Don't cross the line.


It's infuriating, watching her smile and sweet talk to my family members. But at least I can be glad she is expending her efforts elsewhere. Until…

"What are we doing?" My father says loudly, "we've kept you two apart for too long come here, son. You two should get closer."

She glances at me then turns her head and laughs slightly.

"Come now Mr Quing there's no need for that. We have all the time in the world I'd rather use the time I have to get to know you first. You see I don't have a father, it's wonderful that you'll be coming into my life now." She giggles, tucking her hair behind her ears and staring downwards yet again. My jaw lowers at the audacity, just who does this bitch think she is? What, getting a new father? If she wants him she can have him but I'd rather die than share parents with her or anything else for that matter.

Eventually, the day grows brighter and then the bright and intense sun begins to dim and at this point, Isabelle has managed to win over, all my family members. Well, all except one, the family patriarch, my grandfather. That was the only that gave me the strength to withstand this day. She can sweet talk everyone here but those cheap tricks will not work on my grandfather. Think of the devil…

"What is going on here? Everyone seems to be having a good time." My grandfather says as he walks into the garden with his… wow this secretary still works with him. I remember him from fifteen years ago, that is a definition of loyalty right there. Before my grandmother or any other family member for that matter introduces her she steps forward with the biggest smile and the most innocent eyes bowing she greets my grandfather.

"Hello sir, I'm Isabelle Byun of Byun health plus. I have been waiting to meet you ever since my father wouldn't stop gushing about how good of a businessman you are." She stated but, my grandfather said nothing, not initially. watching closely I smiled, she might have had miraculous luck with my family members but she made a mistake with my grandfather. He wasn't one for useless ass kissers.

"So? I'm here now what do you want?" He asked bluntly.

"Eh?" She replied with raised brows. "You said you have been waiting to meet me, so? Now I'm in front of you what do you want?"

This is it, what would she say? I wondered although I am pretty sure at this point she will only crash and burn. So what if she won over the rest of my family? Grandfather is the only one that matters.

"I wanted to check something…" she began but my grandfather cut in, "what? If I was as good as your father said? Why? So you can marry my grandson and get access to, wealth?" He replied with a straight face, showing no emotion at all. That is it, grandfather, rip her apart and see the disgusting greed that lurks beneath.

"No, as you heard before I am a Byun and not just any Byun the heir to the Byun health plus group. I have so much money I can stop working and my grandchildren children wouldn't have to worry about anything. I came to check if you were as good a person as you are a businessman. My father also gushed about that" She replied still wearing that bright smile and those innocent eyes that only makes me more annoyed because I know it is fake.

Grunting my grandfather stepped closer to her "you are different from the rumours I have heard about you."

"Hey come on grandfather, you should know better than to listen to rumours, you are such a smart man aren't you?" she pouts oblivious to the shock caused to everyone else standing around her. Even I wonder, how can she be so brazen?


"Excuse me miss, can I have a word with you?" I say to the 'future daughter in law' as she walks oast to head to the bathroom. Turning to face me I notice an unfamiliar look in her eyes as she stares at me but before I can begin to understand it she masks it as smiles at me.

"Can I help you?" She asks as she faces me completely.

"Yes actually, I need you to apologise." I state bluntly, "If you apologise I'll let go of this quietly."

Her pink lips protrude forward after she swipes her tongue across them to wet them. As though she is trying to brag in front of me about her naturally pink and full lips. "I'm not sure if I understand you?" She says and I sigh, pulling out my phone I play the recording from earlier, focusing on the part where she called me a useless servant.


I notice that she was startled at first before she scoffed. "You are really brazen aren't you?"


"I mean you recorded that? Do you really have no fear or regard for your life?" She asked and I frown and step backwards.

"Are you threatening me miss Byun?"

"No, I'm simply stating facts, you shouldn't do that when you work in such a house, do you know what these people would do to you if they found out?" She says and it's my turn to scoff.

"So what now you care about my wellbeing all of a sudden? Who are you trying to fool?" I retorted.

"You think I don't, if I hadn't done what I did today, said what I said today" she steps forward. "Very much doubt you would still be here wearing that uniform demanding an apology from me."

"I don't believe you, you would never do anything for anyone but yourself." I spit.

"Careful now, you shouldn't cross the line" she warns.

"Oh? I wasn't aware there was one, look here miss it doesn't matter your intention what matters is that you have defamed me and I can sue you for that." I reply and she laughs.

"You seem to know a lot about the law, do you? Fine, you should also know what will happen if you say or do anything against me, not only will you lose in court you will also lose this job. what then? Do you think you can fight me then? No right?" She asks, "f we are done here I need to use the bathroom. Believe what you want but I really did what I did to save you."