her out from the dormitory.

At this time of the season the weather was the most comfortable, the air was pleasantly cool but not chilly. By now, the sky had already darkened, stars hung above in the sky. Cool and bright