The whole world was now quiet

"It's like this…" As soon as Wen Xi started to explain, he saw his computer screen turn black.

When it lit up again, he had appeared on a beach, where there were many people walking around.

Through the barrage, Wen Xi understood that he had entered the queuing lobby. Right now, the number of people in the lobby was more than 80. When the number reached either 100 or 90 and stayed above that for more than 1 minute, the game would start automatically.

[God Xi, don't worry, the first match is mostly AI.]

[Not necessarily in duo matches?]

[But in the first match, your opponent definitely won't be too strong.]

Wen Xi's attention had been caught by the barrage, so he had forgotten to answer the person's question just now. Instead, he responded to the barrage, "Anyway, I'll try my best."

[Good expectations!]

[God Xi, fighting!]

"Don't expect too much of me ah." Wen Xi blushed from shame.

To tell the truth, he kind of regretted starting his stream now. He should have quietly tried out two matches on his own before livestreaming it.

While he was still regretting his impulsive action, the teammate in his duo asked impatiently, "Who are you talking to? You haven't answered my question yet."

"Oh, oh, yes." Wen Xi then shifted his attention away from the barrage. "Actually it's because…"

Before he could finish speaking, the computer screen went dark again—the number of players was full, and the match had begun!

The barrage didn't expect Wen Xi's answer to be interrupted by the loading screen twice, and couldn't help laughing and joking.

[Hahahahahaha! God Xi can't say it.]

[Loading Screen: I won't let you say it!]

There were also some people in a hurry to answer for him.

[Damnit, it's stressing even me out. Bro, you've never played Spirit Trace?]

[Spirit Trace's greatest god on its list of experts, Umbrella by the Stream!]

Umbrella by the Stream—yes, this was Wen Xi's ID in Spirit Trace, and was also the name he used for his livestream.

He had played an archer in Spirit Trace. He had become the top player on its experts list that summer break because of his high hit rate and sharp fighting style.

Unfortunately, the game had begun to cool down in popularity by the time he graduated from college.

The old players were tired of playing, and the new players thought it was too hard to start playing—after all, there was no automatic targeting on any of the skills in this game, and let alone the long-range classes, even the close combat classes couldn't be played without possessing some skill.

However, there were advantages and disadvantages to everything.

It was because Spirit Trace was so hard to play that Wen Xi's fame could last for so long.

In the eyes of many Spirit Trace players, he was a walking bot.


The first part of the desert island battle royale mode involved parachuting.

The 100 players matched in the same game lobby would take a plane and fly throughout the map of the desert island.

Players were free to choose when they wanted to jump so that they would land in the area that they wanted to land on.

"What? Haven't heard of it. What kind of game?" His teammate interrupted him without waiting for him to finish talking, "Is it also a shooting type game?"

"Well, no, if you have to describe it, it should be a role playing game?" Wen Xi replied with uncertainty in his voice.

After he finished saying this, he wanted to continue and ask him where they should jump to, when he heard a sneer from his teammate. "A role-playing game, and you can still be called some damn god?"

Wen Xi was stunned, but before he could even react, the barrage took the lead in exploding.

[Wtf, what's the matter with this guy?!]

[This guy has problems ba!]

[To be honest, I didn't like this man very much from the start!]

At first, Wen Xi had just been stunned and hadn't felt anything. After reading the barrage, he suddenly realized that this person's motivations for teaming up with him was problematic ah!

He hesitated for a while, but he couldn't help asking, "You didn't team up with me because other people called me God Xi…"

"Or else?" The other party didn't have any intentions of concealing anything. "And still have to carry you while flying, didn't expect you to be 'such' a god. Forget it, forget it, just count it as me being unlucky. I'll take charge of this match ba, jump to Area C."

Wen Xi pursed his lower lip and said nothing. He enlarged the map to see the location of Area C, which was at the center of the map, and saw many tall buildings there.

On the screen, the entire barrage was still scolding Wen Xi's teammate, but Wen Xi himself didn't say a word.

In fact, he just didn't know what to say at the moment, but in his fans' eyes…

[God Xi has closed himself off.]

[Is God Xi angry? Not even talking anymore.]

[God Xi, don't be sad. Use your skills to make him speechless!]

Slapping his teammate's face with his skills did sound cool.

Wen Xi wanted to do just that, but this was the first time he was playing in the desert island battle royale. He didn't even know what it would be like.

Ugh, just let nature take its course…

Soon, the plane approached Area C, and Wen Xi didn't hesitate to press the F key to jump off the plane.

Because he had checked the strategy guide before downloading the game, his first landing was quite smooth.

He kept pressing down on W to adjust his perspective and finally fell onto the ground, even before his teammate landed.

Seeing that he had landed so fast, his teammate was surprised and hurried to say, "Quickly shoot! Shoot when you land!"

Wen Xi still didn't respond, but obediently held the gun in his hand and aimed it at an enemy who was still in the air, coming in for a landing.

With a bang, the bullet cut through the air and shot in the direction of the man, tracing a sharp arc in the air.

At last, it wiped out just by the sole of the other party's foot.

Frightened enemy: "…"

Wen Xi: "…"

Barrage: [Hahahahaha completely discredited!]

