A bow?

After Wen Xi killed his teammate, the barrage went silent for two seconds.

Then it burst out in an unprecedented grand occasion!

[Hahaha, did a beautiful job!]

[Holy shit, so cool ah!]

[That's how it should be ma! This kind of teammate should have been killed a long time ago!]

Wen Xi had originally been a bit worried that his behavior would make his fans dislike him. Unexpectedly, the screen was piled up to the top with lines saying that he had done "a beautiful job".

Wen Xi breathed a sigh of relief and explained, "Really couldn't stand it anymore…"

As soon as he said that, he heard abuse from his teammate again. The words used were really offensive, but Wen Xi was too lazy to respond to it. After blocking him, he then reported him.

This series of operations happened in a crisp and smooth manner, as natural as billowing clouds and flowing water, which made the barrage turn silly.

Some unresponsive water friends were even commenting [Good reporting] and [That person was really low quality].

And some stream followers who were sensitive to details reacted immediately.

[I take back ever saying that God Xi is too soft. It turns out that God Xi isn't soft but black-bellied!]

[Hahahaha, it's not that he won't report, it's that it isn't time yet!]

Wen Xi pretended not to see the barrage, turned up the volume of the game, and carefully tried to make out the enemy's footsteps.

His teammate had already left the lobby, but the match wasn't over yet.

Aware of someone's presence on the other side of the window of the building he was in, Wen Xi raised his gun and aimed at him decisively.

He felt that he had almost figured out the trajectory of the gun. "The next shot must hit."

The barrage immediately replied: [Can we not set up a flag?]

Almost two seconds later, a head flashed from the window, and Wen Xi immediately shot at it!

Not surprisingly—nothing happened.

Wen Xi clearly watched the bullet nearly brush past the top of the other party's head as it went by.

He clicked his tongue, then manipulated his character to roll forward as fast as possible, after which he hid in another corner of the room and perfectly avoided the hail of bullets from the other party.

The other party discovered that he had disappeared and guessed that he was hiding on the other side. He very cleverly threw a hand grenade in his direction!

Wen Xi was shocked, only now learning that there were things such as hand grenades here.

He knew that he would definitely be hit by his opponent if he ran to the opposite side, so he just pressed himself against the wall and quickly moved to the window.

Then he took in a deep breath, jumped through the window, turned around, and shot, all in one go!

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[System] You knocked down John doe with a pistol.

Then, as the pistol cooled down, Wen Xi gave his opponent a decisive blow.

[System] You killed John doe with your fists.

Taking this time to look at the barrage, he wasn't surprised to see a series of [ 666 ].

[66666 God Xi is awesome!]

[Holy shit, that reaction is pretty good ah!]

"They probably didn't think I would flip out of the window ba, so they didn't even react." After a pause, he thought of the manager little Jiejie's words of "some sexy moves". He tentatively added, "I think my shooting method has improved."

[... God Xi, wake up!]

[A few noobs ah, and you're drunk like this?]

[It's not that I'm attacking you, but your moves just now had nothing to do with shooting!]

"No matter what you guys say, I have two heads now~" Wen Xi happily interacted with the barrage, and noticed that the number of viewers in his livestream was indeed increasing.

He was very pleased with this but also felt a little nervous. After all, he was still in the exploratory stage of the game, and his shooting skills were really poor. He didn't even know how far he could go in the game.

Even though it was also shooting, the feel of shooting in SGH was totally different from the feel he got while shooting in Spirit Trace. He didn't even know if it was the weapon's fault or the game's fault.

Wen Xi hid in the room for a while, heard the footsteps outside the window draw far away, guessed that the other side was trying to launch a sneak attack from the other side of the stairs, and hurriedly went to the stairway first and crouched there.

The pistol he was using was the most basic equipment for novices. It couldn't be fired continuously; after shooting once, it took two seconds to shoot a second bullet. The weapon was indeed inferior to other weapons by several levels, so in this regard, it only served it right to have been attacked by his teammate before.

There were already several newly arrived stream followers complaining: [Only a pistol?!]

Every time, Wen Xi's fans rushed in to explain: [God Xi has just encountered SGH, probably doesn't know the rules of the game.]

Wen Xi really didn't know that equipment could be bought. He said, "I'll go and study after this," while keeping careful watch for movement from the stairs.

Upon seeing the other party's head appear, he shot decisively!


This time, the bullet successfully hit the other party!

Sadly, he hadn't hit a vital point, so he couldn't knock them down.

One hit didn't take the other party down, and so that player vigilantly took back their head. They didn't hesitate to turn around and choose another route.

Wen Xi could only return to the room and continue to trade fire with the other party.

