Is it a crime to call a useless thing useless?


The displeasure I felt the moment I met eyes with the young lady beside my grandmother only deepened when I heard the thoughtless words that left her lips. I always knew I was going to dislike all the girls my grandmother brought here because she would only pick someone like her. Materialistic, rude, and selfish. Someone with their noses stuck in the air. And her statement now only solidified my suspicion. I cannot remain quiet, before this proceeds any longer I need to show my displeasure this bitch needs to get out of my house right now.

"Didn't your parents teach you manners? Or are you just dumb enough to regard someone as useless?" I say from where I stand up on the stand.

She looks up for the very time and when we meet gazes for some reason the emotion in her eyes seems even more intense than mine. I cannot understand it, she stared for a bit before she looks down at her feet and laughs. She is laughing? "You are laughing?"

"I'm sorry, it just that my parents must have died before they taught me proper manners then. I had no idea I wasn't supposed to call a useless person useless." She says with an innocent smile on her face and I swear I am taken aback. I'm unsure how to react, how can she put on such a mask with that vicious look in her eyes or those sharp words. I was wrong, she is nothing like my grandmother, this one isn't an air-headed fool. There is so much under, and I am so sure it is not any good.

"What did you say?" I ask, my voice low and my words slowly enunciated.

"I mean it's the truth, isn't it? What kind of useful person calls such a vibrant and beautiful lady old?" She says causing my grandmother to smile and I am suddenly confused. She is here to marry me right?

As I open my mouth to speak Sabine cuts me off. "I have made a terrible mistake, please forgive me. I will go now so you wouldn't have to be annoyed at the sight of me." She says, walking away quickly.

For a moment only the sound of heels on the marble flooring is heard before a soft clap pulls my attention from her retreating steps. "Now that this is out of the way shall we head on to the garden? I am dying to see all your beautiful plants, Ma'am." The girl says.

"Of course dear, come along Asher. You two should get to know each other, she will be your future wife after all." My grandmother says.


I knew there would be drama I just did not expect it so soon. But it was a welcome opportunity. The moment I heard the words 'old madam' my mind was already thinking a hundred different outcomes and it all ended with the old Madam going hysterical and Sabine leaving the house. That can't happen. I need Asher to fall for Sabine if I am to avoid this rubbish engagement, once bitten twice shy. Dying so brutally once was enough for me but what I can't understand is why Asher didn't speak up immediately the old Madam started attacking Sabine. In my past life, you couldn't breathe the wrong way at her without him flying into action and even Sabine, apologizing? She never let anyone demean or disregard her before. Always beat me at verbal arguments, spouting this and that about her rights. What is going on? This isn't anything like how they are to act.

Saying what I did though did have its effect. I was able to distract the old Madam from firing Sabine, get Asher to dislike me, and get brownie points with the old Madam. That is what I call being effective. Turning slowly to see Asher walking behind us at a distance I smile. At least so far, everything has been going according to plan. I just cannot wait to see my aunt and uncle's face when this comes crumbling down.


"Are you threatening me?" I ask agitated, hot, and disheveled. I knew they would come to ask me this eventually but it seemed my outburst only forced them ahead of schedule. I know I'm supposed to be subtle but the thought of going back into that house, the Apex gives me goosebumps.

"It's not a threat, it's a condition Isabelle." My aunt states with a straight face and I can't help but feel the urge to reach for something to throw at them across the room.

"Is that how conditions work? You'll send Marianne to a rehab home if I don't go see the Quing heir. How is that a condition?" I ask.

"I am done arguing this with you Isabelle, your insolence has become too much. You are going to the Apex whether you like it or not. You are heir to Byun health plus so you don't have a say in your marriage it's the sacrifice that comes with being born in so much money." My uncle says.

"Don't dare turn this on me, this is different." I spit.

"How? You are heir, you have the responsibility of leaving Byun health plus better than you met it. The Quing family has the ability to take this business leaps and bounds above what it is now are you saying you'll abandon your responsibility?" My uncle retorts.


"Hello Mrs. Quing, it is absolutely splendid to meet you on such a beautiful day, I just hope we have a relationship as beautiful as you are." I smile sweetly as I greet Asher's stepmother the original madam of this house. In my opinion, if there is anyone I want to truly impress today it would be her, she isn't someone who is overly warm but she is kind and just.

"Hello, miss Byun, nice to meet you." She replies promptly.

And I lift my hands and wave them in the air, "Oh no please call me Isabelle, I don't want to be too formal with you." I smile the first genuine smile today.

"Then you must refer to me as Marisol." She says but I shake my head and lower my eyes subtlety. "Shall I refer to you as a mother then?" I test the waters, once I notice how awkward and taken aback she looks I laugh out loud.

"I was only joking, Marisol, it's nice to meet you," I say.

"Rubbish, you should be able to call her mother, she will be your mother in law" Asher's grandmother speaks out and I am speechless. How do I get out of this without offending either woman?

"All in due time grandmother, let's leave some formalities for after they get married. It will make the title even more special then. She will call me aunt-in-law also." A soft voice says from behind Marisol and I smile at the approaching figure of Linn Quing. The former actress.

"Hello Miss Linn, I must say you look more beautiful in person I am such a fan!" I say as she stands in our company, and I mean every word I say. Honestly, I always wondered how this family was so fortunate to have two wonderful and capable women as the daughters-in-law. It's too bad one of them lost her life early on, perhaps I can prevent that this time. I am changing the flow of things, aren't I?