

'What does it feel like to be rich?' I have always wondered, 'what would it feel like to be able to walk into a store and just buy stuff without bothering about the price, spend so much money but not care about it ever running out?'If it means inability to make my own decisions then… I would still probably choose money but I wouldn't like it. I feel so bad for Asher, as a stranger watching how uncomfortable he looked at that dinner yesterday you would swear he was sitting with only a bunch of strangers.

"Sabine" Florence called for me and I rushed over to her.

"Yes ma'am?" I replied

"Take this to the young master's room, he has requested for a cold beverage," she said.

"Certainly," I replied, grabbing the tray from her hands, my honesty intention was to simply follow instructions, drop off the tray holding the cold glass of iced tea. But since I have come into this house when have I done anything according to plan? As I walk in I notice a very fit, very shirtless man on the balcony, and what was worse he was sweaty and lifting weight. There are a number of things that are just wrong with this situation, but he ticks all of my boxes yet again I remind myself, there are many fairy tales in this world but I am not one of them. Neither do I intend to be.

So I drop the tray and turn to leave but it's this house, seems to be walking against me, stumbling against the edge of the bed I land on the floor with a loud thump. Unable to hope that he didn't notice because it was so loud I hoped the entire residence wasn't listening I simply turned around to watch him approach me. And he was wearing the worst smirk on his lips as he approached me like he knew he was hot and he was wallowing and basking in his glorious features. Should I describe his features? Goodness, I did not need to see this, you would never know he looks like this underneath his clothes. He looks lean and due to his height very tall but now walking to me as he was I was literally drooling. Every part of him was perfect, well-defined muscles divided his flat belly into eight sections, his waist was even probably slimmer than mine was, and with all this, he still had a very visible very defined v-line that creeped out from above the band of shorts.

"Are you okay?" He asked stretching his hand out for me to take, ugh! I hate the way I'm reacting to him. You are already hot do you have to be nice as well? For crying out loud I am only human!

"Y-yes!" I stuttered accidentally slapping his hands away I got up immediately and wiped off my skirt. "I'm fine" I affirmed when he gave me a disbelieving look. "I'm okay really, I'm sorry for the situation I caused please forgive me." I lower my head as I recite the statement of apology Florence made me cram for situations like this. I hoped I sounded sincere because I didn't feel sorry, I felt pain and I didn't understand why I had to apologize for falling.

"You don't seem sincere, when you apologize you should look the person in the eyes, maybe that why I don't feel your sincerity." He replied and my eyes shot up at him and I knew I was glaring but I didn't know how to stop.

"You need to see my sincerity?" I scoffed. "Do I still need to be sorry even after hurting my ankle?"

"You see, I was right, why are you apologizing when you don't feel sorry?" He asked. "I don't know about you but it seems like deceit to me." He stated bluntly, his gaze lowering to my ankle. Before I could reply he walked away into his wardrobe.

Sighing, I hopped towards the door and began to limp out of the room when his voice stopped me in my tracks. "Where are you going? Sit down before your ankle swells." He orders taking my arm and leading me to his bed.

After the brief daze, I come back to my senses and pull my hand out of his. "You don't have to do this, I'm not that hurt," I say.

"Don't argue, sit. You already said your ankle was in pain" he replies absentmindedly, grabbing both my shoulders and sitting me on the bed. Before I can stop him he grabs my ankle and with his elegant hands he pulls out my kitten heels. The sharp pain that shoots up my leg causes me to wince. "Ah… I see you're lucky, you'll live it did not sprain." Grabbing the numbing spray he looks up at me. At first, it's confusing what he wants but when I look back down at my pantyhose I realize the problem. Pulling my leg backward "it's really not that bad" I insist.

But he is not having it, pulling back my leg he grabs the tights around my ankle with two fingers, and with two fluid movements, he rips a hole into it.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?!" I scream.

"Shh!" He reprimands me instantly, "I cannot apply the spray with that in the way, besides it's just tights you can always replace it but you would have to walk on these legs throughout today."He explains but still… I still think he has just gone too far. Without giving me a chance to complain he sprays my leg and wraps a thin plaster on the area, setting my foot down after he was done.

"I already ripped the tights, it's only right that I finished the treatment. You can go in there to take it off" he gestures to his bathroom. "I have seen other maids without them so you should be fine without them right?" Without waiting for a reply he grans his iced tea and walks back into the balcony, leaving me alone. Sitting on his bed in a daze.