This time, he hit a vital point, but the stream followers in the stream were obviously not satisfied.

[Ugh, I can shoot this way too.]

Wen Xi pursed his lower lip and didn't speak.

He knew that everyone wanted to see him do a headshot, just like how they liked to watch him headshot players with arrows in Spirit Trace.

Needless to say, that kind of feeling was really cool.

But in fact, so far, he had not hit the other party's head even once when he had been using his gun to fire off into the distance. He kept raising the muzzle too high.

This was partially because he was used to raising the angle of view very high when shooting arrows. It was also because, unlike the bow, the gun had a recoil force, and he didn't know how to steady the gun, so the bullets that finally shot out kept deviating from the trajectory he imagined.

But this was an issue easy to deal with—if you're not good at something, you can either conquer it or avoid it.

There was no time right now for Wen Xi to conquer it, so he just avoided it.

Thinking in this way, Wen Xi quickly made a choice, got his character to run out of the room, jumped over the handrail of the stairs, leapt down, and chased after the person who had just left.

The barrage didn't understand what he wanted to do.

[What are you doing ma?]

[The position just now was very good ah, why did you come down?]

Wen Xi didn't respond. He was focused on his headphones right now.

After hiding behind a wall and waiting for a while, he successfully caught the sound of the enemy's footsteps, and soon saw the person's back!

In fact, this was the best time to shoot and launch a sneak attack, but Wen Xi didn't do that.

He continued to let the other party approach.

The sound of footsteps became more and more obvious as the distance shortened.

The other party became aware of his existence, turned around and fired!

Wen Xi knew that he couldn't hide any longer, so he jumped up and protected his head by letting his body take the bullets. When he fell, he only had a sliver of health left, but before he landed on the ground, he fired a shot at the enemy nearby. Bang, it hit their forehead!

[System] You killed Secdoe with a headshot with your pistol.

Killed him!

Unfortunately, Wen Xi's sacrifice for this move was pretty big. His health bar was almost empty, and he had nothing to replenish his health with.

Sure enough, on his way out of Area C, he was taken out with one shot, and there was no process of falling to the ground.

In this way, his first desert island battle royale came to a close, with three heads at 46th place.


At the end of the match, Wen Xi found his hands shaking. You could imagine how nervous he had been while playing this game.

He took a deep breath, and only after that did he find his voice again. He responded to several lines in the barrage. "Really is my first time playing, not deceiving you guys… still going to play? Play, of course, keep playing, but I have to study the equipment first… Well, where can I buy the equipment ah? "

Under the enthusiastic guidance of his fans, Wen Xi entered an equipment store and felt like he had stepped into an all-purpose supermarket.

Weapons, armor, backpacks, medical supplies—it had everything under the sun.

However, Wen Xi soon discovered something no one would have thought of. "What do you mean… it requires cash?!"

[Yes ah, God Xi. Why else do you think SGH is called a salary guzzling hole?]

Wen Xi: "…"

SGH was a game played in many countries. Its English name was Shooting Game Harvest, and the Chinese version was called Bounty Shooter. It probably wanted to convey the fact that it was a shooter game where you could make money.

However, this name was too vulgar, and a bit out of context, so gradually no one used it and just called it SGH.

As for calling it a "salary guzzling hole", that came from two JJ Livestream anchors.

When they were playing duo, one of them said to the barrage, "You may not believe it. I used to be a local tyrant, but ever since I started playing SGH, I have nearly starved to death."

The other had immediately added, "Salary guzzling hole, even local tyrants are starving to death, no problem."

In the beginning, no one understood what they meant to say, but in retrospect, they thought, doesn't SGH stand for "salary guzzling hole"?

Tch, it's so appropriate!

——The practice of calling it a salary guzzling hole spread.

Whether or not it could really starve local tyrants to death, Wen Xi didn't know. He only knew that just by looking at the prices of these equipment, he felt like he was about to starve to death.

He never thought this game could actually be so greedy!

However, 99 yuan had already been smashed down for this game. If he wanted to make a turn-around with this game, equipment was essential.

Suddenly, Wen Xi had the feeling of riding a tiger.

He walked along the weapons display window, looking at the minority of guns that were worth a few dozen yuan, and the majority of guns that were worth tens of thousands of yuan, and his mind gradually shut down.

However, just as he was about to turn around, give up on buying weapons and go look at how much the armor cost, he saw a familiar outline.

Wen Xi was stunned. He disbelievingly looked into the corner that contained the last weapon.

This retro material, this beautiful figure, this unique out-of-line with its surroundings weapon, with a simple, noble, and cool temperament.

This was… a bow?