[God Xi, bullets don't go in a straight line ah!]

[It's the same as Spirit Trace, you have to aim and use your judgement!]

"Understood." Wen Xi finally made a sound. His voice had changed from the weak tone it was before the game had started, and had become a bit cold, just like that of a real killer.

At the end of the cooldown, he raised the muzzle of the gun and fired another shot. Bang!

In the other party's frightened view, the bullet was shot at him, and then, dangerously brushed past his head.

The frightened enemy, once again: "…"

Wen Xi: "…"

Two shots had missed. Before Wen Xi could fire the third shot, the other party had landed. After landing, he raised his assault gun and fired at Wen Xi. "Scared your daddy to death!"

Wen Xi quickly hid in a building, successfully dodging that other party's bullets, then looked at the computer screen full of [ha ha ha], and helplessly sighed, "Told you not to expect too much from me."

He said that, but not really hitting anything made Wen Xi feel a bit unreconciled.

However, this wasn't much after all, he had to just keep adjusting.

He thought that way, but his teammate didn't think like that.

Wen Xi and his teammate had just met on the ground when the other party started scolding him. "You can't even hit that! Can you do anything? And you're God Xi? I think God Noob is about right!"

Wen Xi frowned.

No matter how good his temper was, he didn't like to be pointed at and scolded.

But he really didn't manage to hit anything with those two shots, so he didn't have the strength to refute him. He could only respond in as calm a voice as possible, "Don't curse people out when playing a game ba… Said I was playing for the first time, will try not to drag you down?"

Hearing this sentence, the barrage began to kind of despise iron for not being steel.

[Ugh, God Xi, you're too soft!]

[If you meet such a person, you should give it back as good as you get!]

Wen Xi shrugged his shoulders helplessly and secretly responded to the barrage after turning off the in-game mic, "But if they say I'm inferior in skills, I really can't say anything in return ah."

[Who says you're inferior in skills? Loud people usually don't play well on their own either!]

[What the stream follower in front said is true!]

The barrage proved to be right.

After Wen Xi got yelled at by his teammate, he pretty much just followed his teammate, just auto-followed him, but his teammate really wasn't very skilled.

They went in and out of the buildings, and ran into other teams twice, and both times they were beaten into retreating.

Although Wen Xi's shooting technique was hard to explain, he could discern the surrounding sounds accurately and also react quickly. Every time, he would be able to find shelter in time to avoid the bullets.

His teammate wasn't so "lucky"; he was shot twice and fell to the ground.

Wen Xi dragged him to a safe place and helped him back up.

Watching up to here, everyone in the barrage clearly understood this person's level.

[Hehe, well it's just like this.]

[Help him up for what? This kind of teammate is better off dead!]

[Help him up and deliver him over ma?]

Wen Xi had also given up on relying on this teammate to carry him, but he thought that this was his teammate after all, so he had still helped him up.

After helping him up, he even tried to appease the barrage. "Don't say that, I don't think he will rant at me anymore. Everyone is at this level, no one can complain about anyone. Just… be resigned to the circumstances ba, maybe we'll just barely get to the final circle."

It had never occurred to him that, as soon as he had finished saying this, he would hear his teammate swear, and then say, "You only have a pistol?! I've at least got assault rifles and sniper rifles, and you only have a fucking pistol?! Poor B! Being in this team with you, I've really had enough bad luck for eight lifetimes!"

Wen Xi: ???

Ge, you might have a lot of guns, but I've never seen you manage to hit anyone ah?!

This time, Wen Xi really became a little angry.

At first, he had thought that this person knew some things, and since he wasn't as skilled as others, it was hard to say anything back.

But now, he realised that this person's complaints about his ability was just like the pot calling the kettle black, so what qualifications did he have to rant at Wen Xi?

After hearing this, the barrage also blew up.

[Fuck! This person is poisonous ba? The whole world is fucking his?!]

[God Xi, can you be firm-willed for once!]

[God Xi, count this as me begging you, vent back at him ba!]

Wen Xi pursed his lower lip.

He didn't like to fight with others. When he was working at the company, even though he was often bullied by his boss and colleagues, he still always chose to remain silent.

But that was only because he was paid by the company.

Now, he really had no reason to endure a stranger telling him what to do.

Thinking in this way, he gave this noisy teammate a last chance. "I'm warning you, don't mess with me again."

"Ha?" This teammate acted as if he had heard some big joke, "You're the one messing with me ba! Since the beginning of the game, I haven't seen you hit anyone! Do you think you are a master at outlining the human body?"

This last effort at communication proved to be ineffective.

He had reached the end of his forbearance, and he simply couldn't bear it anymore.

Wen Xi raised his gun and aimed at his teammate's forehead. He shot cleanly. Bang!

The bullet hit his teammate's head, who fell to the ground with a scream.

[System] You knocked down Ruffian with a pistol.

Then Wen Xi, expressionlessly, shot him again.

[System] You used a pistol to kill Ruffian.

This was good, the whole world was now quiet.

Wen Xi breathed a sigh of relief and told the teammate who had been eliminated but hadn't yet quit the game, "I can still hit at this distance."